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Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA006700230008-8 CENTRAL INTKILIGisNCR AG NCY INFORMATION REPORT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRE East Germany Exports from Eaat Germany to the USSR This material contains information aff( ling; tI National Defense of the United States wits,ir U. meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U ?.. Sees. 793 and 794, the transmission or revel ation of which in any manner to an unauthorizc person is prohibited by law. REPORT DATE DISTR NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENii REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) VIA oraanizationel exp-wt of STATE- A ARMY NAVY XWS FAIR F81 AEC Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA006700230008-8 Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-00810A006700230008-8 DIA workss~r'.tiia~a ` Munfacturad by ?els, . rfurt &.a, frftwt St ,tdard, Nakranstasdt Remy gels, Erfurt Henry Pe1a9 3rfurt Henry refs, &11t lierkzeugmaschinen-Fabrik Onion, Osra Werkzeugmaschinen-Fabrik Union, Gera Unspecified Unspecified Frits Heckert, gar1-larx-Stadt D=A 0aspecifiad Unspecified Un.peciR.d Une scifi.d Unspecii'irad Used Borisontal boring Mid ai1ling Plant Horizontal borigg and sill ing I.1 an t DwI ng and silting j-]ant Boring Machines 1nbrersal Milling tachines UnapecUled MagdsbuZg iutac1 s { l~atochree :. DU Nasobineo-lbaoart Lieblmecbt, Megdebnrg Lteblraech0, llagd berg Libimeobt, Mtgd.burg I.iebianeaht, l m ibirg Lt.blmecht, *Wdebu I Liebimecht , Mngdebu'g Mesddneq/ brik, Ball. Liebkr cht, debug Li.blmscht, Magdeburg 9tahlws*, Silbits lbatie~gia, Someberg Unspecified Oae1eeiiied ed Unj tied gnap"its ed OnspeMed Onspeaif ed Uns"cifL rting goners (Stuetsroliaa) Taco. presses Trade-supporting rollers Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-00810A006700230008-8 Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 SECRET! Page ? DIA Viaechinen-Export (cont?d) Manufactured by t+ r: cificd T",lalruann , Magdeburg Liebknecht, Magdeburg Dc:;upfkesselbau, Dresden Uznspecified Unspecified Thaelmann, Magdeburg Blschbearbeitungamaschinen-Werk, Gotha DIA Trans ortmaschinen Liebknecht, Magdeburg Waggonbau, Amnendorf Liebknecht, Madgeburg Liebkneeht, Magdeburg Schiffswerft, Oderberg Geraetebau Schoenbeck Liebknecht, Magdeburg Liebknecht, Magdeburg- Liebkneeht, Magdeburg Unspecified DIA Clods Synthesewerk Schwarsheide Grotewohl, Boehlen Grotewohl, Boehlsn Bans Buns Bone Bans Bans Buna Bunn Buns Track-sup rting rollers Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Double-flue boiler (Zweiflammrohrkes_el) Sig drill machines (Lehrbohrmaschinen) Tandem wire-stranding machine Plate-straightening machine (Blechrichtmaschine) Unspecified Unspecific d Unspecified Unspecified Radio installation for a cutter (gutter) Diesel motors Type 2 NVD 14 Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Refrigerator care 529,390 tons Fuel (Kraftetoff) Ti 367,730 tons Aviation gasoline (Avid-Bensin) 42,390 tons Aviation gasoline Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 DIA Chemie (ccnt'd) 21anufactar od b- ;nsueci fied Jnspecified Unspecified fauna Stickstoffwerk Piesteritz ituna Burr, Buna Buna Burt Unspecified Unspecified Synthesewerk Schwarzheide 531,090 kg Diesel fuel 512y901J kg ilolvent (Loesungsmittal ) 501,960 kg Solvent Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Angnonium sulphate Fuel 524,150 tons Solvent DIA Elektrotechnik Dieselmotoren-Work, Schoenebeck Liebknecht, Magdeburg Liebknecht, Magdeburg lektrokohle, Lichtenberg Elektrokohle, Lichtenberg Elektrokohle, Lichtenberg Unspecified Kabelwerk Oberepree Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberepree Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberepree Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberepree Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberspre Kabelwerk Oberepree Kabelwerk Oberepree Kabelwerk Oberepree Diesel direct current installations (2) Diesel electric stations (Elektrostationen) Diesel electric stations Silicon carbide heating rods (Silitheizstaebe) Silicon carbide heating rods Silicon carbide heating rods Copper enameled wire (Kupferlackdraht) Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Copper enameled wire Torfkabel Torfkabel Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 ?age Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-00810A006700230008-8 DIA.Elcktrotechnik (cont'd) Manufactured b Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Obarsoree iabalwerk Oberspree ,iebknecht, i'iagdeburg Tdebkne cht, Magdeburg "'iebknecht, Magdeburg Liebknecht, Magdeburg Kabelwerk-~- Kabelwerk Kabei work Kabelwerk Unspecified Unspecified' Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified ;eraetewerk, Karl-Mark-Stadt Kabelwerk Oberspree Kabelwerk Oberspree Liebknecht, Obereehoeneweide (TRO) Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspeified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Tuh& cable (Schlauchkabel ) Tug., caole Tur, , h i-e Un:; ;cified Unified Una.,- cried Uns:,: cif ied Un:;u eci f ie d Unf ecified Un~y cified Urt, c~.fied Silicon carbide heating rods Silicon carbide heating rods Silicon carbide heating rods S-Lo. -.on carbide heating rods Direct-current installation Direct-current installation 8 Diract-current installation s Unspecified Unr~ified Unsnecified Unspecified Tube cable Hih-tsion cable (Starke tromkabel) Hitj;- tension cable Inapec tion cable (Kontrellkabel) Tube cable Tune cable Tube cable Tube i,a bl=- Tuh cable Hirai-tension cable SiL;,al cable (Signalkabel) HiEh-tision cable Hi:n-tension cable Cat: _,- for weak currents (Fernmeldekauei) Inspection cable i'ao.e 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-00810A006700230008-8 Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 Fag, SECR T/ DIA Elektrotechnik (cony Manufactisred 5y Unspecified Jnspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified DIA Cliemieausrustungen Unspecified Unspecified Maschine-Fabrik Aema Liebknecht, Magdeburg Unspecified Maschinen u. Apparate-Bau, Stassfurt Masehinenbauwerke, Rudisleben Maschinenbauwerke, Rudisleben Barthel & Hasse, Poessneck Liebknecht, Magdeburg Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified ed iLci rLed Maschinen-Fabrik, Heidenau Maschinenbau, Grim a Unspecified 'Tnspecified Signal cable Cable for weak currents High-tension cable High-tension cable High-tension cable Dies el electric stations Diesel electric stations Diesel electric stations 400 perforated galvanized steel plates 300 pe rfb rated galvan iz ed steel plates Unspecified Unspecified Kuehlautomaten (automatic refrigeration insta?.lation Carbonization tower (Karbonisationskolonne) DIABorKWU Unspecified SECRET/ Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 Condensor 1 Radiator 70 Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified nutoclaveec Valvee Unspecified Unspecif is d An~.rorl.~v~R.. Autoclaves Potash fertilizer salt Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 5--E-C-R-Z..T -7- Comment: The following is a list of the fu.1l names of the firms in the order in which they appear in the report. VAB Schwermaschinenbau Henry Pels Erfurt VEB Standard Markranstaedt Holzbearbeitungemaschinen, Markranataedt near Leipzig V&B Werkzeugrnaschinenfabrik Union Gera VEB Fritz-Heckert Werk Karl-Marx-Stadt V1O Sctrwermaschinenbau Ernst Thaelmann (formerly Krupp--O3ruscn) , Magdeburg Va Schwermaschinenbau Karl Liebknecht (formerly Buckau-- Wolf), Magdeburg V3 Maschinenfabrik Halle VE13 Stahlwerke Silbitz-Rasberg Vik3 Thuringia Feinkeramikmaschinen, Sonneberg VEB Dampfkesselbau Dresden-Uebigau VEB Blechbearbeiturngswerk Gotha VE;b Wagginbau Ammenderf, Halle V1yB Schiff.swerft Oderberg VEB Diesel:ri',c.3re,fiferk Schoenbeck VEL 5ynthesewerk Schwarzheide V9B Kjmbtnat Otte Uratewohl Boehlen VRB Chemische Werke Buna, Schkopau VEB Leuna-Werke Walter Ulbricht, Leuna EB 5tickstaffwerk Piesteritz VEB Blektrckohle Lichtenberg (formerly Siemens-Plania), Berlin-Lichtenberg VEB Kabelwerk Oberspree (KWO), Berlin-Oberschoeneweide v'r:B Geraetewerk Karl-Marx-Stadt Vk3 Trariaformatyrenwerk Karl Liebknecht, Berlin-.QJber,8choenewei.de (TRO) VF'i3 Maschinerrfabrik Nema Netzschkau VAB Mab::ilinen- rtr 1 Apparatebau Stassfurt V LB Chemische Maschinenbauwerke Rudisleben Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 3. Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 S-S-C-R-S-T -8- Comment. Probably VSB Slektrehohle Lich Siemens-Plania), Berlin-Lichtenberg. S-&-C-R-E-T nberg (formerly Approved For Release 2008/08/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700230008-8 25X1