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Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 PI.4OE \CQU(EL DATE :.) IN;C) M4+ v+n~+~-F'?'T "i1NT,1YMq lRFORMATdON AFFICTINS TNR NATIONAL OtFEN$P ?r T4r8 1SITPC aTATEq. W' NIN TII9 MEAN 1R9 OF TITLE IS.. SECTIONS 798 )F(NF M 9. blot. As AMURDRD ITS TRANSMISSION OR RSVEt, I1 (,0*11 TS ro OR RECEIPT By AR UNAUTHORISED PSSSOR t> +ROI'RITEU 9? LA''+ THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS ACOWIDITtD: NO, OF ENCLS, WISM BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1.. VEI3 Arzneimlttelverk. Dresden. TRadebesa1,{lartensstrasse (formerly Oehe, Werusta, Madaus)o 2~ V.EB Philopharrn, Quedlthburg 3. VEB Vasenol, Leipzig a, VEB Dentalchemie, Leipzig 5, VEB Serum-Work, Bernburg 1 (formerly Eim rhal) 5: VEB Ankerwerk , Rudolstadt2 7, VEB Ysat Buerger Wernigerode2 8, VFB ?harmazeutisches Werk, Halle2 (formerly Caesar and oretz ) 9,. VEi Imbalwerk, Karl-Marx-Stadt .0r, VEB Chemidrophaverk, Karl-Marx-Stadt L1: VEB Chemisohe Fa.brik Reichenbach, Lausitz CLASSIFICATION ,Bn, I,T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO Ea t, Gere,any DATE DISTR h F or.::~r;r 4 Enterprises wider the t'1ath Administration for NO, OF PAGES; Pharmacy Jenapharm5 Jena 2 25X1 -3. VEB Promassol-Werk, Erfurt ".4.. VEB Pharmazeutisohes Werk, Meuselbaoh ._5- ' EB Chenisch-Pharmazeutiscbes Werk,. Orani.enburg (formerly Bylz luldenwerke) =6o VEB Pharmazeutisehes Werk, Johennistha2. (formerly Temmier) 1'7 VEB Pharma.zeutis~ehes Work, Pankow (formerly Much) VEB Pharmazeutiscbes Work, Weissensee (formerly Asid-Weissensee) VEB Chemisohe Fabrlk von Hoyden, Ihresden-Radebeul3 TE Pharmazeutiaches Werk Dr. Hugo Ren Wren, Berlin4 .LASSIFICATION srcRF:r - X14SRR I) T'feLiTIOt1 .~_} rArV }~ -XI I Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 ,``25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 + ~:" U J~..L s C. Pi.a. i9z UM 9ro, ~~f9 :d :L y.'pf! st ' c4Yii".L1G iotM, 14964 ;2'2' , 4c d cke :M Co.. Chemische Fabrik Berlin. Teltow (under trusteeship) TWo ente prit.e fxz; cona1ut rif tho four = Etnarha1 enter fte and that. part of th -arts rae r>. De s. ,th cea h engaged In the production of ht ri sera-. 2. The: erster 1.: eu : .ated under 6, 7, and 8 were for r, "Q uxidcr local industry edsdnistrnt-Ion and were tranaferr'-*d 'W t "A Ministry for Public Health on 1 Ja nu 19" 3. Formerly under the Main cf 1n r Uon for Oeneral Cnead is y ~Itrev1oua called Main Ac in strat on for Orgenle Chrad-tr7' -in Area Chawistry of the M a unt for z- eav:x enterprise, was/transferred to the Ministry for Public health on 1 October 1954 ?. Fbr rl,y under the dntestr tton of the M .st .tae of Greater Berlin, tb is enterprise ww. tr nsfezwd to the Ninl.sti y for Public Health on I Oatob r i.994. Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 CLASSIFICATION SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. DATE DISTR. 15 February 1955 Enterprises under the Main Administration for NO. OF PAGES Pharmacy THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 19. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 1. VEB Arzneintbi9terkkDflceddnig.RRddbba2I,Gartenstra.sse (formerly Gehe, Weeusta, Meda ni). 2. VEB kt~r Ruedlinburg 3. STATE ARMY 5. 6 7. c~. VEB V,.en eipsig VES ~lilil Leipzig VEB , Bernburgl (formerly Fuma.rhal) VFB Ankvrrerkk~, Raaadolsteldt2 VEB Jenapharm, Jena. VEB Proma.sso1 Werk, Erfurt VEB Phearwatma4!et3 setkee Werk, NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION VEB Pha t1aaima Waft, kb]...le' (foTose1-1y Caesar and Loretz) VEB IMbalwa a:, K.T1-Mere-Staddt VEBrd VEB Chslt* ie P rik Reich, Lausitz 16. VEB Ph tisebea Work, Joha nnistw. (fu remr1T ? er) VEB Pha.rmazeutisches Werk, Pankow (formerly Much) VEB Pharmazeutisches Werk, Weissensee (formerly Asid-Weissensee) VEB Chs isehe Falcbrik von ffeyden, Dlenden-Rodabeul3 VEB Pharmazeutisehes Werk Dr. Halo Ra l)ler, Berlin4 CLASSIFICATION SECRET 7* NAVY I XI NSRB I I DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3 SECRET 1. This enterprise now consists of the former Eumarhal enterprise and that part of the Sern.zmwerk Dessau which was engaged in the production of human sera. Tht enterprises listed under 6, 7, and 8 were formerly under local industry administration and were transferred to the Ministry for Public Health on 1 January 1.954. 3. Formerly under the Main Administration for General Chemistry Previously called Main Administration for Organic Chemistry) in Area Chemistry of the Ministry for WvAqj cLWm& r9nthis ant prse 1 .transferred to the Ministry for Public Health on 1 October 1954. ~. Formerly under the administration of the Magistrate of Greater Berlin,this enterprise was transferred to the Ministry for Public Health on 1 October 1954. Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005900420010-3