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Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 ULA tut i.AfN1Y - -u-r-.~-1' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR1 INFO i TtON RE PMT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany DATE DI STR. 23 May 1955 25X1 SUBJECT Development of Hydroacoustic Equipment NO. OF PAGES 2 PLACE at VEB Funkwerk Koepenick NO OF ENCLS ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. . . (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. V Thus 10081111'i41OITAtIR.lI llSN AN7CTIR0 T ll OIITt01W.OSFINU 1MR WIITiR ITMIS, Ie1 111 Till Ilhui O/ TITER IS.,UCTIOR$ 78$ THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. >ri~~MllA projects to be 1TIti4 k an ! i~? >iM~MM~I. 49 Development Field II at Funkwerk Koepenick in 1955 included: a. Multi-d' eetion sonic depth finder (Rundecholot). Ing. Willy Engel was in a ge of the project. In December 19) Jig made eiperiments with 25X1 sweep generator with time delay to tong, ft transmitter unit. The instrument operated on a frequency of 14 and was designed for horizontal and vertical sounding up to a ante of 8 km. The major _.problems which ed serious difficulties was the linear charging of a condense period. The oscillator system of the sounding devi sed cf four individual oscillators arranged on a be extended and retracted from the bottom of ships and rotated when in operation. All records on the project were secret. Several days before Christmas 1954, a representative of the Ministry of Interior visited Engel and checked the development status of the sonic depth finder. He was unsatisfied with the slow progress and demanded that the activities had to be accelerated and completed by late 1955? In late December 1954, the project for which funds of 100,000 Eastmark had been planned for 1955 was allegedly cancelled by another department of the Ministry of Interior. b. Electronic sighting device also called fish detector. It was planned that a preliminaryseries of three units be built and that the basic records for the production be completed. Based on the results obtained in sea tests, the instrument was to be improved and made ready for production. c. Fischlupe_ The activities planned were the same as for the det4cting device reported in paragraph lc above. d. S6n&c depth finder for sh,llow waters. An operational model was to be built. e. Development of oscillators. The materials were to be tested for their magnetostrictive properties and an output meter for the testing of the oscillators was to be designed. It was also planned that tests be made with Manifer oscillators. ILLEGIB ILLEGIB+ Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 25X1 t Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 E. Development of a light sonic depth finder. 2. By early January 1955, the Ministry of Interior had ap~reved the follcwin,; %rojects. a. Transfer of the . -ischlupe`" from development to ;,production. b. Development of a light sounding device for small fast vessels of the sea police. c. Development of an oscillator d. Development of a sonic depth finder for shallow waters. 7m 3$ fta ?xpected that until ,-:bout March, many plans would be changed a 4i celled or approved, the cancellation of the development of I d i rection sonic cbpth finder was not considerel fja&1. This c.nfusion was a result of different decisions made by the plaaaiia on one hand and the financial departments and material super ow the other. Valuable time will pass before these are Ste; this reason some engineers at TEN 3 Laboratory hd ork by early J a" played cards. Basic changes in Ii'OW nizational setup w zed for 1955. Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT COUNTRY lAst Gerrany SUBJECT Develorment of tiytiroacoustic equipment aL V1 B runkwerk rtioerenick PLACE. ACQUIRED DATE 1F INFO T 91L o s UJl M. ti.iSTA1G'1 ? POS*TTe1 A00T1Cfl16 T1? IIAY O$A6 OtIN91 tf 1 99;t41 STAT61. WAX :N 7N1 1901" 00 11 . IS, WE:710Rt 70t Aau TAA. 01 IN1 U. 9. COOS. W A151110. 1197W1111sIIO6 O1 MVO1 ?Tlos or h9 co1Tpn we s? 0101107 p Al UNA91 osRt1 0119011 _+ r901p W7T1O 9r tAl 'ttt 1r11700011C71OO 00 511$ 791 IS -1011111T1- DATE DISTR. 23 Nay .1955 NO. OF PAGES 2 ~NU~S? sum SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION De?eiopinent proje!. 'be handled b,,r the TEN L'dro-Acoustic Laboratory of Development Field II at Funkwerk Koepenick in 1955 included: a. Multi-direction sonic depth finder (Rundecholot). Ing. .silly Engel was in charge of the project. In December 1954, he made ecperiments with sweep generator with time delay to control the transmitter unit. The instrument operated or, a frequency of .15 kcs and was designed for horizontal and vertical sounding up to a distance of 8 km. The major problems which Ircdicpd serious difficulties was the linear charging of a condenser wi th In a 25 second period,. The oscillator system of the sounding device was allegedly composed of four individual oscillators arranged on a plane which were to be extended and retracted from the bottom of ships and rotated when in operation., All records on the proje- were secret. Several dajs 'before Christmas 1954, .a representative of the :linistry of Interior vis?.ted Angel and checked the development status of the sonic depth finder.. He was unsatisfied with the slow progress and demanded that the activities had to be accelerated and completed by late 1955.. In late December 1954, the project for which funds of 100,000 Eastmark had been planned for 1955 was uilegedly cancelied by another department of the Ministry of Interior. be Electronic simhtin,- device also called fish detector, It was planned that a preliminary caries of three units be built and that the basic records for the production be completed. Based on the results obtained in sea tests, the instrument was to be improved and made ready for production. Fischluvee The activities planned were the same as for the detecting device reported in raragraph 1c above. d, Sonic depth finder for sh.alow waters. An operational model was to be built, e. Development of oscitlatore.. The materials were to be tested for their ma,;netustrictive properties and an output meter for the testing of the o.;,villators was to be designed.. Tt was also planned that tests be made with L;anifer oscillators. f' ,3~~elcpWer_t ryt an absolute speeaometer for wLA p3 CLASSIFICATION STATE ' X P!AW -~ X NSRQ E-0MTRIBUTION ARMY ..-....__ X A1R Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4 .?H re. i ,~ nt o2 a 1i~ht sonic L e-)t.h f 1n3 r, ea,i T nuary 1955, the ;::inistr of fmerit;r? r?- j ? ?rove?. ?i cl~ fG9_ Pischlu e fru;! i ~ e?r~iY,ic.nt to rc.:uctione 1)f` V C. 1. q .~, irl,~ dev1C'E' C,2. 2 c. J" - -` -11 :Si o:3Cillator dv Ieve1 r a scnxc death finder or si:a1jo: ,ce l t w_;. f~,' ncted that duntil r~ uu t arc i. : n;y` 1! -~~1 c.:z 4 c ti, ., ,f ?,1 a.,C'. nro ectS or P-,,,-)roved, the znceiiu,Tic-l c') 1 iJv,'l ,,t) t the tul~ ~,.c~ tiro-. 4 onic cep+.,,.. finde, was not arc s; } of different decisions made by the T~lunnin office;, :anc de' art eats Lurid nateriL 1 } i.y 434fices on will as,:: before these it?e +t!.ed:> ro,; at TEN S Laboratcr r:~4 no C,r i r, 195)' "r: t.a, .c. i cards: Basic ci any c-s n th, cr,;a.7j.zL iona.( :.E.1. eallepedly- 11a nc:. for 19,55 Approved For Release 2008/08/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400620002-4