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CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Chemical Research at VEB Kombinat Otto Grotewohl, Boehlen [THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IS. SECTIONS ]SS AND JSA. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTEXTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BT LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. Chemical research at YD Zabisat "Otto Grotewohl" the direction of Dr. Schmitt (fun). Schmitt al^ for Organic Chemical Raw and Basic Materials (Arbeitskreis fuer Organisch-Chemische Roh-und Grundstoffe) founded in early 1952 upon the initiative of the Zentralamt fuer Forschung and Technik (ZAFT). 2. The chemical research projects of the enterprise were divided into Lbwre categories in 1953: (a) Projects of importance not only for the enterprise but for the East German economy which were taken over into the e Plan. 1 (b) Projects of importance for the individual departments of the 25X1 enterprise (Arbeitsauftraege). (c) Projects initiated by the Kombinat indlivldakdSt Shethe Pros pe cttiiv P lan . (d) Proj ec ts init iat ed by WTZ. 3. T 8 he 6. number They w of er 1953 r e divid ese ed arc as h fo projects carried llows: out i n the enterprise was State R Researc Researc es h h earch P Program Program rog of of ram WT th ( Z e A): 18 p (D): 4 p Enterprise (C): 44 p ro ro ro jects jects jects Arbeits au ftraege (B ): 20 p ro jects 4. The following table lists those projects which were successfully concluded in 1953. The table also indicates the numbers of the projects, their supervisors and the profits expected to be made through them by industrial exploitation. All amounts are in millions of DIES X NAVY X NSRB AIR FBI .Me Approved For Release 2007/09/14 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA005000100003-5 SECRET I C VkL LT. S. ,.~F A ~fSlNIrT` F3-01 Investigation and development of contact substances Dr. Prinzier F3-o6 Polymerization (Light oil refining) V3-02 Platinum contacts (62.70 Benzin) V3-03 Desulphurization of circu- lation gas V3-08 Aromatic cracking (raw Diesel refining) Dipl. Ing. Binder 0.100 Dipl. Ing. Sander 11.000 Dr. Grunewald 1.000 B. Enterprise Projects B 50 Metaphosphate vaccination Rossmanith B 51 Production of T-product Dr. Grunewald B 63 C 100 Pre-washing in sulfur production Dr. Grunewald 0.225 C 103 Pyridin production Dr. Grunewald 0.360 C 107 Sulfur production (Koks- schnecke) (sic) Dr. Grunewald 0.500 5. The 1953 research program of the enterprise was carried out with a total of 0f12ytrsons, among them 67 scientists, engineers and technicians. A total of 2.1 million DME was spent for research in 1953. The "success ratio" of 1953 was 11:1, i.e. eleven DME are expected 44i,return sooner or later from every DME invested in 1953 research. 6. With respect to other 19$3 ressaroh.projects not mautioasd In the above table, the following statesents,see made ttta sa uel 19_5Yrepo of a enter ise : a) A eoataet substa... not yet i. exist.... i. bet Aerteday is ender enlop- rent. This contact is to be produced in 1954 on a semi-technical scale; later ~*it will beippoduced and used on a full technical scale. Use of this contact will permit better exploitation of the available installation and, thus, increased production of high quality fuels. The enterprise counts on a fuel production increase of 11 million DME per year through use of the contact in one of its dehydration chasers.. If the contact Approved For Release 2007/09/14 : CIA-RDP80-00810A005000100003-5 SECRET CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY is used at the same time in the second dehydration chamber of the enter- prise for refining raw Diesel fuel and light oil, an additional 10 million DME per year of increased production are to be expectedy b) Increased sulfur production in the value of about 1.5 million DME per year will be the result of a research project on the desulfurization of the circulation gases in the distillation plant. The results of this project have already been partly applied. c') Another project deals with modern test methods in connection with the development of new catalysts for hydrogenation. Successful results have already been obtained. Contact substances have been developed which have better resistance against vaporization than those used so far. Use of these new contacts which, however, are still under investigation, will increase annual production by about 500,000 DME. SECRET CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY A Approved For Release 2007/09/14 : CIA-RDP80-00810A005000100003-5