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Publication Date:
February 28, 1954
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Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
E1 tOQ
This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title
18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
Q T 0 R Tip m
COUNTRY Bulgaria
SUBJECT Bulgarian Order of Battle
ese zone
Bulgaria is divided into five military zones,
and the Infantry Divisions, located in each, as follows:
ao Zone I: Sofia
We -1 Infantry Division at Sofia;
The 7 Infantry Division at Gorna-.Dzhumaya;
bo Zone II:
The ?2Infantry Division at Plovdiv;
The 8 Infantry Division at Stara Zagora;
ca. Zone. III: Kolarov ad
The Infe, ry Division at Kolarovgrad;
The 9 Infantry Division at Stalin;
d, Zone IV : Pleven
The 3 Infantry Division at Pleven;
The 6 Infantry Division at Vratsa;
ea Zone V: skol
No inormation. on units,
2. Ithe following. breakdown of the various Bulgarian infantry divisions:
a. The 1 Infantry Division at Sofia:
(1) The 1 Infantry, Regiment at Sofia;
(2) The 6 Infantry Regiment at Sofia;
(3) The 25 Infantry Regiment at Slivinitsa;
(4) The 4,Motorized.Artillery Regiment at Sofia;2
(5) The 1 Antitank Troop at Botevgrad;
be The 2 Infantry Division. at Plovdiv:
(1) The 2 Motorized Infantry Regiment at Plovdiv;
SEC. &~E'T;,,x
DATE DISTR. 28 February l9F25X1
(Notes Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A006100160002-8
() The 20 Infantry Regiment at Levs ad;5
3) The 9 Infantry Regiment at Plovdiv;'
+ The 27 Infantry Regiment at Pazardzhik4;
An Unidentified "Mountain Hunter's Regiment" at Peshtera;
The 10 Artillery Regiment at Momchilgrad;
(17 The 2 Antitank Troop at Asenovgrad;
c. The 3 Infantry Division at Pleven:,
(1 The lF Infantry Regiment at Pleven6;
(2 The 7 Infantry Regiment at Lovech;
(3) The 34 Infantry Regiment at Oryakhovo;
(4) The 5 Motorized Artillery Regiment at Pleven;
(5) The 4 -#ntitank Troop at Pleven;
d. The 4 Infantry Division at Kolarovgrady
(1) The 5 Infantry Regiment at Ruse;
(2 The 18 Infantry Regiment at Kolarovgrad;
(3 The 30 Infantry Regiment at Ttlrnovo;
(4 The 19 Infantry Regiment at Razgrad;
5 The 1 Artillery Regiment at Ruse;
6 The 5 Antitank Troop at Kolarovgrad;
e. The 5 Infantry Division7
f. The 6 Infantry Division at Vratsa:
41) The 3 Infantry Regiment at Violin;
2) The 35 Infantry Regiment at Vratsa;
(3 The 15 Infantry Regiment at Belogradchik;
(k The 2 Artillery Regiment at Vratsa;
5 'Thee Antitank Tropp at Mikhaylovgrad;
g. The 7 Infantry Division at porn Dzhumaya:
1 The 21 Inf0try Regiment at Samokov;
2 The 14 'Infantry Regiment at Gorna Dzhumaya;
3 The 22 Infantry. Regiment at Stanke Dimitrov;
4 The 11 Artillery Regiment at Stanke Dimitrov;
5 The 14 Antitank Troop at 1rustendil;
6 The 7 Antitank Troop at Samokov;
(7) The 1'M6untain Hunting. Regiment (sic) at Samokov;
h. The 8 Infantry Division at Stara Zagora;
(1) The 2.4 Infantry Regiment at Burgas;
(2) The 29 'Infantry Regiment at Yambol;
(3 The '1Q Infantry Regiment at Kurdzhali;
a) The 6 Artillery Regiment at Stara Zagora;
(5) A .unidentified Artillery Regiment at Nova Zagora;
6 An uni4entified Antitank.Troop at Sliven;
i.. The 9 Infantry Division at Stalin;
(1) The 31 Motorized Inf.n#y Regiment at Silistra;
(2) The 39 Motorized Infantry Regiment at Tolbuhin;
(3) An unidentified Motorized ..Infantry Regiment at Stalin;
(4) An unidentified Motorized udntry Regiment at Tutrakan;
(5) The 8 Motorized Artillery'Regiment at Tolbuhin;
(6) The 9Antitank Troop at Stalin.
3. I lin each of the five military districts are various units 25X1
which are not integral parts of any of the above-mentioned divisions. These
units are:
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A006100160002-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
(1) The 1Motorized Heavy Artillery Regiment at Sofia;
() The 1 Engineer Regiment at Sofia;
(3) The 1 Transport Regiment at Sofia;
(4 The 1 Motorized Antiaircraft Regiment at Sofia;
(5) The 1'Coimunication Regiment at Sofia;,
b. Zone II:
(1) The 2.Motorized Heavy Artillery Regiment at Plovdiv;
(2) The 2 Motorized Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment at Plovdiv;
(3) The 2 Engineer Regiment at Plovdiv;
(4) The 22ransport Regiment at Plovdiv;.,
c. Zone III:'
(1) The 3 Motorized Eeavy.A ti?11eryRegiment at..Ktlaraygrad;
(2 The 3 Transport Regiment at Kolarovgrad;
The 3 Engineer Regiment at Kolarovgrad;
~3j 4 The 3 CoiruiunicationRegiment at Kolarovgrad;t
d. Z rne. IV: ?
1 The.4 Motorized Heavy Artillery Regiment at Pleven;
(21 The Motorized Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment at Pleven;
(3 'The 4 Engineer Regiment at Pleven;
(I+ An. unidentified Communications Battalion'at Nikopol;.
e. Zone. V:
(1) The 5 Motorized Heavy Artillery Regiment at I4zaskovo;
2 The 3 Motorized Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment at Yambol;
3 An unidentified Coamiunications Battalion at Haskovo;
4 , An unidentified Transport Battalion at HaSkova;
the, following:=its. and. Bi bordifiate units, where known, are
directly subordinate, to the Ministry, of National Defense:
a. Air Force:8
(1) The 1 Aircraft Division.at Sofia:'
(a) The 1 Aircraft Regiment with units at Sofia, Bozhurishte, Dobraslavtsi9
and at Elm n .Pali ;10
(b) The. 3 Aircraft Regiment.,. with - units . at Vt rba,I~rt tendil, Dimitrovo.
and Setiokov;
(c) . Aircraft Regiment;
(2) The 2 Aircraft Division at,. Plovdiv;
(a) The 2 Aircraft Regiment, with units at,Plovdiv, at Asenovgrad, and. at
Graf' Ignatiev;
(b) The,4 Aircraft,Iiiment, with. units at Stara? Zagora, at Khaskavo, and
at. 'Yambol;.
(c) The 6 Aircraft Regiment,.. with, units at: Lsvakigrady, at
,,I izanluk,d
.nart$: tt the; t:v, anc at ;Ksnluk, due, east of the town.
S E C. 'R E T
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
S. E C. R E~ T
and at
at T,utra;kan,
the airfields at Kolarovgrad andBalch 'k are
subordinate. to the 3 Aircraft DivM on.
(4) The,.4 Aircraft Division at Pleven,;"-
(a) The 3 Aircraft Regiment, with units at Plevenat Dolna,Mi gtropoliya,
are subor3ikneate to the. 2 Aircraft D=ivispon, but that it irs not known
under which a$ rcraift regiments these fielfib are placed.
The: 3 Aircraft Division. at Tolbukhin.;
(a) The _7 Aircraft Regiment, vith.units at Stalin, at Pravadiya
Gorna 49ryakhavitsa;
(.b) The 16 Aircraft Regiment, with units near Tolbuhin,
and at Rue:e.;
the, alrfie,ldla. at VratSa. At Ni lmhmv/w nav
at v v.za n/ Dunav are suooraInate to' 'tne, "4 Aircraft Division.
be Armored Units:
The, 1 Armored Division pt Sofia,:
The. 1 Armored Tank Regiment at The .4 Armored Regiment apt Samok~r
Thee 1Mogrized. Artillery
t Regimeent at 'Sl v nitea113
The, 1 Motorized I antrNY Regiment aft 6 ' a~;,
The 4. ,Motorized, Infantry Regitmegt `at Seembkbv
The 9,X6, Infantry Regiment at S?livinitea;
(2) The, 2 Armored 'TO'* Division at lw~i'dv~.
The. 2 Armored Tank Regiment at . Plavyidv~;
The 6 Aroar-~ed Tank Regiment apt 811ven;,
The. 2 Mot~ar ized Artiller, y Regiment at Plovdiv;
The 3. Motorized Artjillerry, BattQiOn at Mazani ik;
The t M9t'ized Infantry Regiment at Sl oven;
The. 3 7Nl~tQri~zed, Infantry Battalion at &zanbltlk;
aceor,,dmirngr.to other reliable r~epc tethus
brigade not, an armored regiment;
The 3 Armored Tank.Divisrion.at Plevenl5'
(a) The: 7 Armored, Tank Regiment at Pleven;
un a; Pleven is an armored
(b) An unidentified Artillery Bat*t44 &idn at Sev11itev9;;-
c. Cavalry units
(i The. 1 Cavalry Regiment at Sofia;
(2 The 4 Cavalry Regiment at Yambol;
(3 The 6 Cavairjy Regiment At Khan nli;
(k The 8: ;ava]ry Regiment. at Silisitra,
(5. The 10 Cavalry Regiment. at Kolaro,Ygr
CQmmunic 4- i-pis ,units
(1) The, 1 Radio Regent at Sofia;
(2) An :unidentified Communicatiq ""Bat
tal cm, at Krasno, Selo -near S'o ia4
SEE 4-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
Railway Units:
(1)n. The. I Railway Regiment, at Sofia; ,
(2) A.:unidentified. Railway Battalion . at Burgas;:--
Cpast Artillery:
(1) 'The 1 Coastal Defense Artillery, Regiment at Stalin;
(2) The 2 Coastal Defense. Artillery Regiment at, Burgas,;..
in., the event of war the defense this, Zone,, would" probably require, one infantry
division , in each of the; following . areas, Haskpva Elhovo and. K irdzhali.
partly .motorized..
not 20.
the 14 Infantry Regiment is partly motorizede
the. 5 Infantry, Division, was, abolished. in 19147,. but that, according 25X1
yet been confirmed..
to?'Ire ldabloll reports it will be, re-established, this. has not 25X1
according to persistent reports, initiation., of new Air Force 25X1
c gee, was .sc, e u d to start in mid-1954'. Reliable, confirmation,, however, had
not, been obtained-in this connection. that all instructors. 25X1
and. , advisors. at'the Air Force Headquarters. at the bases,. at the aviation schools, j
are Siet, :officers., it had been. reported that there are; Soviet 25X1
Air ' Force units.. located at. the airfields near Tolbukhin, at .Lovets ., and at, Vratsa,
but that this. had.npt been cpnfirmed.
12. .
third aircraft ,regiment actually existed as ?, a. etmtpOnent part of the..1, Aircraft
according.,to.another-report,' the 4 Artillery Regiment is not
according to~ another re `'ort,. the, 9.. Infantry Regiment has been
acci ding to., another report,.. the 87- an trY11:Regimebt :has:'.beeii 25X1
according to another report, the.. number of this, regiment is 21, 25X1
according to reports, these`:units are at Kumaritsa not. Dpbros,ls,Yttsi.
according to,other reports, these..units are at Novoseltsi,. not
no information could. be...obtained, about this unidentified aircraft 25X1
regiment, It ie?not clear whether___________________________________ this. 25X1
Div,is ion,
1 14.
this. Aircraft Division.. is currently in, the, process oftion,
this Regiment was previously at Sofia.,
the.2. Armored Tank Division.vas formed in.1952,; that prior to.
that time.. it had. , been: an. independent armored -brigade at Sliven.
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Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8
carried ;out?
the f9r=140, of the 3 M mored D vision is gxWr,entbv tee
this id the Bo ygu $ Ca alry Regiment"
Approved For Release 2008/06/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA006100160002-8