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25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 SECRET CLASSIFICATION NOFORR COUNTRY Fist (iermaay REPORT TOPIC Dooborita airfield 25X 1 25X1 EVALUATION T IN I 25X1 DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED 25X1 DATE PREPARED 25 May 1955 REFERENCES PAGES T ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 1. Air activity and aircraft observed at Doeberitz airfield between 9 and 21 April 1955= 9 Aprilo At 1000, s Po--2 approached from the direction of Wildpark and then landed at the field. At 1035, an I1-10 took off, headed t?ward Schoenwalde and disappeared from view flying at an altitude of about 250 meters. The landing of this aircraft was not observed on the same day. At 1115: 2 Ile-lOs t?ok off at an intervai of about 800 metsra and headed toward Betzin,/Brandeuburg. At about 1600, the aircraft returned individually fr?m the acme direction and, shortly before reaching the airfield, dived from an altitude of about 500 meters down to 50 meters. Subaoqueatly, the aircraft made a sharp loft bank while climbing to about 500 motors, then flew one wide circle over the field and again dived over the eouth< western section of the field. Each aircraft made 4 dives. `i'he landings were performed betwseA 1618 and 1620 at an interval of about 800 meters. At about 1730, 12 I1-IOs approached in a wedge formation of 4 flights at sn altitude of about 400 meters from the direstion of Falkar~see. The distanoe between the individual flights was 50 to 60 meters end the interval 90 metora. The individual aircraft of the flights flew at a distance of ab?ut 50 motors and an interval of about 30 meterao Shortly before reaching the airfield, the formation dispersed and the aircraft landed individually within about 6 minutes and at intervals of about 800 meterao Immediately after the landing, thq I1-lOs were towed by Bulldog-.type prime movers into hangars 4b and 4a. It was not observed if the formation took off again.l 10 April. Nm air activity was observed at the field nor were aircraft ~a~rked thereo 11 April. Individual take-offs were made during daytime and at night. here was a 610 t? 710 overcast at an altitude of about 700 meters, intermittent rain and visibility of 6 t? 7 km. At 1030, a Po-~2 took off, headed t~ward Wildpark at an altitude of about 150 meters while disappearing from view. he aircraft returned from the same direction and landed at 1845. A!r 1100, 2 Po>2a took off at an interval of about 250 meters and individually headed toward Schoenwalde at an altitude of about 200 metora. Dstwoea 1800 a.nd 1802, 4 P?-2s took off at an interval ?f 150 to 200 meters and individually flew toward 1Pauen at an altitude of about 150 metsra while disappearing from view. Tho aircraft individually returned at an altitude of about 150 metsra between 1835 and 1839 and landed at intervals of 300 to 400 motora~ Fight Pe??2? praaticod night flying from 1855 to 22000 At the same time, 6 aircraft with sot position lights were alofto The average flying time was about 15 minutes. wring night flying activity, the talcs>off and landing strip was marked on both longitudinal aides by rod lights about 50 meters apart. A searchlight mounted on a truck was pissed at b?th ends of the runway, The two aearehlighte alternately illumi~-ated the runway, A rota a hli t boated about 3 km south of ni necirir+nTinni .5i'i.CRF.T 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 - Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 SECRET the field, was also in operation. 12 April. Between 1830 and 0100, there was night flying by 2 Po>2s which individually took off and landed and remained aloft for 30 to 40 minutes. The runway lights and rotary searchlights were in operation as on 11 April. 13 April. At about 1200, 5 P?-2s took off at intervals of about 250 meters and headed toward Nauen at sn altitude of about 150 meters while dissppe aring from view. The aircraft landed individually at intervals of about 400 meters between 1240 and 1244. One single-engine high??wing menoplsn~ approached from the direction of Plel,kensee at an altitude of about 250 meters and landed at 13300 15 April. At 1400, s Pe??2 landed after approaching from the direction of Sehoenwalde. At about 1715, a helieopter~ probably a type 32 approsohed i" at an altitude of about 200 meters from the direction of Wi~dpark, flying i along. the railroad line along the western edgy of the field approximately st the same speed as the Po?2 which flew in the d~reetian of lYsuen. 16 April? Between 1000 end 1600, 16 to 18 Il-?lOs practiced flying. There .. . _ . _ assembly and propeller hub. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 me o e rcr w ch were involved in air activity were towed by tractors from hsxgara 4b and 4o to s point about 70 meters in front of the doors of the hangarae Then, their engines were started axed the aircraft taxied under owx power tc the tske??off point. The alreraft mostly made approach flights over the southern aectio~a of the field and in particular over hangar 4s. They dived individually from a,n altitude of about 300 meters to 50 meterso Individual formati~la flights by 3 aircraft were also made. The aircraft did net assemble in flight..Formation immediately after the talce??eff but after a flying time of 5 to 8 minutes had elspsled. The forsation made the same exercises as the individual aircraft ~d approsohed the target at intervals of about 600 meters. The distance between the individual aircraft of a formation was about 30 meters and the interval about 25 meters. After the approach flight, the formation dispersed and the a~rcraft flew individually, The average flying time was 30 to 40 minutes. he aircraft landed in elements of two with an interval of about 800 meters betrnen the individual aircraft, Immediately after the landing, two 2-axle tank trucks moved to the aircraft and refueled them. A motor pump was fisted to the hose between the tank truck and aircraft nearer to the trueko he refueling of one aircraft lasted 9 to 10 mirnitea, while each tank truck wss operated by 8 men, 17 April. No air activit wss observed. 18 Aprilo There wss s 6~0 to 810 overesst at an altitude of 500 to 600 meters and gusty wand. Ome Pe?2 took off st 1100 and made lo?sl flights up to 1140. A Li-2 coming from the direction of Jueterbog-Wildpark landed st 1710 and again t?ok off at 1722 heading toward Falkensee. I9 April. Between 0800 end 0804, 5 Po-2a made individual take-offs at intervals of about 800 meters and headed toward Nauen at an altitude of about 150 meters while disappearing from view. There wss s scattered ceiling st an altitude of about 700 meters and good visibility. The aircraft returned from the direction of Nauen and landed at 0901. At 0810, 2 I1>~lOs individually took off and flew toward I~alkeiasee st sn altitude of about 400 meters while disappearing from view. Their landing wss not observed that day. From 0830 to 1600, local flying was practiced by Pow2s which remained aloft for 30 to 35 minutes. A total of 55 to 60 take-offs were counted. The aircraft landed in elements of two with an interval of about 800 meters between the two planes. Immediately after the landing, they were refueled by two 2?axle tank trucks which htd at their front side manually operated pampa fitted to the hose. The 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 SECRE7?~ 25X1 25X1 refueling of each aircraft required 12 to 14 minutes, About 8 men were employed on each tank truck. After refueling, the aircraft again took off. An exehang~e of aircraft crows was not observed, 20 April. Ao air activity was observed. 21 April. During the morming~ th?re were intermittent rain showers and the degree of cloudiness ahang~ed, At 0730, a Po-2 took off heading toward Justerbog. The siroraft was mot seen landing that day. Between 0830 and 1300! individual flights wars made by I1~10a whioh dived down at ground targets in the southerx section of the field from anti altitude of about 250 meters to 50 meterao The average flying tiros was 30 to 40 minutes. At about 0930 5 I1-lOs landed in succession at intervals of about 800 meters. Immediately after the landings the aircraft wets refueled by 2 tank trucks as on 16 April. After an interval of about 15 minutes, the first sf the 5 aircraft again took eff, At 1800, one Po~2 took off heading toward Brandenburg. he landing of this plane was not observed on the same day. 2, Prom 9 to 15 April, 18 I1-lOs with their noses pointing to the middle of the 25X1 field wars arked on the northwestern section of t 25X1 e r t ~Qt tieipate in air activity, ~etween 0700 and 0830 on 9 ft were warmed up, Om 16 Aprils ILLE GIB 2 es pointing tsward each other ware P field in fisst of the unloading trao e a rot were ne crop r air activity. 3. Richthsfen Kaserns. Riehthofen Kaaerns was sill occupied by about 2,200 men. Most of the soldiers frqusmtfmg the installation and the sentries posted in front of it wore black-bordered blue epaulets with air force insignia. The completed sections of the barracks installation north and west of the athletic field were still unoccupied Personnel who wars seen marching from Richthofen Kaserne to Dosberitz?~sgruad airfield for basic infantry training with carbines in the northern section of the field included 8 platoons ?aoh of 30 men and 12 groups each of 8 to 9 men at about 0930 on 7 pril~ and 5 platoons and 10 groups at about 0930 on I3 April, The Eld, all recruits'from 17 to 19 years old: and the instruction pereonnsl wore black-bordered blue epaulets including some with and others without air force insignias 4. Test stand. During the parted under review, intensive acti~y was observed on the teat stand for piston anginas in the area of the repair hangar in the northern section of the field. On some days test runs were made up to 0100. 5. Fuel shipments. At about 0900 on 7 Aprils one railroad tank oar was observed on the unloading track. The draining of fuel was not observed, At about 1600 on 16 Aprils the fuel of 2 large tank care on the unl?ading track in front of fuel dump 10 was being transferred to several tank trucks by means of hoses, 6. unloading operations at rail sidir~. 13 April. At about 1400, 15 boxes, each about 1.3 x 1 x 1 meter, and 12 wooden crates, each about 2.5 x 1 x 1.3 rosters were unloaded from 4 flatcars with sideracks and a sizeable number of crates, each about 3 x 1 x 1 maters SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0 SECFiET/NOFORiy` from a boxcar, were unloaded at the unloading track. The boxes and crates from the flatcars were 7. Vehicular traffic. During the period under review,. seen entering and leaving R~ehthofen Kaeern it about 1600 on 16 April, 2-axle truck immediately hauled to the workshop, while the eratis from the boxcar were trucked to Richthofen Kaserne during the afternoon, 19 April. At about 1600, tank, artillery and air force fatigue details, each of 40 men and ?fficer unloaded 15 railroad cars with coal, A new Soviet 2~+axle truck was parked nearby, 25X1 1X1 old two-axle Soviet trucks were 25X1 8, It about 1100 oa 9 Aprils two I1~?lOs er~Rseed over 25X1 Dallgow-Doeberitz railroad station. The aircraft had taken off from "'lstal. 9. ~ents? 25X1 The flatcars frsa Brandenburgr?lltstadt which arrived at Dallgew railroad station at 1417 on 31 1Qarch were leaded with 10 tank trueka including approximately 5 x 2~axle and 5 x ~-axle vehicles, At first, the shipment could net be unloaded in ~ustermark, at the spur track of Elstal airfield, because one gar of another train had been derailed during the shunting procedure in Elstalo Oa 17 April, a detail of soldiers wearing black-bordered blue epaulet loaded beards on 4 cars at Dallgew railroad station. 2'he shipment was bound for uerstenberg,~Havel. 25X1 10. It about 1$40 on 16 April, 8 I1-lOs practiced formation flying in 2 formations ?f 4 ever eeberitz airfield, 11, It 1800 oxi 16 April, an I1Briest to Doeberltz, 3. s~ECaET~ Comment. The tactical symbols observed c?nfirm that the ground attack 25X1 e t tra d t D t 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007100470005-0