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Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 V Lr\JJ I I I wr% 11 %.1111 ./L' NL%"& CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT VEB Funkwerk Koepenick: Echolot, Echograph, and Fischlupe PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Development THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT SO . C. III AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION WITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- NIRITRD MY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 19 PROHIBITED. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) DATE DISTR. 17 January 1955 NO. OF PAGES 3 25X1 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1. TEN 3 is one of five laboratories in Department TEN in Area II (TE II) of Funkwerk Koepenick. TEN is headed b a member of the SED. The other four laboratories are: a. TENI1, engaged inthe development of amplifiers, headed by de- partment head Geissler; b. b-. of modulation stages, headed c. TEN 4, engag- a n etectid-acoustic development, headed by Fritz Knochenhauer; d. TEN 5, called the "quartz laboratory", headed by Scheil (fnu), a returnee frotp the USSR. Construction work for all five laborat in TGK 5, a construction office headed 2; TLN is a laboratory for hydro-acoustic development.- It Is Lam. + V i1V W JLA6 10 6 1104 V1 I111 a L U Vic. b fields of activity: a. Eng. Ernst Roessler, enga ed in the development of the 'fFisch- l pe' `device and of the 1chhoollot device for smallest depths; b. Eng. Ernst Ruffert, also engaged in Fischlupe and Echolot de- velopment; c. Eng. Kurt Mueller engaged in the development of small-type Fischlupe and of 9chog aph"'devices; di 2- tom .i4,4 e1% PIged in -raph development; GLASIMCXft '=Mr 0 0.I D' Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 waves with a three differ the de of the a the o a. Esholot: sounding from a male au. of one meter below the instr?. M It a maximum of 1,200 a tehs In depth; centimeters; s free a minima of 30 o"t1a tors below the i 11 t to a maximum of 20 sets" in depth with a Boating aoo&m4 _ . 20 b. EehOlot for smallest dopths (Eehelet f1 r kleinste Tiefen) the na .meat to a maximum of 1 pEUQ meters. The diffeaev s hs operates similar ding installation d. FiscMtpos sounding from a minimum of ten to two** meters below the Ifts4 and the doviass lies in the fac 0 ;:ss out tae i -ddng in ,depth love" , of ,so - that it can be cantered onayy twenty motor lay 4? 1 depth; e. Small type Fischlu e: (Klein* Fisohlupe): sounding twenty meters layers from a mists of 20 motors below the instrument to a max- imum depth of 60 to 800 meters. in. 1954 and it has been taken ever in the 1955 plan. DuTirig 1954 the 1953 research add development plan of Fuakwsrk Kospsniek4 do velopment was begun in late 1952 upon.Soviet .,s4ers. It was.'inch The most important development carried out in TEA 3 is the development of the Rundec t device (omnidirecteoasl sounding devise).. !'his do- called "Ausfshrg#;a.t" model of was completed an paper. "Ausfahrgeraet" is a JW# nstrusted in swoh a way that it can stay in, the b y s t is.not in operation and can be sunk into the water underneath the s I s keel. when the operation is to start. Shortly before the Soviets returned the SAG enterprises to sems there are five seshaniss a*d uxtagOmi c dep riding dswies e Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 the German administration at the end of 1953, Funkwerk Koepenick requested lueprints and calculations pertaining he Soviet-operated scientific-technics e blueprints and calculations were mad technician Kesten. Upon orders of the East e Rundecholot development was continued after th formed on its progress and will eventually receive the completed SAG administration. It is assumed that the Russians results of the development. 5. The Rundecholot operates not only for vertical depth sounding but 6 percent pure nickel and 0.1 millimeter strong. These osillat- c transmitter. The transmitter consists of two oscillators ng in all directions within a semi-sphere located around the excited with a transmitter tube TEN 2. The frequency used is 1 ili .. It ham to be so low'bec much sma meni one tance of 1,200 meter operates with or smallest depths operates with cho radiation releases a new tra by Gueldenpfennig ich is near the limit device is.scheduled to e regular Echolits, er distances, use co re - ith a maximum,sound- equency and_ lihe a "Frequen mpulse who the Runde f an oscillator systeut ssimilar to the one used n1ie Etter,-,and "a resonance amplifier which amplifies the arriving echo radiation. The amplified impulses are made visible on a cathode ray tube. 6. By early November 1954, only the transmitting installation and the re- sonance amplifier for the receiving installation of the Rundecho were completely developed and lab atory samples were made. All 0 art re developed on paper onlf. Even so, the problem of makin r ulses visible had not been completely solved. TEN 3 has t j illators obtained from supplies of the former Gerrian Kriegs- Field Comment: 1. Kilohertz, or kiloct~'cles per econd. Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005700020002-8