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Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 CIUNCOD UNCODED COUNTRY East Germany KIPwT TOPIC Military Activity in the Area sF the Fourth (Ida Nees Arai _ 25X1 EVALUATION DATE OF CONTE DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES PAGES. 5 ENCLOSURES (NO. & T~W) REMARKS 25X1 1. From 3 to 14 February 1955, the Luftnaohrichten Kaserne (4241) in Bernau was occupied by about 2,500 soldiers who wore red-bordered black epaulets, most of them with tank and artillery insignia and some with motor transport insignia. Some of the soldiers wore black or blue-bordered black epaulets. Large weapons observed included one tank, probably a JS-3 and one 12a-mm field howitzer. 2. There was intensive training activity. About 200 soldiers, including some with gasmasks, were engaged in drill and firing practice. The main training was apparently held at the Sohoenow training grounds. 3. From 3 to 14 February, the army clothing depot I (4244) in Bernau was occupied by 2,500 to 3,000 soldiers who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery, signal or motor transport insignia. Large weapons seen at the installation included: CLASS111 -- - Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 nATe PRFPA`ID 4 March 1955 25X1 ;yC-25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 S-E-C-R_E-Ta 30 motor vehicles including at least 10 rocket launchers, 30 guns of an unidentified type, 20 x 100-mm AT guns, about 20 x 85-mm AT guns, 2 x 57-mm AT guns and 20 caterpillar tractors. More than 100 motor vehicles were seen. The garages were occupied to capacity. 5. No heavy weapons were seen leaving the installation. Since 3 caterpillar tractors with 100-mm AT guns and 2 caterpillar tractors with guns were seen at the Schoenow training grounds, it was assumed that part of the unit stayed at the training grounds over night. 6. From 3 to 14 February, the SS pigeon station (4243) was still occupied by about 500 soldiers who wore red-bordered epaulets with artillery insignia. Eight 37-mm AA guns and six 76-mm AA guns were seen at the installation. 3 8. Major units were daily observed in the Schoenow training area. Some of them stayed there for sever pons seen there included more than 10 T-34/85 tanks , 2 x 85-mm AT guns, 3 x 100-mm AT guns, about 5 armored personnel carriers and 1 BA-64. 9. On 7 and 14 February, the Luftnachriwhten Kaserne (4241) in Bernau was occupied to capacity. The northern section was 100 percent and the southern section about 75 percent lighted gt; dualc nr thesqA dzLv~ On 8 February. a truck column including trucks Each truck was occupied by 4 to 6 soldiers who wore black-bordered red epaulets and carried light equipment. On 8 February, two T tanks and op ]A Febru two JS-2 tanks one assault gun and truck were seen in the area in front of the installation. 1 S-E-C-R-" 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2tiX- 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 S-T-C-R-P 10. On 7, 9, 10 and 11 February, army depot I (4244) in Bernau was occupied to capacity. 2 11. On 7, 9, 10 and 11 February, the SS pigeon station (4243) appeared to be occupied by a guard detail only. 3 12. The following observations were made in the Sc'ioenow training area; Daily from 0800 to 1500 on 7. 8 and 9 February. Driving practice with 4 to 6 tanks. From 2200 on 9 February to 0500 on 10 February. Continuous artillery fire was heard from the training area. 10 February. Jeepl land 12 trucks towing guns left the training area and went toward Bernau. 25X1 25X1 25X1 11 February. T-34/85 went from the direction of Schoenow towari25X1 Bernau. 4 13. The following observations were made at the Satzkorn railroad station: At 0355 on 14 February. A troop train consisting of an undetermined number of flat cars carrying 10 x 152-mm field howitzers, 10 caterpillar tractors, about 32 trucks, 2 repair shop trucks and 2 field kitchens, 11 boxcars with personnel, and 2 boxcars with ammunition, going; from 3ernau to Jueterbog. At M600 on 14 February. A troop train consisting of an undetermined number of flatcars carrying llxlOO-mm AT guns, 3 x76-mm field guns, 11 caterpillar tractors, 1 repair shop truck, 3 field kitchens, 1 motorcycle, and 20 trucks, 10 boxcars with personnel, and 2 boxcars with ammunition, going from Bernau to Jueterbog. 5 At 1830 on 14 February. Troop train consisting of 9 boxcars 25X1 with personnel and an undetermined number of flatcars was loaded with 3 JS-1 tanks, 2 M-13 rocket launchers, 3 M-31 rocket launchers, 1 armored personnel carrier, 4 repair shop trucks, 1 tank truck, 2 field kitchens, 1 sedan, 1 jeep and 20 trucks and was dispatched to Forst Zinna. 2 14. On 14 February. the following troop trains were dispatched to Forst Zinna at the Wildpark-Potsdam railroad station: At 1600. A troop train consisting of an undetermined number of flatcars carrying 10 T-34/85 tanks, 9 armored personnel carriers, 5 repair shop trucks, 4 field kitchens, 1 ambulance, 15 trucks, 2 sedans and 1 motorcycle, and 11 boxcars with personnel. 7 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300600006-3 At 2345. A troop train consisting of an undetermined number of flatcars carrying 19x2229mm field howitzers, 2 repair shop trucks, 4 field kitchens, 1 ambulance, 2 sedans, and 45 trucks, 16 boxcars with personnel, and 1 boxcar with ammunition. 8 15. From 7 to 12 February, the barracks installation northwest of Berliner Strasse (4741) in Prenzlau was occupied as previously. Four T-34/85 tanks and 1 JS-2 tank were seen there. On 7 February, about 120 trucks and 12 x 122-mm field howitzers were seen in the northern barracks yard of the barracks installation southeast.of Berliner Strasse (4742) in Prenzlau and about 20 trucks, 8 x 85-mm AT guns, 6 x 57-mm AT guns in the southern barracks yard. 16. About 200 soldiers were daily seen engaged in basic training at the installation and about 300 soldiers engaged in combat practice and training in groups in the training area on Sternhagener Weg and at the old training field. Two groups practiced putting on and off of gasmasks and galoshes and subsequently taking shelter under tarpaulins. 17. Five T-34/85 tanks installation. 18. The division drivers' school in the barracks installation southeast of Berliner Strasse conducted intensive drivers' training. Tr yaks ore 4--luded motor vehicle observed UNCODED 1. Comment. No substantial changes were observed in the Luftnachrichten Kaserne 4241) in Bernau. 3. 4. 5. Comment. Rocket launchers were observed in the army clothin 25X1 depot I (4244) for the first time on 22 January 1955. .25X1 Identification and subordination of this rocket launcher unit cannot yet be determined. The 30 guns of an undetermined type are probably 152-mm field howitzers which are known to have arrived at the 71st Light Arty Brig. Comment. No changes have been observed with the SS pigeon station 4 4 in Bernau. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Comment. The training activity corresponds to observations made 25X1 at other posts. Comment. The two trains are believed to have carried units of the 71st Light Arty Brig from Bernau which were transferred to the Jueterbog troop training grounds for firing practices. 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300600006-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3 6. (Comment. A tank firing detail of the 81st Gds Hv Tank SP Regt and a firing detail of the 248th. Gds RL Bn of the 10th Gds Tank Div fromthe Kavaller a Schule (2161) in Krampnitz were probably loaded onto train 7. 9. Comment. The observation probably refers to a tank firing detail of the 63d Gds Tank Regt of the 10th Gds Tank Div from the Adolf Hitler Kaserne (2287) in Potsdam. Comment. The troops probably werea unit of the unidentified artillery -Fegiment or, possibly, the artillery battalion of the 299th Gds Mort Regt of the 10th Gds Tank Div from the Kriegsschule (2288) in Potsdam which was transferred to the troop training grounds of Jueterbog-Forst Zinna. 25X1 , omment. No changes were observed at the Prenzlau post 25X1 during the time of observation. Atomic warfare defense training has also been observed at other posts. 25X1 14 January 1955. Cioomment. belongs to the unidentified tank training 25X1 a a n of the 25th Tank Div and confirms the battalion in the kaserne northwest of Berliner Strasse (4741) in Prenzlau up to 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300600006-3