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Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 CL,A55NUM IUN SSUXI:'r~ COU Y East Germany DATE DISTR. 31 March 1955 SUBJECT The Order of Battle of the Soviet Foreee in the NO. OF PAGES -M 37.. Soviet Zone of Germany and Austria and the German Kasernierte Volkspolizei PLACE ACQUIRE DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IS. SECTIONS 793 AND 754. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION ON NUVUt- AT1ON OF ITS CONTENTS TO ON RECIIFT SY AN UNAUTHORIZED FRRSON IS FROMIEITEO DY LAW THE REFROO{ICTION OF THIS FORM IS FNOHIDITED. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 ILLEGIB quarters or arrival of entire troop units were observed with the army units of GSFG. Armament and mobility were improved considerably by the arrival of field guns, armored wheeled vehicles and motor vehicles. In spite of the assumed discharge of members of the 1931 and 1932 classes who had been inducted in 1951, the personnel strength increased after the completion of the personnel exchange program in > id-December 1954 from approximately 350,000 men to approximately 375POO men. More than 50 percent of-the authorized number of enlisted men and NCOs were recruits. In addition to intensive individual training and winter firing practices, training concentrated on march practices, night exercises and advanced combat exercises which started in early January and involved units up to battalion strength. GERMANY Change of Quarters. 1. In early December, an unidentified signal unit of uSFG stationed in the barracks installation in Wildpark- West (2293) in Potsdam and an air force construction unit stationed in the Hindenburg Kaserne (8253) in Leipzig exchanged quarters. The exchange was caused by an assembly of air force construction units in the "!ildpark-West kaserne. It is believed that the 74th Gds MQtrol Bn of the 9th Gds Tank Div has been stationed in Camp Domjuech, 1.5 km east of Strelitz, rather than in the Neue Infanterie Kaserne (2221) since early October. In November, the 82d Engr Bn of the in avow 0* ab #&low we" at CENTRAL ILLiG?NCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION PMT CD NO. FBI 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Re ear es-eRt_,. 2. a. The gun shipments from the USSR,which were mentioned in the preceding Monthly Report apparently discontinued. In ovembe and early Decembeer, an estimated 200 to 300 guns arrived. 25X1 the guns were assigned to the 34th Arty Di v 25X1 and the artillery brigades of rifle corps and mechanized armies which, in exchange, turned in AT guns, the destination of which could not be determined. The guns were not sent to the USSR. Information on the caliber of the new guns differs considerably. Most reports, however, referred to the guns as 122-mm or 152-mm gun howitzers. On the other hand, the guns concerned may have been of a new type, possibly 122-mm guns (?) with unusually long barrelp which had already been observed in Moscow. The fact that, according to its figuration, the new gun must have a high muzzle- velocity and, in addition to a longer ranger can apparently be employed in antitank defense, would account for the turning-in of AT guns. artillery regimpid- tzers. The arrival of approximately in June 1954 was the e mortar regiments of the tank and mechaniz 25X1 25X1 c. Shipments of armored wheeled vehicles from the USSR continued. These vehicles were increasingly observed with the units as prime movers fQr light and medium guns. The cross-country traveling ability and the mobility of the troops thus increased and the gun crews enjoyed a better protection against infantry projectiles and splinters and, above all, pressure waves and heat radiation caused'by atomic weapons. d. Since November, approximately 50 new T-54 (?) tanks have been stationed in the Soviet Zone. Approximately 10 of these tanks have been observed at training with the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th Gds Tank Div and the 9th Tank Div. e. The continuous exchange of old motor vehicles for new vehicles from the USSR also increased the mobility and made it easier to maintain the vehicles. Since June 1954, approximately 20 percent of the estimated` total number of motor vehicles has been exchanged. Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 f. A study on the effects of the reequipment on the tactics and in case of employment of atomic weapons must wait until further pertinent information has, been received. Personnel Exchange. 3. The personnel exchange began with the arrival of shipments of recruits on 27 September 1954 and terminated in early December, with the last shipment of dischargees being observed, on 11 December. During this period of 10 weeks, 150 personnel shipments were dispatched toward the west and 155 shipments toward the east. Twenty=five shuttle trains were employed in the operations. Shipments observed are listed in A=ex 1. Jueterbog October November October November Leissen October November iriagdeburg October November Since it is believed that the trains observed capacity, a reduction of 10 percent was made, On the basis of the assumption that each trai converted boxcars and each car was occupied by 25 soldiers, the 140 eastbound trains must have carried approximately 161,000 dischargees and the 135 westbound trains 186,000 recruits. These figures are minimum figures. According to Order No 160 of the National Defense Ministry of the USSR, dated 8 September 1954, and on the basis of regulations concerning the term of service, the members of the 1931 and 19$2 classes should have been discharged. The bulk of these classes was inducted in 1951 when approximately 161,000 recruits arrived from the USSR. The fact that the two figures which, however, represent only rough estimates, correspond with each other, tends to indicate that the two classes were actually discharged. SECRET ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SCr After the- arrival of approximately 186,000 recruits, the number of Soviet soldiers sta~rioned in the Soviet Lone of Germany increased by at least 25,000 men. From preceding years, it is known that this increase will be compensated by losses caused by sickness or detachment. In 1954, this increase amounted to only 15,000 nien. If the authorized strength was actually increased, the measure may have been caused by the reequipment. The arrivals did not include trained personnel. According to the above computations, more than 50 percent of the authorized number of enlisted personnel and 11COs are recruits .4 Training. 4. The high percentage of recruits agrees with observations after 1 December, according to which intensive basic training was held in the installations and, after .a few weeks., advanced-combat practices started at the post training grounds. Beginning in early January, training activities included march practices in groups up to battalion level, driving practices of large columns, night exercises and winter bivouacs probably as preparation for major exercises. Two weeks earlier than usual and in shorter periods, winter firing practices of the artillery and AAA units statted at the training grounds in early January. See Annex 2. Transportation. 5. a.During -December, the traffic situation of the GDR Railroads was subjected to a greater strain owing to seasonal circumstances and an increased volume of inner-zonal freight and transit traffic. The situation improved to a certain.extent in January which normally is the Month with the smallest volume of traffic On the other hand, rail breakages caused by frost led to disturbances in railroad operations which in some cases were of major proportion. The Soviet occupation power mostly claimed freight space for units engaged in winter firing practices. b. The railroad coal situation continued to be critical. On 21 December 1954, coal stocks dropped to an all-time low of 1.9 days' requirements. This situation necessitated extraordinary measures such as the confiscation of coal earmarked for household or industrial use. In the meantime, coal stocks increased again to.3.6 days' requirements. These stocks are so low that even minor delays in hard coal imports are bound to have serious effects. The utilization of substitute fuels for locomotives such as raw brown coal and slurry coal will do little to remedy the situation because this coal has a very low calorific value. Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET 25X1 - 5 - C. Rail traffic &cross GDR border stations had no unusual features. As was the case in previous years, traffic was rather lively in December in connection with efforts to fulfil the annual ,roduction quotas, but if decreased considerably in January. The following points are rioted in detail:, a,. The annual personnel rotatiori program was concluded in early December. b. The dominant feature of military supply traffic was an increase in the motor vehicle replacement program. Individual shipments of artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers, and aircraft crates also arrived. c. u rain imports from the USSR were resumed at a heavy rate, especially via Guben. d. Uranium ore transports to the USSR continued to be directed exclusively via Frankfurt/Oder. As was the case in previous years, the volume of shipments increased in December in connection with efforts to fulfil the annual delivery quotas. In November 1954, a total of 748 carloads representing 11,123 tons were dispatched. e. Crude oil imports from Austria were normal during the reported period. In November 1954, 47,990 tons of crude oil were imported. f. Hard coal imports from Poland fluctuated greatly. In December, coal deliveries dropped considerably which condition brought about a critical situation in the Reichsbahn coal supply. Export shipments, especially railroad cars, machinery, and .chemical products increased considerably toward the end of the year, probably also in connection with efforts to fulfil deliverer quotas. 7. AA9iscellaneous a. The GDR i;iinistry of Railroads was converted into a Linistry of Traffic which also includes as lain Administrations the former State Secretariats for Shipping and for itiiotor Traffic and Roads. At the same time, several main departments of the railroads administrations were merged. Chwalek was replaced as Knister of Traffic by B tiA Kramer, previously first deputy minister. This is the first time in several years that an expert is again in charge of the GDR traffic system. There was a reshuffle of personnel in top positions of the .,iinistry of Traffic. SECR'E'T Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 U. The boundaries of all RBD were unexpectedly modified after 2 January 1955. Some of the changes were considerable. The /revision of these boundaries had been planned since the fall of 1954, but it appears that it required the initiative of \ the new GDR Mnisterr of Traffic to 1,ut them into effect.. The modification of RBD boundaries which involves pr9blems of administration and operations is connected with the introduction of the Soviet-type dispatcher system. At the same time, the number of Reichsbahnaemter (railroad subdistrict ? offices) (RBA) was reduced. By 1 April 1955, the number of RBAs is to be decreased from 37 to 27. Tho latter measure was desi6ned to save personnel. e. The railroad viaduct over the Neisse River near Goerlitz which has been completed for a long; time was not yet in operation at the end of the year. f. The reconstruction of the destroyed railroad bridge over the Oder River at Zaeckerick/Neuruednitz and of the dismantled single-track Wriezen - Neuruednitz railroad line is to lie completed in 1955. The second track of the Guben - Cottbus railroad line, the reconstruction of which had been delayed for years because of a shortage of construction materials, is to be rebuilt in Supply 1955? }. a. Duriri ; the reported period, the motor vehicle replacement program: continued; the rate of shipments increased in December and again decreased in January. Prior to mid-January 1955, approximately 0,000 2- and 3-axle trucks and at least 300 sedans were observed arriving. Since not all motor vehicle shipments could be observed, perhaps up to 10,000 trucks arrived in the GhR. Approximately 6,000 trucks ,,are returned to the USSR. Aircraft crates have again been observed passing tarough GDR border stations since mid-December. Prior to 4 January 1955, three shipments with a total of at least 30 crates were counted. SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Kasernierte Volkspolizei Order of Battle During the period under review, the bulk of the KVP units and schools were stationed in their known quartering areas. In November, the activation of an ALA unit started in the Strausberg-F,,gersdorf ihaserne (4806) which had previously been occupied by the guard regiment and the truck regiment of the MdI/KVP. The new unit is assumed to be an AAA regiment which, received personnel and 85-mm and 37-mm AA guns from Pasewalk, Potsdam and, possibly, Altwarp.. At the same time, additional units were apparently.activated or scheduled to be activated. The former Pionier Kaserne (4164) in Berlin- Karishorst, which previously belonged to the Soviet restricted area, was turned over to the KVP, allegedly for a KVP school. Dispositions 10. The beginning of a regular training on 1 December was affected by detachments for harvesting of turnips, and by the arrival of recruits. In December, training was therefore restricted to general drill and small-scale exercises in the vicinity of the posts. On Christmas and New Year, 50 ponce t of the personnel were on. leave. Intensive training started only after 3 January and concentrated on advanced combat training at company and, occasionally, battalion level prior to 20 January. A staff 'or command post exercise was held at the Jaegerbrueck training grounds near Pasewalk between 10 and 14 January. On 20 December, a KVP unit with approximately 60 tanks was unloaded, in Gross-Wudicki;iua.'tered in the camp at the Ferchels- kkiahlitz training area. Simultaneously or shortly after the unloading, additional units apparently transferred to the training area where major exercises and firing practices of heavy weapons and tanks were continually observed until 20 January. an officer course started there on 3 January and that students from the motor transport officer school in Potsdam were rotated to the school. On 6 January,.Jlbricht and Paulus inspected the practicing units. The inspection terminated with a parade. The exercises were apparently to discontinue in late January, since restrictions on personnel were to be removed on 28 January. 11. Intensive recruiting continued also after 15 December, allegedly because additional personnel was required for the activation of cadres for the National Forces. It is believed that, by mid-January, discharges were compensated for by arrivals. Since the filling-up of Korps Sued was given priority, Korps Nord will not receive additional personnel. On 14 December, the first seven low brick buildings of the installations under construction in Spremberg were occupied by units from the Panzerjaeger Kaserne (3461). It SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SEC-R----A is believed that many recruits will arrive there soon. After November 1954, numerous KVPs, predominantly officers, were transferred from korps Nord to Korps Sued. During the period under review, an unusually large number of recruits arrived in the barracks installation ingersdorf (4806), probably in connection with the activation of new units in this installation. 12. Special courses on atomic warfare included one which was held in I{arpin (4402) near E?gesin from S to 28 November 1954. A second course with the following topics "Radioactive Warfare Agents" and "Decontamination of Combat Areas" started there on 9 January. A third course was scheduled'to be held in Schwerin-Sternbuchholz in February 1955. 13. Arrival of new motor'vehicles continued at the same level. In mid- January, several tank shipments allegedly arrived.for the tank units of the Lech Div Dresden stationed in Spremberg. On 21 January, 4 tanks of a type not observed there before, possibly JS-3 tanks or JSU-122 guns, arrived in Oranienburg. o~au 4D *iMW AUSTRIA and HUNGARY 14. According to available information, the Soviet troop units in Austria were stationed at their known posts the period concerned. the Doellersheim training grounds was occupied during the second half of January* Probably b units which were to conduct firing practices. in Klosterneuburg, units of the 13th'Gds kecz iv from tai-post may have been involved. The Apetlon AAA firing range has apparently been occupied by AAA units from the Soviet Gone of Austria since 19 January. The arrival of new motor vehicles, presumably in connection with the,previously mentioned motor vehicle exchange program, continued. undoubted) incorrect. he figure .for h e*r tha- 2thety-flo" 's 7jh~ etota~!l @~ bcid 4~ ,r SECRET S. /25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SEC Eastbound Westbound Shipment Shipment September 16 Guben - Jueterbog 27 loaded ? Magdeburg - Guben loaded Frankfurt/Oder- 25X1 Jueterbog 29 E ~ Mairdeburt - Kietz I loaded ? Chemnitz - Frankfurt/Oder loaded Weimar - Guben loaded Weimar - Frankfurt/Oder loaded Frankfurt/Oder - Brandenburg loaded Kuestrin - toward Nest 1 USSR - KUESTRIN - Frankfurt/Oder loaded 25X1 Brest-Litovsk - Frankfurt/Oder(unloading) Guben - Frankfurt/ Oder Kuestrin-Fuerstenberg Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Annex 1 - 2 - Eastbound Westbound loaded Dresden - Guben empty ? October 3 empty ? loaded Jagodin - Falkenberg 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder - Weimar loaded from Brest Litovsk through Frankfurt/Oder toward Berlin loaded from direction Guben through Frankfurt/Oder toward Berlin 5 empty empty Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ Oder Oder - Jueterbog Brest Litovsk - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ loaded Magdeburg - Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk - 25X1 Pus t e rmark USSR - KUESTRIN - Frankfurt/Oder empty loaded Jagodin - Falkenberg - Wustermark SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 October 7 Eastbound Westbound empty, Frankfurt/Oder - Magdeburg Wustermark - Brest Litovsk Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder (unloading) 25X1 loaded L-__]loaded Dresden - Cottbus 2200 - Jagodin - Falkenberg - 25X1 Guben Schwepnitz empty USSR - Frankfurt/Oder - Jueterbog loaded Chamnitz - Cottbus 2215 - Guben Kuestrin - Frankfurt/Oder - Brest Litovsk - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/Oder - Cottbus Guben - Jueterbog loaded USSR - Kuestrin - Weimar - Cottbus 1900 - Frankfurt/Oder - Frankfurt Oder Rathenow ? 25X1 loaded Falkenberg0800 - Cottbus - Guben - Kowel loaded Koenigswusterhausen 0830 - Guben Frankfurt/Oder - Jueterbog USSR - Frankfurt/Oder - Eberswalde - Templin USSR ? urt/Oder - 25X1 Cottbus~A~f- Erfurt 25X1 Jagodin - Guben - Cottbus) ) Jagodin - Guben- Cottbus) loaded Haldensleben - Kuestrin - USSR USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ Oder - Rathenow 25X1 SEC RE Annex 1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Rathenow - Bernau - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/Oder October 10 Westbound RBD Magdeburg - Frankfurt/ Oder Jagodin - Cottbus - Chemnitz- Weimar Dallgow - Fuerstenberg - Kuestrin - USSR loaded Guben - Kowel Annex USSR -, Kuestrin - direction Frankfurt /Oder loaded, Weimar - toward Dresden Frankfurt/Oder - Rehagen - Wildpark 25X1 loaded, Jagodin - Co us unloading in Weixdorf and Schwepnitz Eberswalde - Frankfurt/Oder - Kowel Weimar - Cottbus Guben loaded Meissen - Kowel 25X1 25X1 USSR - Kuestrin - F ankfurt/Oder - Cottbus 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder - toward Cottbus Jaodin - Cottbus - Weimar Jagodin - Frankfurt/Oder Jagodin - Cottbus - Magdeburg 25X1 25X1 Kuestrin - Frankfurt/Oder - Jueterbog Jagodin - Cottbus - '^ismar Dresden - Cottbus 1600 - Guben Bernau - Kuestrin - Insterburg ~ 124 Brest Litovsk - Magdeburg Kue~trin - toward Frankfurt/Oder 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Eastbound Westbound October 15 17 Jueterbog Kuestrin Gubenl ~ Kowel Fuerstenberg 0213 - Kietz Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ Oder - USSR ;,.eissen - USSR (identical with shuttle train Annex 1 USSR - Kuestrin - Jueterbog Jagodin - Guben ~ 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder - toward Cottbus USSR - Kuestrin - toward Frankfurt/Oder Frankfurt/Oder - Jueterbog Jueterbog - Kuestrin - USSR Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder - Brandenburg Bernau - Frankfurt/Oder Brest Lit k Jagodin - Frankfurt/Oder Jagodin - Cottbus - Weimar 25X1 25X1 JMeissen - Kuestrin - S Eberswalde - Kuestrin - USSR Bernau - Frankfurt/ Oder - USSR Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ Oder Magdeburg - Guben 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 loaded Frankfurt/Oder - Wustermark 25X1 USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt 25X1 Oder - Jueterbog 25X1 25X1 USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ Oder - Jueterbog Frankfurt/Oder - Magdeburg Guben - Dresden Jagodin - Cottbus 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECEEE~ Annex 11 Eastbound Westbound 1Q Magdeburg - Cottbus - Brest Litovsk - Kuestrin - Kowel Cottbus - Weimar 'Weimar - Cottbus - Kowel USSR - Kuestrin - Jueterbog Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder - Jueterbog Meissen - Guben - Kowel Guben - ueterbog - Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder - Eberswalde Bernau - Kuestrin - USSR Frankfurt/Oder - Leipzig 25X1 25X1 25X1 Fuerstenberg - Brest Litovsk Jueterbog - Kuestrin Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder (unloading) Brest Litovsk - Eberswalde 21 Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ Brest Litovsk - Kuestrin - - Kuestrin Frankfurt Oder - Cottbus Du 25X1 25X1 Weimar - Guben - Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ 25X1 Kowel Oder (unloading) Fuerstenberg - Kuestrin 25X1 22 Magdeburg - Cottbus - USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ Kowel, Oder 25X1, Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 SECRE Fuerstenberg - Kuestrin - USSR Annex 1 Eastbound Westbound October 23 Bernau - Guben - Brest Litovsk Jueterbog Jagodin - Guben Cottbus Jagodin - Guben Cottbus Jagodin - Guben 25X1 Frankf urt/Od er Weimar Cottbus - Guben USSR - Frankfurt/Oder - 25X1 Kowel CottbusF-~- Leipzig 25X1 24 Jueterbo -Guben Dresden - Frankfurt/Oder Erfurt/ -Frankf urt/Oder E_] Kuestrin - Frankfurt/Oder - Frankfurt/Oder Leipzig - ickau 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Guben - Rathenow ) 25X1 25X1 Frankfurt Oder- identical ! Muellrose 25X1 Cottbus 115XA 7 Cottbus - Frankfurt/Oder Kuestrin - UaSR * identical? Tdagdeburg - Kietz Cottbus - Frankfurt/Oder Dresden - Cottbus - Guben - Kowel USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ 1Oder -(Falkenberg - koenigsbrueck ? ) 25X1 25X1 Ldeissen - Cottbus - Guben - Kowel SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 October 26 27 SECRET Eastbound Hillersleben - ? Guben -) )identical? Fuerstenberg - Kietz ) Halle - Frankfurt/Oder 2318 Bernau USSR I- Juet.erbog - Kuestrin 23 October) Falkenber - Cottbus08OO- Guben - Kowel Magdebur - GuUen - Kowel Oder Erfurt - Frankfurt/ Hillersleben - Frankfurt/Oder i4ieissen - Frankfurt Oder 01eissen - Tscherni row 29 USSR Jueterbo - Brest Litovsk Meissen (or Erfurt) - Kietz 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 30 Meissen - Cottbus - Kowel Westbound Jagodin - Guben - Cottbus - 25X1 or Weimar 25X1 25X1 Guben - Jueterbog 25X1 25X1 25X1 Jagodin - Guben - Frankfurt Oder. - 'Custermark from direction Falkenberg - 25X1 Leipzig - Weimar 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Jagodin - Guiren - Frankfurt/ Oder (identical with shuttle train on 27 August?) 25X1 Jagodin - Guben - Cottbus Magdeburg F Guben - Cottbus Magdeburg Guben - Cottbus Jueterbog Frankfurt/Oder - Wei n:ar Approved For Release 2008/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 SECRET/ October 30 Eastbound Westbound Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ Jagodin - Guben Oder Cottbus Jueterbog Jagodin - Guven 0634 - Haldensleben-Kuestrin - Cottbus - Magdeburg Weimar - Brest Litovsk Kietz - Frankfurt/Oder - Cottbus I- 1iagdebueg 1 FueJjstenberg - Kuestrin - Kuestrin - Erfurt Guben - Jueterbog blerstenberg - Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ TTSSR Oder (unloading) USSR - Kuestrin - Fuerstenberg - Eberswalde Guben - Cottbus Falkenberg 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 UNCODED- ~LOeni-sbrueck - Cottbus Guben Guben - Cottbus Falkenberg Guben - Cottbus ,Dresden 2 [ --L Jueterbog - Kuestrin Weimar - Cottbus - Guben - Kowel through Guben 25X1 USSR - Kuestrin urt/ 25X1 Oder - Muellrose 25X1 Cottbus - Schwepnitz 25X1 Cottbus - Kowel Brest Litovsk - Oder - Muellrose Cottbus - Leipzi Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 ex ~ - 10 - 44stbound Westbound Idove niber Jueterbog - Frankfurt/Oder- USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ 25X1 l Kuestrin - Brest Litovsk Oder - Guben - Cottbue-~- .,~.,. Magdeburg 25X1 train on 7 November?) Templin - Frankfurt/Oder Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A006200170002-6 rin - Templin furt/Oder - Templin 25X1 25X1 Cottbus - Dresden 25X1 Haldensleben - Kuestrin - USSR Bernau - Kuestrin - Insterburg - USSR Fuerstenberg - Guben Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ via Guben Jagodin - Cottbus Magdeburg 25X1 Meissen - Cottbus - Jagodin - Cottbus 1115 - Frankfurt/Oder -Kuestrin- Leipzig Insterburg. 25X1 Jueterbog - Cottbus - Jagodin - Cottbus 2 Guben - Kowel (identical with shuttle loaded Kuestrin - toward Cottbus - Weimar Jagodin - Guben Frankfurt/Oder ~:uestrin - Jueterbog USSR - huestrin - Cottbus Falkenberg 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECIT annex - 11 - Eastbound Westbound 7 I Fuerstenberg - Guben USSR - luestrin - Frankfurt/ `7I Oder - Luellrose Bernau - Frankfurt/Oder- Brest Litovsk vVeimar - Iuestrin - Brest Litovsk Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ Oder - Brest Litovsk - Dresden- Cottbus i+rankfurt/Oder - Brest Litovsk Jueterbog Iuestrin Frankfurt/Oder - Neustrelitz Halde77- Kuestrin- USSR Guben - Jueterbog 25X1 25X1 25X1 Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder Rathenow 25 25X1 Brest Litovsk - Kuestrin - 11uellrose Cottbus - 25%25X1 Schwe~nitz Kuestrin - Frankfurt/Oder - 25X1 Muellrose 0 25X1 Cottbus - Magdeburg Guben - Cottbus Magdeburg USSR - Kuestrin - irankfurtj 25X1 Oder - Muellrose 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Fuerstenberg - Templin 1130 - Eberswalde - Brest Litovsk - Mue 1rose Jueterbog (2 sources) Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk Meissen - Cottbus Guben - KowelP Jueterbog? - Cottbus Kowel, Frankfurt/Oder - -auellrose Cottbus 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 52X1 Guben - Cottbus 25X1 Dresden - Weimer 25X1 SECRE Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Eastbound 10 [ / Magdeburg - Kuestrin - USSR Bernau - Gube Kowel Merseburg - Kuestrin USSR Cottbus - Frankfurt/ Oder - Brest Litovsk 11 L I from Jueterbog - via Guben (2 sources Jagodin - Guben Frankfurt/Oder 12 E 7e imar -Kuestrin - USSR from Jueterbog - Guben - - 12 - Westbound USSR - Kuestrin - urt Oder - Muellrose 25X1 25X1 2 ici Jagodin.- Guben ~ Frankfurt/Oder (unl oading) 25X1 25X1 25X1 Brest Litovsk - Kuestrin - Jueterbog NL. Guben Frankfurt/Oder - _Cunloa ing 25X1 25X1 USSR - Kuestrin - Frankfurt/ Oder 2525X1 USSR - Kuestrin - Neustrelitz Frankfurt/Oder - IMiuellrose 1750 - Cottbus Jagodin - Guben Cottbus ;Magdeburg - Brest Litovsk Frankfurt Oder - iiue11rose 0316- Meissen - Kuestrin - USSR Jueterbo ?) - Cottbus - Guben - Kowel 25X1 Cottbus 25X1 7777 Guben - Cottbus 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder - iMluellrose 1241- Cottbus q.X1 Frankf urt/Ode r L - Falkenber t ber - Guben or Kietz 1700g Bernau - Insterburg Chemnitz 25X1 Frankfurt Oder - .Iuellrose0530- - Magdeburg 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Eastbound Jueterbog - Kietz Briesen - Frankfurt/ Oder (?) Lj 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Westbound empty Jueterbog - Wustermark (presumably disassembled) en Jagodin - Gub - a en erg empty? Jagodin - Guben Cottbus Guben - Cottbus Dresden 25X1 25X1 Jueterbog - Kuestrin Frankfurt/Oder - Eberswalde- Neustrelitz Jagodin - Guben Meissen - Kietz - Cottbus Insterburg5 25X1 25X1 16 Q Hillersleben Itiiagdebur Neustrelitz - Eberswalde- Frankf urt/Oder Fuerstenber - Kietz - USSR Jagodin - Guben Cottbus Jueterbog - Frankfurt/Oder 17 _/ Weimar - k ietz Jueterbog - Cottbus Guben Jagodin - Guben Frankfurt/Odd empty 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRF Eastbound Westbound November 18 Hernau =- Kietz- empty ? Insterburg Guben - Cottbus Dresden Magdeburg - Brest Litovsk Jueterho ? - Cottbus - Guben Kowel Jagodin - Guben toward West Meiss Cottbus Guben wel Bernau - Insterburg 19 L Hillersleben - Kietz Frankfurt/Oder - Eberswalde - Neustrelitz empty empty Kuestrin - Neustrelitz empty ? Brest Litovsk - Frankfurt/ Oder FI- Cottbus 25X1 Guben - Wildparkl 125X1 25X1 20 L1 Bernau - Kuestrin 2200- Jueterbog - Frankfur%/ Oder SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 empty? Jagodin - Guben 25X1 Cottbus - Wildpark empty? Jagodin - Guben Cottbus 25X1 25X1 empty? Guben Cottbus - - Dresden 25X1 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder - Guben Insterburg Kowel Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET - 15 - Eastbound Westbound Litovsk (2 sources) Annex 1 empty? Kuestrin - Weimar empty? Jagodin - Guben Cottbus Jueterbog - Guben empty? Jagodin - Gube~ Greifswald L-T!debar - Brest Litovsk Jueterbog? - Cottbus - Jagodin .23 Bernau - Guben - Kowel empt Kuestrin - Magdeburg 25X1 25X1 Loaded, to USSR via Kietz 24 loaded, Dresden - Kietz- empty? Kuestrin - empty? Laodin - Guben Cottbus) Dresden empty loaded Jagodin - Guben 0307- Cottbus 25X1 25X1 empty J Odin - Guben Cottbus- Dresden 124 empty 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 empty 25X1 Frankfurt/Oder - USSR 11 Kuestrin -_Magdeburg empty loaded Weimar - Cottbus - Guben Kowel empty Jagodin - Guben Cottbus - Dresden Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Eastbound Westbound November 25 Meissen - Frankfurt/ Oder - Kuestrin - Insterburg loaded loaded Cottbus - Guben Kowel empty Kuestrin - toward West 25X1 25X1 loaded Jagodin - Guben rr 25X1 Cottbus r- 25X1 26 r1 debug - Kuestrin empty Kuestrin - Brandenburg Cottbus - Guben Frankfurt/Oder Kowel via Werbig Guben - Cottbus Dresden Falkenberg - Taucha Leipzig 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 loaded empty via Kuestrin - USSR Kuestrin - toward West Ruhland - Senftenberg - u empty toward Cottbus Jagodin - Guben Cottbus 28 loaded via Kietz - USSR 25X1 25X1 empty Kuestrin - Neustrelitz empty Jagodin - Guben Cottbus Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 November 29 December 1 Eastbound loaded via Kietz - USSR Personnel shipments via Kuestrin in both directions terminated - 17 - Westbound empty Kuestrin - toward `,'Pest empty? Guben - Cottbus Dresden empty Jagodin - Guben Cottbus empty Kuestrin - Weimar empty Jagodin - Guben Cottbus empty Guben - Chemnitz empty Kietz - Magdeburg Hillersleben empty,Kuestrin - toward 'lest Jueterbog - Frankfurt/ Oder - Brest Litovsk loaded from Chemnitz - Dresden empty Kuestrin - toward West empty Kuestrin - toward West Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET Annex 1 Eastbound Westbound Cottbus - $achsen Frankfurt/Oder 25X1 7 - empty Jagodin - Cottbus 11 ~~ loaded Cottbus - Kowel Note. B - boxcar Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Exercises and Winter Firing Practices of Soviet Units at Training Grounds between 1 December 1954 and 1 Febfuarv 1955. ALTENGRABO11 Firing Range. Number of Shipments Date Shipments and/or Activities December 14 to 23 2 GERA-ALTENGRABOW presumably 308th Arty Brig/ 2 ALTENGRABOW-GERA XXVIII Gds Mtz Rifle Corps 24 1 WILDPARK-ALTENGRABOVI ) 152-mm Gun How Btry of of 34th 27 1 ALTENGRABOW-WILDPIK. ) Arty Div confirmed January 5 1 DALLGOW - ALTENGRABOW'h ) elements 2d Light Arty Brig/ 9 1 ALTENGRABOW - DALLGOW ) Second Gds Mecz Army confirmed 8 1 DALLGOW - ALTENGROOW 13 2 DALLGOW - ALTENGRABOW1 5 1 BRANDENBURG - ALTENGRABOW) 8 1 ALTENGRABOW - BRANDENBURG) elements 124th Hv How Brig/ 15 1 BRANDENBURG - ALTENGRABOW) 6th Arty Div confirmed 23 and 24 2 BRANDENBURG - ALTENGRABOW 26 and 27 2 ALTENGRABOW - BRANDENBURG 5 1 NAGDEBURG - ALTENGRABOW 13 1 STENDAL - ALTENGRABOW 1 NEURUPPIN - ALTENGRAOBW units/12th Gds Tank Div confirmed 12 1 CHEAiNITZ - ALTENGRABOW ) units /6th Gds AAA Div 14 1 JOH.GEORGENSTADT - ) confirmed ALTENGRABOW ) 13 18 13 18 1 KOENIGSBRUEGK-ALTENGRABOW 1 ALTENGRABOW-KOENIGSBRUECK 1 MEISSEN - ALTENGRABOW 1 ALTENGRABOW - MEISSEN. SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 SECRET January 21 3 WILDPARK - ALTENGRABOW ) 26 3 ALTENGRABOW - WILDPARK ) 26 3 W NILDPARK - ALTENGRABOW ) 29 2 ALTENGRABOW - WILDPARK 3 WILDPARK - ALTENGRABOW DOEBERITZ Training Grounds January 23 1 BERNAU - SATZKORN 27 2 SATZKORN - BERNAU 11 and 12 firing practices and bivouacs march practices 16 to 21 exercises of several days and bivouacs January 10 and 11 14 19 13 15 15 26 and 27 JUETERBOG- FORST ZINNA Firing Range 2 FRANkJ?URT/Oder - JUETERBOTr ) FRANKFURT/Oder - JUETERBOG ) ) 1 JUETERBOG -toward HALLE 1 JUETERBOG -toward HALLE 2 DRESDEN - JUETERBOG 2 FUERSTENWALDE- JUETERBOG 1 FINOW - JUETERBOG 5 FORST ZINNA - DALLGOW SECRET4 34th Arty Div confirmed 71st light Arty Brig/4th Gds MIecz Army confirmed 34th Arty Div tank, arty and AAA units/ 10th Gds Tank Div units 32d AAA Div/ IV Arty Corps confirmed on 21 January in bicouac near NEUHOF light AA Btry/ 63d ALA Div confirmed light AAA units, presumably of 10th Gds Tank Div, confirmed medium AA unit/ 6th Gds Mecz Div confirmed Arty, AT and mortar units/ 1st Mecz Div confirmed Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 Approved For Release 2008/08/01: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006200170002-6 January 24 to 28 4 NEUSTRELITZ - LUCKE WALDE/ FORST ZINNA I FUERSTENBERG -LUCKE1WALDE/ ) presumably arty units/ FORSTZINNA 9th Gds Tank Div 29 3 LUCKENWALDE/FORST ZINNA - ) FUERSTENBERG/ NEUSTRELITG ) KOENIGSBRUECK Training Grounds December 13 1 DRESDEN-KOENIGSBRUECK tank details, presumably of 16 1 MEISSEN-KOENIGSBRUECK 11th Gds Tank Div 25 Entraining of 50 to 80 x 85-mm (?) U/i Arty Brig/First Gds guns, presumably turning-in idecz Army January 3 to 17 5 BORNA/LEIPZIG-Schwepnitz tank details, presumably of 8th Gds Mecz Div 14 and 15 2 unloading of AT units 17 and 18 night firing practice with and 20 medium and heavy artillery 21 unloading of elements of Mecz Regt LETZLING HEATH Training Grounds Between late November and early January no shipments or exercises. January 13 4 SCHWERIN/HAGENOW/ ISMAR- GARDEL.E