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Document Release Date: 
August 25, 2008
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Publication Date: 
April 8, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400120004-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT A 96, C-R'.Lr-T DATE OP MOO. PLACE ACQ ND East Germany Progress Russian Military Vehicle Plant, East Berlin Tile ..w- ...w.. l.bwR.w awM.s w nk- dead own" of as e1M.d elrlr SUM an ....- an of w a-l.-.e. Smp% Uft Ri. *&A. am 10 .MMwtw r-al"Ma of coo 1. .q M W W MIIMlr.1~t R.~a r /06000 i!I w. REPORT DATE DI$TR. 8 April 1955 NO. OP PAOII 2 REQ(REMENT NO. RD TN ROUICI EVALUATIONS Md FM RwORT AN ee-1N1TTVL THE APPRMRAL OF CONTRN- M TRNTATTVI. (TOR KM ON Mum There now appear to be 23 Russians employed at the Progress Russian Kllitary Vehicle 5 Colonels 1 Lt. Colonel 7 Majors 1 Captain 2 Lieutenants 1 Sergeant 2 Enlisted men 4 Civilians All military personnel weer transport insignia. The enlisted boards with red piping. 2. Known names of officers are: men veer black shoulder Chief of the plant - Col. Aashkovski Political officer - Col. Sulemov (phonetic spelling) Motor construction section - Raseisov (as written) 3. The former chief of the garage Capt. Sofrnov sio) Ybewn transferred to fttedam. 4. The plant no longer overhauls Chevrolet motors but overhauls Diesel engines. Several new engine testing beds have been set up for this purpose. 5. The January 1955 production plane are as follows: a. Now Production: ZIS engine blocks Dutch engine blocks Drilling machines 650 80 10 .TATL ARMY NAVY x AIR x /el. ALC (NOTE, We#Agfta .M.* WN@.1./ by 'TN/ f..N MWAWW IV -#-j Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400120004-7 Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400120004-7 ZIS 5 cylinders 1,000 Willya cylinders 1,000 Studebaker cylinders 1,000 Studebaker Cardan shafts 500 Studebaker seats 500 Willya seats 500 Willy cabins 50 Studebaker half shafts 1,500 ZIS 5 brake drums 500 b. Overhauling: Engines total 350 of these 12 diesel Buses 3 Turning lathes 8 Cutting lathes 4 Drilling machines 20 Grinding machines 2 c. Conversions: Willya to ambulance 15 d. Construction: Ambulance on GAZ 51 chassis 20 6. Loadings Railroad to Ketachendorf, 7 January 1955 1 car with 80 weighing machines and 100 jacks 1 car with 100 ZIS 5 engine blocks 1 car with 25 work benches To Brest, 17 January 1955 1 oar with 100 Studebaker engine blocks 1 oar with 100 ZIS 5 motor blocks 1 oar with 100 boxes, Studebaker Carden shafts 1 car with 100 boxes, Studebaker half shafts 1 car with boxes, spare parts 7. As of 22 January 1955, there have been no dismissals in the Progress plant and West Berliners who work there have experienced no difficulties. Next door to she Progress plant, however, there is a transformer factory from which over 20 workers have been dismissed. These workers are not of any particular age group; they are all living in the Soviet Zone. 8. There is a strong rumor in the Progress plant that all workers living in the Soviet Zone will be dismissed from the plant effective the and of February, and they will have to report for work on farms or with the KVP. 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006400120004-7