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Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300160010-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of Its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. COUNTRY USSR (Arctic) REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 25 March 1955 25X1 4 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) (during the winter 1951+-55, the following signal stations nt visual signals to passing vessels requesting the names of the vessels: a. Cape Set Navolok (N 69-21i., E 33-30)- b. The lighthouse at Letinskiy Point (N 69-19, E 33-36). c. The north end of Toros Island (N 69-18, E 33-28). d. The north end of Boishoy Oleniy Island (i 69-13, E 33-29)? e. The north side of the entrance to Tyuva Bay (N 69-10, E 33-42), f. The north end of Salnyy Island (N 69-08, E33-26). g. At the northernmost of the three lights at,Retinskiy Point (N 69-07, E 33-23)? h. Alysh Point (N 69-05, E 33-25) or possibly Shavor Point (N 69-05, E 33-21). RAY I X INAVY I #x AIR Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300160010-7 The vessel also had a tripod mast with three projections on its forward side. A direction finder was located on the lowest projection, a radar screen on the center one, and a round object on the top projection. The ship's stack was located amidships. 6. -6 7. 8. an unusual vessel (see sketch No. 1) passed Murmansk in the direction of Kola (N 68-52, E 33-00). The vessel was 450 feet long, and it had guns on the foredeck, a deckline which broke amidships, a large crane with the crane arm pointing forward, and a gun turret with three guns on the afterdeck. Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300160010-7 S-E-C-R-E -T -2- considerable air activity was heard all day in the Murmansk area. However, the aircraft were flying above the clouds and no direct observation- was possible. Harbor (N 68-58, E 33-03) in Murmansk was a large building in the vicinity of Fisher- men's Harbor is a home where the fishermen reside when the trawlers are in port, and that in the same vicinity there is a navigation school for the fishing fleet. being expanded Harbor,including the building of a number of brick row houses. considerable construction activity in the vicinity of Fishermen's UNCODED 9. On leaving Mur. .4A1 the following vessels were observed: 25X1 25X1 a. (there was a large naval vessel about 700 feet long at Rosta ship- 25X1 yard. The ship had two masts and two stacks. The after stack had a characteristic and particularly high smoke cowl. Scaffolds had been erected around the turret and it was apparent that the vessel was laid up for repairs. b. At the shipyard dock at Rosta there were five destroyers side by side. The outer- most vessel had pennant No. 13. Each destroyer was 350 to 4.00 feet long. Mid- ships the rail dropped to the main deck level and continued aft. a large naval vessel was at anchor in the bay directly 25X1 above Pinagoriy Point (N 69-03, E 33-05). It was the same type'~ship as the cruiser'- "I at the Rosta shipyard. The length of the vessel was approximately 25X1 700 feet. There were two triple gun turrets on the foredeck; the superstructure was built out to the sides. It had a tripod mast, a stack with a low smoke cowl, a second tripod mast, a second stack with a high and sharply slanting smoke cowl, and two triple gun turrets on the afterdeck. Identical antenna units were lo- cated on top of both masts. Each consisted of a frame approximately one foot high and four or five feet wide. Within the frame was an open grate. The frame did not appear to be curved. d. In Roslyakova Bay (N 69-03) E 33-11) two destroyers and a number of smaller naval vessels were alongside a dock on the west side of the bay. The 25X1 destroyers were of the same class as thos0 at the Rosta shipyard. 25X1 e.l ( four naval vessels were at anchor in Vayenga Bay. They 25X1 were in two groups consisting of two vessels each of the same class. The two 25X1 outer vessels were cruisers about 700 to 750 feet in length (see sketch No. 2), with pennant Nos. 27 and 28. Each ship had two triple gun turrets on the fore- deck, a command bridge with two extensions above, and a mast at the after end of the bridge. The forward stack was located at the after end of the bridge superstructure; it had a low smoke cowl. There was a platform construction between the forward stack and the after mast. The ship also had a tripod after mast, an after stack with a low smoke cowl immediately behind the mast, a turret-like construction with a pointed top aft of the stack, and two triple gun turrets on the afterdeck. The distance between the stacks was approximately 100 to 150 feet. Each of the two large destroyers (see sketch No. 3) was '14.50 to 500 feet long. Each vessel had a flush deck, sharply projecting bow, two Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300160010-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300160010-7 steplike ledges on the foredecksboth slightly slanted to the rear at their forward edges. On the topmost ledge there was a sphere-shaped command turret with the foremast immediately aft of the turret. The mast was cylindrical and of lattice type construction. Each ship also had a stack, a tripod after mast, another stack similar to the first, and a raised construction leading from the after stack and consisting of a two-step drop to the main deck. There were several large guns on the afterdeck, the details of which were impossible to observe. No pennant numbers were observed on the vessels. Sketch No. 1; Soviet Naval Vessel: Sketch No. 2: Soviet Cruiser: Sketch No. 3. Soviet Destroyer: Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300160010-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300160010-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300160010-7