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Approved For Release 2008/09/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007900130003-1 LbbtriUAi luIr CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 25X1 COLMM East Germany DATE DISTR. 16 September 1955 SUBJECT 1, VEB Funkwerk Koepenick Personnel and NO. OF PAGES 30 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. was placed under the collective responsibility of a group of engineers. service with the KVP. The Amt fuer Warenkontrolle (Office for Goods Control) wanted to hire young mechanics who were offered an initial salary of 460 DME per month. In the field of orders for marine radio equ'jmea'i~ Production Difficulties 2. Specifications for the New Meddo Radar Device 'LACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C.. S1 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- 2. In March and early April, the situation at the plant was Lather confused, especially in the field of development work. Leading development engineers ought of going to West Germany. Many technici ,:the Koepenick radio engineering plant had alrea 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION engi West that a Muld be 25X1 orale among he work force and the small ed to make the work done at the radio englne"erln p~arit` unpro a. le. Development work on the Meddo equipment tment for "Technische Entwicklungsplanung" Deve 1 ~I iativ` fer, works directo established-A' was chief o e is probabl "Y', of the TE, reorKani 4. In early May, > }" a dismissal notices given morale of the workers and employees Improved. recruitment campaign for the KVP aid 25 young wor j$ appeared that the TEF (technical'; 1d be employed to capacity in 1 NAVY $ NSRB DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2008/09/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007900130003-1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/09/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007900130003-1 6. In A ril, work on the report of the ljddo equipment was to b ed. fields of development work the situation was still rather confused, partly because of the vacillating piiicies of the Ministry of the The report had been ordered by the Interior Mi but repore result of the first tests were to be completed in late February 1955. Development work on this equipment still had project No. K-5-28. it was inferred from a statement made b ngineers t ? S viets were interested in this report/ h % sed by the effici Interior. In view of this unsatisfactory stttation1 devel ,Lnt technicians" t r with the set. The tests,were also yield data for if ment of the antenna. By a Inter Ministry had no ecision on the project. Ma the design for d been completed and t itse to the British model Decca wps under construe nna was of the 8. According to a plan received ? / included 128,000 1 project I earmarked for use by the KVP a a visual indicator. to the building of two Mew ddo s building of these two sets was GVS and was followed by an exc this occasion, a maximum number of TET Depa roject No. e second item had on mark. Project No. K-5.?29 referred ter the K-5-28 prototype,. Work on the in March. The sets were said to be were to be prov#ded with 9. In April the security regulations in force for the development of the Meddo equipment were tightened. The new pland and the last results of tests were made known only to a small circle of experts of political reliability. The records related to the further development of the equipment which were bein g kept under reference No. K-5-30 were only accessible to Scheuer, Mundte, Scheil, Ebert and -some leading development engineers., All the records were treated as classified material. Approved For Release 2008/09/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007900130003-1 5. The pr of the` eloped Meddo set, an radar, ed at Koepenic "'*after the completion a minor cations were necessary after these tests1 oepenick radio engineering plant sug to the Memo set be subjected to = land tests at Approved For Release 2008/09/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007900130003-1 25X1 LAO. In the laboratories of the following information was availab the new a ddo set: a. The set will probably be equipped with two pu se-recurrence frequencies. One of these frequencies was fixed at 2,000c/s. b. Purposely,the maximum range of the set was limited to 12 sea miles. c. The greatest stress was to be r1.id on highest possible range measuring exactness. d. The equipment waj to be provided with two visual indicators, one e,, r. and lighter construction units. the p of t othe In A tc 1 11. Work on the manufacture of the high-po eivers~ which was discontinued in the winter of 1954/55ywas resumed i 1955. The calibration- voltrge regulator (Eichspannungsteiler " has been delivered to the Soviets. The calibration-voltage re by 31 April as scheduled, because I engineering plant, Approved For Release 2008/09/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007900130003-1 highest requirements of exactness, while the rve as rough indicator. ng condidered if it was advisable or not to have s transmitter-receiver u}lit into several. smaller