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Approved For Release 2008/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 r_.ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCi INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Eaet Germany sus~ECT VEB D'unkwerk Koepsniok: Antenna Research and Development DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED This ~ materiat-contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revel- ation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibked by law. REPORT DATE DISTR. N0. OF PACES REQUIREMENT REFERENCE8 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE, THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE, (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. Department TEAS (Teohaioal Developwnt o! Anteaaae) of PES lunkwerk Koepeaiok has carried out 4heosetiogl and ?sperimentai reeeasoh ooaoerning oentimetes-wave and micro-wave snte~ae. Th? reeeasoh ~naw? under the direction of physicist 1101! awed who was assisted in the mathematical aapedta of th? problem- involved by mathematician Kuehn (fnu~?. Enga. Horst Kiesewald and Aradt (fau) under true?' supervision were engaged in ezpiirime>atal studies of antenna development. Orues' work included re- eearoh on the antenna problessa,involved in the development of a ehip- borne anti-collision radar device (1;ning at resolving the problems involved.. 2. Theoretical basis Following are the fundamental theoretical ideas which guided the antenna team at VEB Ftshkwerk Koepeniok: "$, The theoretical treatment of the problmms involved in oentimeter- wave antenna research cannot b? performed with the means provided by the regular circuit theory because the routine :notioaa of current a,nd,voltage are: not valid in thin field. Accurst- computations according tc~'~azwell's field theory are required. However since t:he pure field theory involves problems which as a rule are too complicated for technicians, it is nec- essary to find a suitable cotghiaatien besrean the circuit theory Grad the field theory. For thid tuar~~pwlte the fundamental formula of the cii~~cuit theory V ~ R I (voltage 9, current I, resistance R) .~ ARMY ?[ NAVY .X AIR ~{ (Note Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) AEiC X ~+ April 1955 R 6 Approved For Release 2008/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 Approved For Release 2008/08/18 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 -~- ... i:: ~cu~ted to t!:e field theory bv? nakin~; V correspc~n~' t,^ ~a~,-~' and I correspond to ~ ,.here ~~ is the ~;~ -~ ri electro-magnetic field vector and ~~ is t::e electrical field vector of the l~auwell theory. ~,.;-' The following system of equations is valid for an n-pole: T ~. : '= ., ,''1l.... ~ . J' ~... w ~"~ ~~? t ~ 1`'~ 1 ~ i~~ ~ ~M ? ~~ LL 1 ,.:,. 1 , .~ ., The matrix determined by the ooe!lioients Rik l~ is called the resistance matrix for an n-pole. The ooeffioients Rik oaa be computed with the aid of l,he field theory in thj form of boundary problems. Three methods can be used as described by Sohwinger: 1) Solution with the aid of diffeaaztial equations; 2) Solution with the aid of integral equations; 3) Solution according to t:ie variation principle. X11 three methods were studied in Department TEA by Gruss ~: d Kuehn. b., BC;,',t,'.,^e the mirror of a micro-wave antenna h.~,s a, .finite ,. o.~ening its radiation. cannot be computed ae a :~oundar~~ ;problem. In view of this, the "Birehhoff princ f pie of optics" is taken as the : tarti:.~* point. Excitement in one point is given t~~,rouga the formula: ..~,. .:.~, , ... / ,, '. where da is a small surface and and ~-? Gre scalar functi^ns with known values on tYie surface. If ~ is interpreted as a space wave the above a uation can be applied t. field.:vectors and the following expression2 results for the electrical Field vector of the energy issuing from the antenna openings -2- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2008/08/18 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 Approved For Release 2008/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 -3- ~ -- A similar relation is valid for the eleotro-magnetio field veotor I ' If the field determined by ~ and ~ is known upon -` Y the surfaoe the remote fields of parabola antennae and horn feeds oan be oom? puted. 3. Ezperimental developm~x ~,,, a. An antenna with a parabola mirror wan developed for the anti-oollissioa radar devioe. Thin antenna was for simultaneous reoeption and transmission. It was made of oast aluminum with the dimensions indioated in figure 2 of annez 1. Feeding wan oarried out through a horn lred looated in the fooal p int of t'~e psraboia. The antenna ditignsions show that horisontal foonsing waa wronger than vertioal Eoousing. IIae of the antenna as both a transmit- ting and reoeiving antenna wan made possible through blooking and opening of the transmission and seeeption klyttrons. The side loo attenuation was about 20 deoibels. The were 1.5 degrees ~horisontal) and 13 degrees (vertioal). iTtis antetms m el had a number of shortoomingas s. The aluminum material wan bad and caused changes in the opening angle of the mirror due to the internal tensions of the material. b. Ths antenna was clumsy and heavy. o. ?Because of its large dpening;~:it caused excessive air resistance, d. It needed a large power supply installation. The antenna described above was used foe the first sea tests of the anti- oollision radar devioe. b. In view o! the above-mentioned diffioultiet, another type of antenna (called ~ antenna) was devploped. t laborstosy model o! 11it type wan comp ? ? see ligure 3 0~ annex 1~ dimensions indicated there). Ths horn Teed was ohaaged when the type was dove+loped. !'ignre 4a o! apses 1 represen~r the original Corm. It was lound that part of the radiation issued thsongh the tbasp eosasr as indicated in ligure 4a and~'~was lost theretore, a hose feed of ttie type represented by ~ignre 4b was developed this second type wan called hog horn feed. The improtiement in the radiation pattern it indicated is figure 4b. The hog horn feed type had another advantage in that it attained the reQuired side loop attenuation of about 25 deoibels. o. A difficulty ezperienoed in the developNnt of suitable horn feeds was the problem of covering the mirror oompletel~- with'the radiation. It was important to keep the refbiotion factor as null as possible. The energy line which consisted of wave guides had ? oharaoteristio impedance (wave resistance) ~Z 400 Ohm. The moat favorable value of m reached was m 1.05 with an operating frequency of 3.2 centimeters or 93,?SO aoer?. The ezoite- ment of the horn feed was carried out with a Hpp wave (lineaf-polarised= the generator was a reflez klyslo~n. The theorei~oal evaluation of m also indicated 1.05 ae most favorable value. In a later stage of the developmeat~ a Trolituol disk was applied at the opening of the horn feed. 1`hie disk wan to prevent penetration of water and humidity into the ensrg~r line; m was not essentially changed throop t#~is disk. In January 1955, systematic invest- igations concerning th? relations between impedance and the dimensions of t:ze horn feed were to begin. s ...- ~ ~ e~^*~: Tait?rally: Cake bo= S-E-C-R-E=T Approved For Release 2008/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 Approved For Release 2008/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 . d.IIae of one and the same antenna for reoeption and transmission oreated difficulties 3onneoted with the ispulse slopes. It was therefore planned to develop ar,ibher type of antenna with asepsrate tranusission and reoeption operations. This type was a aombi~ation of two antennae and was called DoD~elte Tortenaahaohtel antenna see figure 5 0! annes 2). As of January 1955, this developant wa? in its initial stage. ? prelim- inary measurement of the deooupling of two Tortenaehanht~l antennae used for this development gave a result of 30 deoibels. 4. Department TES reoeived an order for the development is 195 of an antenna for ooastal rada;,~ A model was to be oompleted in the spring of 1955? This antenna was also to be fed by horn feed. Its ?~tfrisont~' .' ' wid~Eh? r : , however, was to be 4 meters see figure 6 of annez 2 with the dimensions indioated the rs) ae a result of a smeller HilBwertsbreite of 'about 0.7 degrees. the above equation are well-known and are not esplained ' here. Refer to figure 1, annet 1. Commeat..The letter designations and the symbols for operators in 25X1 ~,~. The department was headed by Dr. Erioh Sohuettloeffel, an ~~~. antenna speoiali*t who worked in flussia during the post- war period. liter !pis defeotion n 1 the epartment was headed by Horst aesohwinde. 25X1 ~. w. A~ 25X1 !~.~ ?4- Approved For Release 2008/08/18: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 Approved For Release 2008/08/18 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 Fig. 2 Parabola mirror . ~~ Fig. 1 Open radie.tor ~_ Fig. 3 Tortenechachtel ~ about 1.5 meter direct radiation Fib. 4b Horn feed 8?E-C-a-E-T Hoxn feed Approved For Release 2008/08/18 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 Approved For Release 2008/08/18 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1 S-E-C-R-E-T - 6 - 25X1 about 1.5 meter Fig. 5 Doppelte Tortenechachtel ,~~ Fig. 6 Parabola antenna for coastal radar ~. ~. about 1~+ em. Approved For Release 2008/08/18 :CIA-RDP80-00810A006300200011-1