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Document Release Date: 
July 26, 2007
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Publication Date: 
August 31, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A005100390009-7.pdf119.81 KB
Approved For Release 2007/08/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005100390009-7 CLASSIFICATIOty BG~'.si? COUNTRY Austria, ....~__. ..?_~._ .REPORT TOPIC Wienar Wouatadt Airfield and Mitary Post EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED-- REFERENCES l PAGES. ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE) r EIMARKS 25X1 25X1 - it 25X1 10 Bet.r n 0700 an 13C O on ~1 July 1954, 42 MiG.15s fl 2 !ak11s and I Li. erere parked at tJiener ouotadt .airfi.elao MiG-15s and Li -?-s psracticed flying. There Wass a 10/10 overcast at an altitude of about 1,000 meters, northwesterly wind of 30 km/h and visibility of about 20 kma Six MiG -15s, 1 Lim; i mobile flight control station, 1 si.guual. tucck, 3 trucks" and 1 jeep were perked northGact of the edge of the 'roods at thre southern edge of the field Brest of the takeoff stripy At 0940, the M-2 took off toward the north after a algna from red flag was sc;an? The aircraft returned after about 20 ni.nnates f om the east,, made some local flights over the tow and its vicinity and landed at 1030 a Subsequently; it was towed to the dispersal area by truck. Ate 1150 9 V e U-2 took off again. By 1300 it had not yet returned to the field. Between 11.30 an d 1215, three 1 iG 15s circled wide over the field for about 20 to 25 minutes. The gun emplacement at the field was unoccupied. umbralla-shap:r antenna on a 6eter-high wzot had been erected at the previous location of the 6=eoter-:.high anteflna mast northwest of the firing range. The - brell.a- ehaped antenna at the southwestern corner of the eastern garage installation had been removed. A radio truck with an antenna shaped like an 1 on its roof was parked about 100 sitters south of the motor vehicle ehed (3). 2 Preparatory uorhr for the erection of a fence was under tray at the field. 3 26 The Ther?,ienf'eld airfield was guarded by sentries wearing black-bordered blue epaulets. The doors of the hangars were closed. No aircraft were observed at the field. The quartering installations were occupied by personnel wearing black bordered blue epaulets. 3.. The Artillerio L aserne at Wiener Nuatadt military post was guarded by sentries wearing black. bordered blue e ul.ets, No motor vehicles were parked at the installation, c 10 "EMPt? Wiener Neustadt airfield is apparently still occupied by pro soviet fighter re?:i fs? 'I' e ci4pre:b~ . r di-ision headgxar?terrs is: also v~e1 ~~ ~e< to be stationed there. 2. c at.. Possibly an AA 4 d #c 3-type radar set''is concerned. A sketch of the antennas was requested. a Preparatory work for the ?3 fence was alto o served at Parndorf airfield- , f:1 '1,0,glF1 `PMnK1, r"":e p'T"I 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/08/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005100390009-7