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COUNTRY 0zecho sio is CLASSIFICATION SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. SUBJECT Approved For Release 2007/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A004700730004-9 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 2. 11V 1. The AERO factory is located in Prague, between CK]) Stalingrad, Rokytka Creek, AZKG (Auto Praga) and the Cina residential area:' 25X1 The factory employs 7-8,000 workers. It centers around an assembly department, where the final assembly of the front part of the bodies and cabins is accompli* :ed. Attached to this department are the sheet-metal section, the pressing department, the painting department, finishing of supporting parts, local storage rooms and tool rooms. On the eastern and western galleries of the assembly hall are the small parts production section, the welders and machinists, and a shop for proto- types which is presently working,in a limited way, on a new type of helicopter. On one side of the assembly department is a lathe department, a boiler room, a shop for preparatory parts and a first aid room. On the other side of the assembly department are offices, a section-for_construction_ of_prepar__atory :iems,,_a_shee:L metal storage room, the peloxevua (Oil axle s = dep@gjjjjjkt :VA the tee the fire . This i loe*tion of "Little Slovakia", which has a lathe department a , milling maw department and a small-riveting Aeloxevna shop.- L L1ttl Slovakia" is "Big Slovakia" which includes the main assembly' for tai a and the production of various other accessory parts s_uch as tanks,.. etc. A __ sthes #o-- depots depots is a so-called 33i1v (white House), ere are located offices and a main construction shop. Behind this bmilding the Regie (repair and maintenance)( shops, a small boiler room and a wood--work ng spartment ;, Production at the factory has been cut 30-50%; the production capacity has been reduced from five bodies to two or three. This figure fluctuated, however, from day to day. 4. The cut in production resulted in a work shortage, with a number of employees having to leave the factory. The present 18W average pay, 5-6 Kcs., has also impnchred the workers' morale. SMfELPf CLASStrtCA"fion -- NSRB I" FBI R department, the milling machine department, the 25X1 DATE DISTR. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. .63L25X1J THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION compressor and transformer stations, the hardening partment..1s. the - nt. 'tTnder the assembly de t~ _the sanding department and various storage places. n Approved For Release 2007/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A004700730004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A004700730004-9 SECRET CON'IMC , U. S. OFFICIALS' ONLY 5. Part of the plant is being moved moved to the new location. The a before the end of the year. '6r ' tl ,* M M03 was to be moved 6. The production of a new, faster, and otherwise improv the near future. scheduled for 7. The factory is guarded by plant police manning three louses and by Internal Security Tamps, keeping watch from two wo. ,s and, at night, Ca entt Otherwise known as the Vysocany Plant of Aero :iati al ., on Enterprise, loeated at ul. Julia'Fucika 305, Prague IX, SECRET CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2007/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A004700730004-9