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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/06/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800170010-2 CINTRAL INTILLIOUNCI AONW INFORMATION REPORT 'AY arrow MWN WINWwa Wheft of Its- 1"d an" N *1 OIINUI SWM muss w'w~, w ~'~"~"6 wao'0ir' Iw aIi wrYNNY unow mmM/1 IN" am - ug c new a ONLY ww~ DAs NI$T L 28 January 1955 25X1 COUNTSY U (Are tiu ) IIMNCT Part of Arkhangelsk DATE OF INFO. KACI MOM NO. 011 PAM 2 MOINMMNdT NO. AD-Y-103 NI~ PN Ie11 51 ev"00 NN NI MI Mr1 AN NNINAN6 IMI AIMAIM N A N Won on _ NA 41110 1111111110 1. called but it did not answer. shL was in the o! lsk FT~ ship sent its estimated tiro of arrival at Arkhangelsk (ITA frogi ) cap "toy Nos (I 68.10, 1 39-4). The Arkhangelsk radio station was II. The pilot saw aboard along at the arias Lightshi . Is said that the light- ship no "t up psrsanently in that position. schooner-rigpd vessel equipped with an auxiliary syias at ano a 1he control station. There were some am to aboard the vessel 3. There were three or four large 3,000-ton stet harps on the Dvina River. One of the barges whisk oar up the river had no desk sates, and it was carrying sal. 4? ship laded at /awsill ao. 1 on lrevennik Island (1 64-390 d 40-3g). The ship had to drop aaohor a short distance above the quay and wait for twenty- four hours for a berthing spies at the gray. The quay itself was sonstruated of waste timber with walls of veetieallMlaceA planks. There was room for two ships alongside the quay. The gaas4 gave pssisission for a sounding to be tafanj the water depth alongside the geswy rail twwatyfoar feet. There were no cranes on the quay, and the only buildings on the qr 7 were a little gaardhouse and a canteen. is 6. ? a/ Cmais.; any Y NA" Y 'LIL Y MI IY MOIL W /1M 0060" b" W y "N' 1 dwN IIr NOV Approved For Release 2008/06/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800170010-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800170010-2 SECRET - US- OFFICIALS ONLY 7. The workers on the quay had a twelve-hour shift with a short break for meals. There did not seem to be any commercial enterprises in the settlement on Brevennik Island. There was a small steam ferry from the island; the re- presentative of the . Seamen's Club-recommended that the ship's personnel take the large ferry which went directly to Arkhangelsk. ferry departed every other hour until about 1900 or 2000 hours. 8. There was a shipyard located on the east bank of the Dvina River, a short distance below Sawmill No. 2. The shipyard was a short distance beyond a big bend in the river. There were about ten or fifteen wooden vessels at the shipyard. they were fishing vessels. They were f nrt.v or fifty feet long, and some of them were almost completed. I 9. fold bridge between Solombala and Arkhangelsk one after- noon about 1800 hours. new bridge was under construction about 300 to 400 meters farther up the inlet. It was a high flat bridge which rested on moulded pillars. The central section had not been completea. 10. When leavirig`Akhangelsk, the shipping agent procured a tugboat to assist the ship in Ze 1tij,g away from the quay. As the cargo ship was leaving the area, it passed a Soviet cargo vessel of about ,000 or 5,000 DWT at anchor at Chizhov fsIaric.` The ship did not appear to have any 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET- t$ OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2008/06/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005800170010-2