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Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL,:` COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT VEB Carl Zeiss Optische Fertigung, Dresden-Reick DATE OF INFO. ACQUIRED v"hC DATE ACQUIRED This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission, or revel. ation of which in any manner to an'unauthorized person is prohibited by law. REPORTI DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES 20 May 1955 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. The Zeiss Optieches Fertigung Plant in Dresden-Reiok was located in a comp ex at buildings together with the VEB Zeiss 'Ikon pla ';;aii& the VEB Feinmaaaohinr- enbau,plant (see Attachment A). The Optiscbi Fertigung plant was formerly the Department 'for Optics of Zeiss Ikon before the Department was given, 25X1 along with approximately 4,0001 square meters of space in the Zeiss Ikon buildings, to Carl Zeiss-Jena in January 1951. The plant had 1a m,x9i capae ty.of 700-750 workers but employed only about 6350 percent of".ties- quota was produced. This was equivalent to an output of 5 million Dlr. The plant had twg main divisions - the Optical Department and the Vacuum Department. :The ma1'dl%ity of workers were employed in the Optical Departments the Vacuuta,epartment had only 15?20 employees. 2. The Optical Department produced the following itemtee a. Range finders produced for Carl Zeiss-Jena and optical plants in Dresden: 1) In 1953, 500 range finders were produced for China. These were rejected upon- delivery vynand wereereplaced awith aluminum parts The mountings were 2) In 1953-19549 100 parts for small range finders were produced for the VOPOQ Option were sent t, Freiberg where they were assembled. b. Objectives for various caneras were produced prrin nc~tll cfmrleti .-Jena. In 1954, 50v000 sets were manufactured: 35, p 15,000 supplied loose. c. An objective for motion picture cameras, the Pentovar lens, was a new development similar to the United States' Zoomaro The lens was developed at the DDRp 15 note Satellites. at the Optisohes Fertigung p . ' ._ CONFIDENTIAL x {x atnndistrlbution Indicated by "X"; Field distribution by Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 25X1 . Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 - l,Vi'W iLLdYl A.1t .. . - . - . . . .- 25X11 d. In 1954, 450,000 finder lenses were produced. e. Optics for simple TE-4 theodolites, except the prism and cross-hairs, were produced. Freiberg had previously produced these opticso f. Mirrors and prisms, with the exception of one type, were produced for the DDR. Approximately 300,000 mirrors for cameras, 35,000 penta-roofed prisms for cameras and 10,000 other miscellaneous prisms were produced in 19540 30 g. Production of filters had been retarded due to lack of glass which was supplied by Schott and Genossen. In 1954, only 35,000 out of a quota of 60,000 were produced. h. Other production in the Optical Department included: 1) Objective- and miscellaneous-type lenses; 2) Objectives for reverse screen projection; 3) Optics for special time-lapse cameras; 4) Special prisms for film cutting tables; 5) Goniometers. The Vacuum Department had been established originally by Dr. Paul Goerlich when he was. in Dresden prior to his deportation to the USSR in 1946. Goerlich maintained an interest in this Department and was primarily responsible for its present existence and activities. The Department was concerned princi- pally with' production of items developed in Goerlich?s laboratory in4elna. Alfred Hebenatreit was in charge of theoretical problems and Heinz Schoettner was assigned.the applied aspects of the work. In addition, approximately 15 women were employed on production tasks. Specific items produced in the Vacuum Department were as follows: a. Standard type photocells were produced for the TK-16 and TK-35 motion picture projectors produced by Zeiss Ikon. Photoma ls."for'medicil purposes (for blood and similar color or density deVermnatione) were also produced. Dr. Kroas (fnu) and Hauenstein (fnu), under Goerlich at Jena, were have developed these photocells and many of the other items produced in the Vacuum Department. b. Goerlich had developed an electron multiplier and had sent the specifi- cations to?Dreeden for test production. Only a few of the first 100 produced were ueuable.. By the and of 1954, approximately half of the production was satisfactory. Only lie type was produced,, Goerlich visited the plant to inspect the production and took units back to Jena for tests, c. Thirty five different types of radiation counter tubes were produced for the Transformatorer. and Roentgen-Werk in Dresden. The majority of these types were shown at the Leipzig Fair in the autumn of,1954. d. Work was scheduled to begin on an infrared image converter during the early part of 1955? The design for this tube was to come from Goerlich. The plant had produced similar image converters prior to 1945? In ? 1953,.all of the parts left over from earlier production at the plant were sent to Zeiss-Jena for inspection and analysis. e. Cadmium sulfide cells developed by Goerlich were placed in production in the spring of 1954? The crystals came from Jena-and were mounted in the usual way. Contacts were attached to the crystal by silver evapor- ation or sputtering. These cells.'were allegedly for infrared spectro- graphs. f. Barrier cells for light meters had been in production for approximately,: 4s two years. This was an overflow production from Jena. CONFIDENTIAL, Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 3. d. In 19549 450,000 finder lenses were produced. e. Optics for simple TE-4 theodolites, except the prism and cross-hairs, were produced. Freiberg had previously produced these optics. f. Mirrors and prisms, with the exception of one type, were produced forted the DDR. Approximately 300,000 mirrors for cameras, 35,000 p ed- prisms for cameras and 10,000 other miscellaneous prisms were produced in 1954. g. Production of filters had been retarded due to lack of glass which was supplied by Schott and Genossen. In 1954, only 359000 out of a quota of 60,000 were produced. h. Other production in the Optical Department included: 1) Objective- and miscellaneous-type lenses; 2) Objectives for reverse screen projection; 3) Optics for special time-lapse cameras; 4) Special prisms for film cutting tables; 5) Goniometers. The Vacuum Department had been established originally by Dr. Paul Goerlich when he was in Dresden prior to his deportation to the USSR in 1946" Goerlich maintained an interest in this Department and was primarily responsible for its present existence and activities. The Department was concerned princi- pally with production of items developed in Goerlich?s laboratory in Wena. Alfred Hebenstreit was in charge of theoretical problems and Heinz Schoettner was assigned the applied aspects of the work. In addition, approximately 15 women were employed on production tasks. Specific items produced in the Vacuum Department were as follows: a. Standard type photocells were produced for the TK-16 and TK-35 motion picture projectors produced by Zeiss Ikon. Photeeills for medical purpose,, (for blood and similar color or density determinations) were also produced. Dr. Krona (fnu) and Hauenstein (fnu), under Goerlich at Jena, were believed to have developed these photocells and many of the other items produced in the Vacuum Department. b. Goerlich had developed an electron multiplier and had sent the speeifi- uatoons to Dresden for test pruductiono Only a few of the first 100 produced were usuable. By the end of 1954, approximately half of the production was satisi"aotorya Only one type was produced? Goerl ch visited the plant to inspect the produc t?,i..un and took units back to J'ona for tests c. Thirty five differ t typou of radiation ccount 3 tubes wore produced fur the Trariaformatorea :, cnd Roentgen-Werk in Dresden, The majority of these types were shown at the Leipzig Fair in the autumn of 1954,, d. Wo%46 was soheduled to begin on an infrared image converter during the early part of 1955,, The deal uu for this tube was to come from Goerlich. The plant had produced similit ? imm ge converters prior to 1945,, In 1953, all of the parts left over from earlier production at the plant wore sent to Zeiea Jena for irspeoton and analysis,, e. Cadmium sulfide cells developed by Goerlich were placed in production in the spring of 1954. The crystals came from Jena and were mounted in the usual may. Contacts were attached to the crystal by silver evapor- ation or sputtering. These cells were allegedly for infrared spectro- graphs. f. Barrier cells for light meters had been in production for approximately two years. This was an overflow production from Jena. CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00810 A006700130003-4 CONFIDENTIAL Attachment A - Power plant Lumber Yard for Zeiss Ikon 0 Streetcar barn At VEB Feinmaohinenbau Bt VEB Zeiss Ikon Ct VEB Carl Zeiss Optische Fertigung LOCATION OF BUILDINGS OF T ESDENRLLIZEISS OPTISCHE FERTIGUNG PLANT, DR CONFIDENTIAL, Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006700130003-4