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Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500490003-6 CLASSIFICATION S:_C_R-E 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPO INFORMATION REPORT CD NO COUNTRY East Germa;~.y SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 783 AND 784, OF THE U. S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. CLASSIFICATION' S_E_C-R_E.-T AIR I(fLx I FBI DATE DISTR. 15 NO. OF PAGES ?'3 NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION r s c h u t z g e r a e t ) on the 3.2 ntimeter * gti? . v or aepenick started * January 19.52. The development work-was carried out by Depart'" headed by Dipl. Ing. Scheill (fnu). At meat TEkhich, in May 1955, was --sons worked on the completion of the developments l .Liy 111 G11 cL t'~~ Y4. U11G k~ ? ~+ j e are not enough skilled technicians tioned, the personnel now engaged in the development and cons ru the device are mainly engaged in completing the documentation of the device* a. 11UU1UU1, U for furthe to completing the two models men- t ction of 2. The first laboratory sample. of the device was tested several times in 1954. .This sample was equipped with -a parabolic mirror 'antenna with horn feed. This has 'the first type of Ira developed for the device. The followin ' Radar and l~nternla Deve7.o1?r ellt at. VED iu ict- erk Koeoenick owing p this time, the fol Dipl. Ing. Hasse (fnu) Ingl Simmich (fnu) Ing. Lingenfelder (fnu) Ing: Arndt (fnu) Ing. Scheuer (fnu) The completion date -set for the development work was the last quarter of . 1954; this date was met insofar as the development of the device was concerned. Testing of the device and construction of models, however, took longer than originally planned. At present two models are under construc- tion in D$partment TEA. By late May 1955, these two models were completed except for their sight devices. The final completion date for the two models was 1 June 1955 and tests were planned for late June 1955? model is supposed to be tested near the island of Ruegen; the second model will be tested after having been mounted on a fast Sea Police boat. Engineers Scheuer, Simmich and Lingenfelder have been selected to be pre- sent during the final tests of the models. It was originally planned to device in 1955 after the results of these final d ar further develop the ra tests are known. This plan of-further development, however, was cancelled rs? tt,P Ministrv of the Interior becauseeafter the STATE ARMY Ev _ Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500490003-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500490003-6 These specifications were met. However, durl September 1954, it turned out that the verticil 5 degrees was just sufficient for a 3,000-tone but too small for a fast Sea Police boat. The fore, instructed the development team to develop of this instruction which was transmitted to the * 4t *6 + cr, 't re-? a-noW antenna. On the strength enterprise by a representative of the Ministry of the Interior named Matthes (fnu)-.an official of the Sea Police), development of a new antenna was started. This antenna was of the cheese- btsfiortenschaoY:tetype, also equipped with a horn feed. Following were its technical specifications: $crizontal: Plus/minus 1 degree b. Vertical: Plus%tinus 12 degrees Anpassunga Prom the tt-ansmi-tier exit via an awatehraa ~rotation link to the antenna: 1.075. Antenna rotation link alone: 1.025, Nebenzipfel: More than 21 db. Construction of one model of this antenna type was completed 'ob 16 Y 1955. 'resting o1 this model had satisfactory results with the e% Nebenzipfel were bigger than required. This was caused i It of the alert set used for the antenna, incurred on the o,CUiOn of its . welding. a ry model of this type of antenna is now under construction, in "lob will be i by riveting. Galvanizing of the horn feed of an toom 4*1cantplast in Babelsberg. The I"- The impulse for the radar device was 40 kW; the completed model, howeve *0Y about 35 kW. The impulse width of the completed model was 0.5 *i4+?.etonds. The device has the following three ranges: Range I -? 150 meter to 1 nautical mile Range II? 150 meter to 3.nautical miles Range 111-150 meter to 15 nautical miles 4. lany difficulties were experienced with equipping the device with klystrons. In the oscillator of the completed device, a klystron type 723 AB was used. This kl.rtrs rl;n' tion Rican type with identical designatione It,a wit r -dewesen at Berlin 7tOberschoeneweide The first 15 samples of the imi- had 13 to 14 mW 5 _ 1es had about 10 mW 7 samples had 6 to 7 mW uired klystron power was 10 mW 1us Testing of the 15 'coos 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500490003-6 Approved For Release 2008/07/21 CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500490003-6 25X1 The sevem samplta with lass than 10 mW were returned I as unusable. Klystron difficulties clt:sridt ywt be considered as overcome. n the diode mix--stage p, detector type)l N 23 was-origirrally used. This American-type detector was replaced in December 1954 by detector type KD 1 which was constructed at VEB 'Werk fuer Bauelemente der Nachrichtentechnik (former Dralowid) in Teltow. type KD 1 is a ,n, imitation of the American type 1 N 23 and has the same elec- tri;al values. The Dralo,d iaazitatien detector, however, is not shake-proof ~'~:zu~lt t : +R #~ *jS4 the samples so far constructed are tot iitereidangeable because .t variations in their values. Of 50 im,ita4i daatscters de- 11g, e1owid in early 1955, only 8 samples could be uabad fear the 3.2 cen4imete.r wave length. Cutti f J t rom tie transmitter or from In early 1955, VEB Werk fuer'##i~ i **VW' 4r d the first 15 samples of nullodes. Their testing ;~. t d the following results: the receiver il- carried out b b aie.o46*. The required DurGhlass- daempfunrg2of the diodes was 7 QV` centimeter wave length, The remairr.r-had more than 1 db. were returned as unusable. 4 samples had 0.5 , db l 6 samples had 1 db. 5. From early 1955 .to late May 1955, the two enterprises mentioned, in Ober- schoeneweide and Teltow, have tried to improve the accessorydevices needed for smooth functioning of the radar device according to specifications. While the originally planned further development of the device in essential respects (i.e. different frequency, reduction of size and weight, etc.) was not considered possible as of May 1955, the Ministry of the Interior has ordered. that the following changes of the device be carried out after the testing of the two models now under construction gives satisfactory results: a. The near distance range of the device is to be reduced from 150 m to 20 m. This means that the intermediate frequency amplifier presently used (60 MEz frequency; 5 MHz band width; o.5 micro-seconds iarpulse width) is to be changed to 60 MHz frequency; 20 MHz band width; and o.l micro--seconds impulse width. b. In view of the fact that the Obersctioeneweide enterprise will probably not be able to ddl-ly r the high gliality nullodes required, the antenna is to be of tk-e Dv jtvrten kacirttg.13typ9 with separate transmitter antenna and receivi2.ng antenna. Coruaent : TEAT Consent Lite Ccr: ,ent: Doij 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA007500490003-6 25X1 f+l. }"? . ~ . - ..v .. -i. a ~.e. V B.SJ=? ;,_e- -Cent io meter ve Iea gth ;-41 \ $4k KGepenick q ~!as .o4t by.. -ep$y,?t- men M y 1 55~ s headed CLASSIF CATION CENTRAL INTELL1 OE .GE,CY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO, UNT ' '' asc Gerr;-:11 ry SUBJECT mar and .. ,~~ , f .. . o4nAEnna. Dovv1;.op2'J?`?t at 1! (5 IT ,TC ajf hVly rE.'?~3-C2 l.4.~tt t.; F. t. j*"i.2 .. PLACE ACQI fRE DATE OF INFO.. 'r"'5 D6cUd73 a^CC7S(L'tJ56C1: Rf+"Ai - Za r OF Tiles GJL) S 7 fv lTa ~ I6 FECW l7O Ti.~6, ATT1O1WhL OEF JS~ ~" %S. 1'TIS~ iBE'1l@tii0 OF T~7ZE 7$? _CT.ORII 743 G3pD DDII, t9F B:III Cs. II. 13DE. AS AP~EE?taEO: iTS'`? b SS6OV1 09 RL?tiE!- !TiOn OF IC392C7SGD 0 00 7MT 6AE1R ?S TO O5 RECL*d pg^ k tiCy 6I61AUTWORIZF'O !S PEO63 7r)E REagOlyEC79ON OF TI918 FO 1-5 ' m ust 0. F- 'FE PAC, ~S 3 is 18 UD'ILVAL rrE-lb IN? 'e`+?3 uPhont and 'aoyis t#'Yte,t- i, ~,. -L_ _ a a i~ d?_` - Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-00810A007500490003-6 Dip10 Ing, P_a'sse ('fnu) Ingo. aimmioh (fnu) his, .ng. 'Linge 'felde~r, (fnii Arndt` (fnu) Ingo Seheuer (fnu) . iueQ' the following persons worked on tie 1 for ''1 (gnu). At : , om as Harz .o : the. de relopmemt s The co...;psetiori da#e` eel- for the de i ' ve o r ir.t ?r : she is 1954; h :. date t ,: aparter of W ..~ insofar as the de? el~:pmert of the flsvic6: was eorPCerfl ct4 Testing f' the device and construction of models Gaowevern took longer than originally Planned. At present two models are tio~7 it De~aa~?tmerat z~A~ ~.under construe-, ..~aLe '~~' ~5 't"" o model were completed oxc131p"t', for their sight dev1o 50 The aina comp etie> da e 'f nodii s wFas a Tune 1955- and tests? were planned for late .12zrbo the two mow'a? ~s .S-QpP0GGd to be tested r^; zn the island e the second One model will be testod after havin2,t been mo-inter on a fast Sea Police boat. Engineers Scheuere Simmich and Lingonfelder have been selected to be pro- sent during the final tests of the models. It was Originally further develop the radar device in 1955 after the results of 'hese-final tests are known. This plan of further develop enta howeves?, was cancelled in May 1955 by order of the MinistrFr of the Interior because after the defection of Ing. R. Man-they (originally in charge a number of his chief cow:rorke:rsv there are not enough skilled technicians for further development. in addition to completing the two models men- tionedq the personnel now engaged in the development and construction of the device are mainly engaged in completing the documentation of the device. 20 The first laboratory sample of the device was tested several times in 19540 This sample was equipped with a parabolic mirror antenna with horn feed,, This was the first type of antenna developed for the device. The following specifications were adopted for this antenna: Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP80-00810A007500490003-6