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Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 CLASSIFICATION S1 crtj . u , 0Y-TC ALL OILY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Vietmannsdorf Airfield, PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. TH191 DOCUMENT (:OBTAINS IUFORNATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEPENSB OP THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE NEARING OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 709 AND 754. OP THE U. A. CODE, AS ARERDED. ITS TRANSMISSION 00 REEL, A71ON Of ITS COUTBUTS TO OR RECEIPT ST AN UNAUTHORIZED PENSON If PROHIBi7E0 UT f.AW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORD IS PROHIBITED. . a r csld was owtai x o: Concreting work on the. dispersal areas at the eastern end of the taxitiiay was completed by 19 July 1954. The implements were transfeired to another construction sit(.-. Of the southwestern taxiway one strip w s entirely completed and the other two strips were half terminated. I .The scheduled 3 buildirrgs in the permanent camp will not be construe~,ed in 1954 but instead a flight control building; a battery charging rotation and an oxygen station ure to be built. 2 The German engineers reused to accept the fuel dump which, includ ng the technical installations. was allegedly completed,, Excavation work ong? the connecting road betwain the two fuel dumps was still under wiq.: Negotiations for the tumLng over of the construction project to the Germans were completed with the Soviet authorities, Lt. Col. Xhomotov (fnu) and Lt. Cola Ole3 Ln3 < (fnu) said their goodbyes to the various German construction of l.', c`-als n DATE DISTR. 9 November 1954 NO. OF PAGES 7 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BEWW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION on the status of construction work at Viet annsdorf ifi~_..~, +Mj Vlj ~" ` In mid-July, the western strips of the southwestern taxiway were half terminated and the other strips were partially completed. Concreting work was done on one h&I.i of the middle strip, whi1u tiaz ea town s Lripcs were completed except for a small part. The machine unit which had previously been' under repair was to be additionally used for work on the southwestern taxiway after 21 July. Thus, work could be done in two shifts as two sets were available. The previously reported expansion work on the southwestern taxiway was finally decided. The available taxiway is to be expanded by 18,5 meters on each side. The 4 inner strips, each 6017 meters wide, will be topped with a 40-cm concrete layer and the 2 outer strips, each 6.16 meters wide, with a 20-cm concrete layer. In mid-June, the following ratio of mixture was ordered for one cubic meter of concrete; 325 kg of cement, 450 kg of coarse chippings, 350 kg of fine chippings, and 1,200 kg of gravel. The gravel used was of poor quality. A work brigade which was employed for grading work on the southwestern taxiway had fulfilled its work quota with 200 percent. It ?:'n j accuan t- m work Lied b.,F. ki done badly and tha the ground had not been.water?ed or tamped enough. CLASSIFICATION SECRF?P - TI-R. MrTrTATM n?ff.T Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA004900350008-5 3. Concreting work on the dispersal areas at the eastern end of the taxiway was completed except for the ear-shaped protrusions. The machine set including the concrete mixer was shifted from the dispersal areas to the southern section of the southwestern taxiway. It could not be determined whether the set would be used for ex .nsion work on the eoutlstern taxiway or for construction work on the roads leading to the dispersal areas in the southwestern section of the field Because of a lack of workers, only two sets could be employed while the third set was under repair. The dimensions of the 6 dispersal areas at the eastern and of the taxiway were entered in a sketch. The second shift of one set which was scheduled to be free after 26 July was to be eed in construction work on the ear-shaped protrusions of the dispersal areas. Work on these protrusion,w1th a 20 -cm, concrete top layer, was to be done by hand. Each of the 6 dispersal areas is to be provided with a stand pipe which is scheduled to be connected to fuel dump II, which is intended to be built in Jage;. (forest ssub.adistiict) No 57. 4. Nh jor Churbanov (fnu) pressed the construction staff that repair work and the filling of joints on the runway be completed as quickly as possible. All of the available workers were engaged in this work. Nevertheless, the first date of completion, namely 15 July 1954, could not be met. The runway has not yet been accepted by the Soviets. 1 5. Concreting work in fu l. dump I in Jagen 162 was completed by mid-July. It was believed that all of the technical installations were fitted; In fuel dump II, excavation work had not started as of mid-July, but digging work was under way on the connecting road between the two fuel dumps. 3 6. Concreting work was done on the following installations during this year up to 15 July 1954: Southwestern taxiway, referred to as Object No 103 dispersal areas, referred to as Object No 104 fuel dump I 14,822 cubic meters 10,577 681 Total 26,080 cubic meters Work was con eit:.errably behind the following schedule: June 1954 20,000 cubic meters of concrete July 1954 26,000 August 1954 26,000 September 1954 26,000 October 1954 10 ,000 a' oa n This indicates that concreting done, up to 15 July 1954, did just comae up to the work plan for one month. A monthly output of 26,000 cubic meters of concrete can only be reached when work is done in two shifts and with the employment of two sets. Then each shift must complete 325 cubic meters of concrete per day, In mid-July, a bureau charged with preliminary work was established at the construction site with a view to work out the plans more thoroughly and to reach a better work uo' . Chief of this office be cams Herr Snievski (phonetic spelling) fnu) who had previously been engaged in accounting and calculating matters. He was to be assisted by a norm engineer, an n excavation foreman, and a specialist charged with computations. 7. The Soviet construction staff formerly observed at the site was no longer present in late June 1954. Since that date, all conferences were held with Major Churbanov from Warder who was assisted by Dipi Ing Maeding Qfnu) acting as control engineer. The Soviet fatigue detail was employed for excavation work at the border swipe on both sides of the runway. There, the ground was being graded, tamped, covered v th humus $ RET,. -- U?S OFFICIALS OILY Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP8O-0081OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 SECRET, - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY and to be sown with grass at a later date. Approximately 1 week before 17 July and on 17 July, a biplane Landed on the western section of the runway. The aircraft,presuaably, was used by the c ing officer of the Soviet construction troops employed at the field. 8. According to talks overheard., the Soviet construction detail employ ed at the field in late June 1954 had formerly been engaged in construction work in TIohen-Neuendorf . The soldiers of the unit did grading work in the northwestern corner of the construction site at the end of June. They used only some of their tools and equipment, while the other implements were a-bored in the tent camp. There was apparently little connection between the construction staff at the field and the Soviet construction knit as the implements which were not being used by the Soviet would have been of great use for grading work on the southi-yestern t uray. 1 9. In early July, no work was under way in fuel dump I which was surrounded by a barbed 'wire fence about 2.2 meter=s high. The pumping house was completed and fitted with iron doors and windows. Work was also terminated on the oil house and the shed for the storage of barrels. A eater reservoir with a concrete cover, 4 meters in diameter, was located both at the southwestern and northeastern corners of the fuel dump, close to the circular road. A deter,-high hydrant was fitted on the concrete covers. The reservoirs were filled through a hose which was connected to the tapping point located in the middle of the four contaainers. 3 10. sketch of the underground cables which were scheduled to be laid under the runway and circular taxiway. These cables consistedc' concrete pipes, about 10 in diameter, through which at present one wire each was strung. The wires were fitted on a wooden pole at both ends of the pips. 11. When construction work was started, the southwestern taxiway was designated as auxiliary runway. During the weeks prior to early July, however, this designation was no longer used and the in,tallation was referred to as Object No 103. The southwestern taxiway was 21 meters wide from the southwestern corner of the E-4 taxiway to the railroad crossing, then it widened to 60 meters to a point about 50 meters north of Jagen 101/72 and subsequently again tapered to a width of 21 meters toward the southern and of the taxi aay. 12. The connecting roads near Object No 104, which is an installation at the eastern end of the E taxiway, had a width of 15 concrete slabs, each 7 meters wide. Concreting work was done in an E.W direction beyond the grass strips. In early July, a width of 10 slabs was completed and work on the other 5 slabs was to be done in 2 shifts from 12 July to 20 July. Work on the 20-cm-thick concrete cover of the ear-shaped protrusions in the grass covered strips was to be done by hand. 1 13. The road around fuel damp 1, except for the approach to the ramp, was completed by early July. The layer of humus was removed from the clear out into the woods for the connecting road to the scheduled fuel dump No ITT from the western end to as .r as the Gross-Doelln.-Vietmannsdorf road. No work was as yet started on fuel dump 11. 3 14. Allegedly, buildings were to be constructed in Jager l92/60, close to the landing field. No details were available as yet. Jagen No 192 is located just north of Jagen 160. 2 15. In early July, the southwestern t vay was otaked off only to a length of 2,880 meters. At the and, the branch lanes to the east and west were scheduled to begin. Workers were engaged in uprooting work on these branch lanes. The taxiway was concreted to a width of 21 meters and a length of 800 meters. Its western strip was completed to as far as point 1 , 500 and its eastern strip to point 1, 840 ~ 1 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 SECRET .. U.S. 'ICIALS ONLY 4 16, The water reservoirs in fuel dump I were cowered with a concrete layer from which a concrete pipe, about 2 meters high, extended. On top of these concrete covers, a layer of earth was raised, Thus, the water reservoirs looked like earth hills, about 2 meters high and 12 meters in diameter, f om the. middle of Mich projected a concrete pipe by about 50 cm. 17. As the surveyors no longer had sufficient work at the field, some of them were assigned to other work. In this connection mention was made of construction work on a large airfield in the wooded area near Luckenwalde. There, surveying work was allegedly to be started soon. Chief construction superintendent Mamani (fnu) was eLd to6be interested in taking over the supervision at this airfield project. C . A sketch of the dispersal areas at the eastern end of the way was forwarded previously. For dimensions of individual hard taxiway, see Annex 2 of the resent report. this taxiway has a width of 90 meters for a cngm or a out ., meters. This information disagrees with the report by another source according to which the taxiway has an extended width of 60 meters for 3. a length of 2,500 meters and a total length of 2,940 meter e 25X1 The connecting lanes to the disper areas 25X1 were scheduled to branch off from the two ends of this taxiway. This plan, however.. was apparently changed slightly because of the terrain feature. C nxx, . Three barracks installations were planned to be built. 25X1 25X1 C . Tree fuel dumps ar schedul ed to be constructed at the field. 4. Comae t. These officers belonged to the Soviet construction staff in Vietmannedorf and were subordinate to the Litvinov Construction Headquarters in Leipzig. This construction headquarters transferred to the east during the first half of May 19540 For location sketch of underground cables and numbers of concrete slabs under which the cables will be laid, see Annex 3. 6. According to a previous report, the VEB Tiefbau Brandenburg was charged with the construction of a new airfield in the Halle/Dresden area. Although Luckenwalde is not located In this area it appears possible that the same airfield is concerned. SECRET, m U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 3ECBM - U.S. CI IAL.S ONLY Iia:c nds Alon.,* -Taxi,.-;;ay - t Victr?anrisdorf -ir icld SECRET, U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 100 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 SECRET, '1 -- U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Llail of 3out'r1wes j crn i ot~2..innodorf Airfield SECRET] . U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 - Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5 Annex fable Ducks Under Run;wa and Circular Taxiway at Vietmannsdorf Airfield !2 Note. The figures indicate the numbers of concrete slabs under which the cable ducts rum. the numbers were counted from the north and west: iC~'i!T, U.Ue GF?1I 1Ai A LY Approved For Release 2007/06/26: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004900350008-5