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Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300100003-1 CENTRAL -INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT The Unions of Artisan DATE DISTR. 25 March 1955 Producer Cooperatives DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED NO. OF PAGES 4 REQUIREMENT NO. RD 1. The Unions of Artisan Producer Cooperatives are subordinate to the UCECOM (the Central Union of Artisans' Cooperatives). Their task is to guide, coordinate, check, and supervise all artisan producer cooperatives within a specific region. In Bucharest, there is a union for the city of Bucharest and one for the region of Bucharest. The artisans are grouped according to their specialty and in every regional capital there is a union specializing in one of the following fields: a. The Leather Goods and Shoes Union includes all cooperatives that make and repair shoes. They call themselves the Cooperative of Progressive Shoemakers* be The Metals and Chemicals Union includes all cooperatives that repair or make spare parts for automobiles, pumps, plumbing, air-conditioning, etc. They also make dyes, glassware, plastics, repair tires, etc, co The Textiles and Ready-to-Wear Garments Union includes cooperatives which make garments, underwear, silk or wool textiles, etc. These cooperatives also raise silkworms@ de The Services Union includes cooperatives engaged in bookbinding, trucking, barber and beauty shops, painting, rat extermination, typing, technical drawing, tea and coffee shops, candy stores, translating, etc. e. The Woodworking and Furniture Union includes cooperatives engaged in carpentering, furniture making, etce 2. The regional unions are composed of a chairman, production counselor, cultural counselor, organization counselor, chief accountant, chief planner, labor and wage norms, chief of investments, cadre and training chief, and a supplies chief. The chairman, and his counselors, are supposed to be elected by the members of the cooperatives, but in reality (Note; Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A006300100003-1 Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300100003-1 they are appointed by the UCECOM and are usually unsuited for their jobs. They have the power to appoint and dismiss personnel at will and can make personnel changes for political reasons. They assure that personnel follow Party orders dealing with demonstrations, cultural activities, plan fulfill- ment, etc. The chief counselors also approve rewards for overfulfiliment of plans. They command a salary of about 1,800 lei per month. 3. The production counselor gets 1,300 lei per month and the actual work of establishing production standards, the production plans of the cooperatives, and the allocations of raw materials is done by technical assistants. The production counselor is in charge of political and cultural meetings, Russian language courses, propaganda films, sports events, etc. I. The organization counselor and his assistants handle matters concerning the mergers of cooperatives and the creation of new ones. He keeps a roster of members. Cooperatives are graded, as far as wages are concerned, as first, second or third, according to the number of members. Meetings with the management of cooperatives are scheduled by him. 5. The chief accountant, his assistant accountants, and three or four auditors, are about the only employees who cannot concern themselves merely with political activity, for under the communist system accounting is so complicated that it demands a real expert. A union includes from 25 to 40 cooperatives and it is, therefore, a fairly large organization. The accounting office checks all the quarterly accounts of the cooperatives and approves them provisionally, for the Union chairman can always order a further audit. Since May 1954, the audit of the accounts for the year must be made by 31 January of the next year unless irregularities are discovered. The accounting office, whose staff is paid 500 to 900 lei per month, collects the accounts of the cooperatives, draws up the annual balance sheet and sends it to the UCECOM, which in turn works out a consolidated balance sheet for all unions and forwards it to the Ministry of Finance. 6. The chief planner, who has the rank of service chief, has the job of sub-allocating among the various cooperatives the production plan received from the UCECOM and of collecting the reports on plan fulfillment and channeling them back. Planners are well paid, getting 1,300 to 1,b00 lei per month in the union, and 700 to 1,200 lei per month in the cooperatives. However, since some of the planners have taken only a short one to three months' course they frequently lack the necessary training. They must, however, be either Party members or entirely reliable by Party standards. The plan fulfillment reports are sent in sealed envelopes, marked "Secret", and must always be kept in a locked safe. Since the figures are known by the entire staff of the accounting office, this seems to be an unnecessary precaution, It is said that the planners arbitrarily set their figures which never agree with reality. The chief of the Labor and Wages (Norms) Union circulates the instructions received from UCECOM regarding wages and norms for piecework rates and checks on their application. He distributes the wage funds for workers and for employees. The total is allotted by months and may never be exceeded. He also issues instructions concerning the calculation and revision of norms. and ther practical application. It goes without saying that changes are never in favor of the artisans. 8. The chief of investments is responsible for the distribution of the investment fund among the cooperatives. The amounts of these funds usually range between 5,000 to 10,000 lei per year. Their handling is excessively complicated by red tape. They are intended to permit the acquisition of inexpensive tools, and not for expensive repairs, etc. Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300100003-1 Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300100003-1 -3- 9. The chief of personnel and training, assisted by two to three employees who work in the field, supervises the upper echelons of the cooperatives and the lower echelons of the union. He is invariably a trusted Party member, usually a former worker. Many are young men who have distinguished themselves in the UTM (Communist Youth Organizations In the personnel division there is, of course, a never-ending struggle for survival in which victory depends even more on influence in higher quarters than on ideological purity. 10. The head of the training branch opens, when needed, new vocational schools attached to cooperatives and supervises all of them. He must pass on all applications for admittance, excluding those with an unhealthy social background. 11. The chief of the supplies service is paid 1,200 to 1,400 lei per month and is assisted by one of two technicians. Their job is to get the materials approved by the UCECOM from the factories or the UCECOM Central Warehouse. The job is not an easy one as both raw materials and transportation facilities are in short supply. Even scrap is scarce as it is now in great demand by State industrial plants. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300100003-1 Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300100003-1 UNIONS OF ARTISAN PRODUCER. COOPERATIVES CHAIRMAN PRODUCTION CULTURAL ORGANIIATIDN COUNSELOR COUNSELOR COUNSELOR CHIEF PLANNER TECHNICAL. EXPERTS TECKNIW4L CXPERTS FIELD INSPECTORS r FIELD INSPECTORS EMPLOYEES FIELD INSPECTOR5 PERSONNEL AND TRRINI-6 PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION EMPLOYEES CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Eli PLOYEES TRAINING AND SCHOOLS LABoR AND WA&E SERVICE IN V 6STMENTS SERvi AUDITORS Approved For Release 2008/05/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006300100003-1 SUPPLI ES SERVICE 14c OuNrrN(r C4sH /4000uN7/NG SERVIGF -1 ACCOUNTING M47ER/AtS