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Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 CLASSIFICATION 0-04?,44-0~-" CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR (Della' >lssian Sat) S U BJ ECT Autoanobdle Works in ?U.nsk PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 9 Iagv 1955 THIS DOCUREIT CONTAINS IRPORNATIOS APRCTINS THhhATIOHAL DEPENSS Of THE UNITED STATICS. WITHIN THE NRANINS Of TITL4 is. SECTIONS 70$ ARS 754. Of THE S. S. CODE. AS ANRSOED. ITS TRANSNISAION OR RRVEL- ATIOR Of ITS CONTI11T5 TO OR RECEIPT ET AN ORAUTNORIZIO PERSON ti PRORIRITRD DV LAW THE REPRORUCTIOR OF TNli PONS N PRONISITED. REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (USTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION is being forwarded as received. CLASSIFICATION C-0-11-F-I-0-6414-1-A-L F45rRz,',-,Ty' ? NAVY x NSRB DISTRIBUTION A X FBI _ fl~ Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 it COUNTRY CLASSIFICATION C0NeILF 1aYAI Automobile Works in Minsk REPORT 25X1 25X1 SVALUAT8ON LACE OBTAINEM DATE OF CONTENT 17 :December 1954 REFERENCES PAGES 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) -4 - three sketches on ditto, with legend J;E1 ARKS 1. The Minsky Automobilny Zavod (Minsk Automobile Works) (MAZ) was located about 7 km southeast of Minsk, 300 - 400 meters south of the Mink Bobruisk highway on a secondary road branching off from this highway. The automobiles manufactured by the plant were marked by a leaping buffalo. The automobile works was connected to the Minsk - Bobruisk railroad line.1 A ball-bearing plant, an engine plant, a gun factory, an electric power station, and an oxygen plant were located in.the vicinity of the automobile works. 2. During World War II, a large tank repair shop was located on the premises of the installation. In 1945, work on the construction of an automobile factory was started on the site. Storage facilities for construction materials were set up in the area adjacent to` the site of the automobile works. Prior to 1946, Studebaker trucks, the component parts of which arrived from the USA, were assembled at the plant. The production of motor vehicles was started in 1948 or 1949. Most of the machinery used at the factory was dismantled German equipment or machinery deliverd on reparations. account. Some of the machinery was of American origin. 3. The factory area measured about 4.5 x 4 km. The plant consisted of the main workshop, housing all the departments required for the manufacture of motor vehicles and of the so-called "construction yard" in which all the materials required for the construction of the automobile' works were stored and prepared. 2 4. Two-axle 5-ton durp cars equipped with 6-cylinder Diesel engines and dual wheels on the rear axle were manufactured at the Minsk automobile works. The Diesel engines were delivered by plants at Yaroslavl, Leningrad, Gorki, and Stalino. In 1949, 3-ton 3-axle trucks equipped with gasoline engines were assembled on the assembly line. The 1949 output was estimated at 30-40x5-ton trucks and 100 trailers per month. A total of 1-q00 tr,icYs of CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 various types was scheduled to be manufactured in 1950. A considerable number of component parts of trucks was coniod from American models, such as brake units, re i.r axles which were similar to those of American 10-ton Lack trucks, and various other accessories. Sheet metal mats to be used for the crossing of boggy terrain were also manufactured at the plant. 3 5. The 1949 work force of the installation was estimated. to be between 2,000 and 5,000 civilian workers, half of them women. From 330 to 400 Soviet forced laborers and 400 to 1,000 ."Ws also :orked at the plant. The Soviet personnel :included few skilled workers and specialists, but many of the workers had been specially trained for the job. Prior t,o 1948, about 100 PNs were employed as construction and transport workers. Vork was done in three 8-hour shifts. Pitts, apprentices and office workers in addition to some production departments worked only one shift from 0800 to 1700. The installation-owned a '.;.ore for apprentices and a, special apprentice workshop with 100 - 150 apprentices were trained for two years. :cost of the apprentices viere 14 - 15 years old. They were liven free board and lode; n and received some pocket money. 6. The entire factory area was su' rrounded by a 3--meter board fence to.1ped by several strands of barbed wire. watch towers wAich were occupied day and night were also seen. In 1949, the automobile works was warded by about 30 factory police inci .cir 20 women. All workers employed at the installation had special -oa. ses with photographs. The forced laaorers employed at tG works were kept separate from the civilian workers. The new workshop for the production of tanks which was erected in the southe.r.a portion of the factory area was :strictly guarded. 1, Corment. Fo location of the iiinsk oobile 'i arks, see Annex 1. 3. Comment._ For layout of the Automobile vork:,a, see Annex 2. JComm Y For sk e ch o.f the sheet ri eIt a1 mats gin: uiufac Lured. in ;dinsk, see n?inex 3. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 COIN i'ID.;''r"i'.L(,i. Anne-, 1 25X1 Le-e 1 Tractor p1lant < Poev+arr station + t best plan 4 Oxygen 5 , Gun f'L.cfory Engine works P~ camp 8 Settlement 9 %IAZ automobile work Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 /7(r to._110CC/C Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Ls4vout Sketch of the MAZ Automobile Vorks in Minsk ere d. 1 - Bicycle shop 2 - ;,uartering facilities for guard personnel 3 - Guardhouses at gates 3a - Watch towers 4 - Temporary storage sheds for machinery to be installed at the plant 5 - Power station, destroyed during the war, reconstructed in 1948 and 1949; a single-story building 60 x 80 meters. A new annex had two stories. A low and a high smokestack were available. 5a - Coal dump 6 - Assembly hall, about 400 x 50 meters. The shop had five bays each measuring about 80x30 meters. An assembly line was available in the shop which also included an inspection station. a paint shop, and a drying plant. The individual parts required for the assembly of trucks were manufactured in the individual bays of the workshop,. The following bays were available: a. Pressing; shop equipped with six or seven hydraulic presses about 10 meters hish and capable of pressures of 30-40 tons and 80 tons. The presses had been dismantled at the Wanderer-Audi Works at aiegmar in Saxony. Several traveling; cranes with a lifting capacity of 20 tons were also available. The sheet metal beds of dump trucks were pressed at this department. Fenders,. engine hoods and roofs for driverb cabs were manufactured at another department of the shop. 'Nheel nuts and bolts were manufactured at a third department. Sheet metal mats to be used for the crossing of boggy terrain were manufactured at the punching department. These mats were made rustproof by a specied process. b. Assembly of trailers. The department was equipped with numerous lathes, most of them of German origin. c. Department for component parts. The dep2rt:ientl was subdivided into four sections in which differential gears were manufactured, assembled and checked. Component parts of compressors for Diesel engines were also built there. The under: names for trailer:; were welded, wheels were mounted. on axles and ;,;heel hubs were munufactured. The department was equip-ed with a large number of milling and grinding machines, shapers, beach planing machines, boring machines, and lathes, mist of them of German origin. iachinery of the ;Panderer, .drennabor and :Torch Korks were observed. Ten annealing furnaces lelivered by the Opel Works were available in the annealing depsa,-went. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 C0iL?L,i:..Tl L d. :,anufacture of chassis. Rivets and screws were manufactured and chassis assembled. o. Experirilental department. Special screws were manufactured and American autoriobiles copied. The department was to be, provided with an assembly line. 7.' Locksmith shop, a stone building; with a vaulted roof, about 20 x 50 meters, built during the Gsrin n occupation. The shop was equipped with lathes and varioas other machines used in locksmith shops. 8. Foundry, a newly erected single-story building about 50 x 60 meters. The shop was equipped with several founding furnaces. Parts of brake units, brake shoes, wheel hubs, light-metal bearings, component parts of lifting and dunpint devices were manufactured. 9. Motor vehicle repair shop, two brick buildiil;s with wooden roofs, built durin; the German occupation. Studebaker, Ford, and ZIS cars were repaired there. 10. Boiler house and drying plant, newly erected, single-story brick building about 20 x 30 meters, serving as carpenter shop. 11. Locksmith shop, brick building with a vault roof, 20 x 50 meters, built by the Geruans. 12. Carpenter shop and drying plant, a wooden building about 100 x 30 meters, built by the Geri.~~ils. Trivers cabins and accessories for trailers were maxlufacturecl hs:ce. 13. Large locksmith shop, sin,31e-story steel s:cele'~on building about 350x100 meters. The building was declared Off Limits to German PWs in July 1948, allegedly, because presses for the manufacture of tanks were set up there. Several travellinf cradles having a lifting capacity of 40 to 50 tons were observed. Desi6ne bureaus and office rooms were also available at the shop. 14. Large workshop Linder construction. The steel .frariework of the shop was completed in November 1949. The building was said to be connected wits the lsr&e locksmith shop (lteir_ 131 15-and 16. p 0:',''; }Pops under GOn truOfiQ21. 17. to 20. 'y,'orkshops unde construction. ?ork on the erection of these shops was ..tarter: in late 1949. 21. to 35. Building yard. 21. Repair shop for US vehicles, a woolen building; about 100x40 meters built by the Germans. 22. Dump of iron parts. 23. Temporary wooden buildings built by the G ~=iano housing punching machines, automatic plate cutting machines of Gorman origin. 24. Saannill, a steel skeleton building; erected in 1948 and 1949, equipped with 3-10 frame saws of various tyyes. A small workshop was attached to the sawmill. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 COX.Ifl .NT1:;J. 25. Boiler house and drying slant, equi ;fed with dr,ring chambers, wood working machines, and various benches. 26. Welding shop equipped with traveling crane. 27. Carpenter shops, 'temporary wooden bu.i1, ir_, s ereci;ei duriakg the German occupation. 28. Lumber yard. 29. Camp for about 500 Soviet young people. 30. Storage facilities for construction, r aterials 31. Temporary wooden buii: ing, a !uechanical t:orkshoi, serving the construction yard 32. Manufacture of ventilation plants, heating installations, and hot air plants for the automobile factory. 33, Storage facilities for construction ,aterial and iron. 34. Slag brick works, about 50x30 meters, built in .1947 and 1948. The installation was equipped with two large brick-forming machines, drying chambers, and two or three eha{Jng tables. Reinforced concre''-e slabs used for roofing purposes and for the construction of ceilings were also manufaotured. Slabs used for roofing purpc es ?re 8 cm thick and. measured 160x50 or 2240x50 ems. They had type designation R 1 - R 241. The second type of concrete slab was designated PR, was 10-12 cm thick and 200 - 400 x 30 40 cm. On the average, 300 - 500-R slabs and 50 - 60 PR slabs :!ere mart factured per day. The dabs were used for the construction of workshops at the MAZ plant. 35. New workshop 36. Fence 37. P%"' camp Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0 CONFIDENTIAL Annex 3 Sketch of sheet metal mats manufactured at the MAZ plant in Minsk 4-L L{~ ~ L~_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6~ 1~ 9 L4 9 LL A t7 0 0 p 0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400570002-0