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Document Release Date: 
August 8, 2007
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Publication Date: 
August 16, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A004600580004-7.pdf54.18 KB
Approved For Release 2007/08/08 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600580004-7 Or CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT 15 TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 042354 1. The Alliance of German Consumers' Cooperatives (Verband der deutcchen KonsumCcnos- senschaften -- VDK) of the Soviet zone of Germany, with headquarters in Berlin- Mitte, Gtresetnannstrasse 128 (near the Potsdamer Platz), headed by Dr. Greta Wittkowsky, has an "All-German" Section whose chief is (fnu) Thorwirt. This man came from Rostock in April 1952 as the successor to Hans Hummel. There is supposed also to be an "All-German" section in each of the Sezirk branches of the VDK. 2. The All-German Section's functions are exclusively of a political nature. It attempts to spread the pro-Eastern "peace propaganda" among the members of West German coopera- tives, and to prepare such persons for eventual acceptance' of Socialism as practised in East Germany. The bulk of the members of consumers' cooperatives in West Germany are affiliated with the SPD. The "Ail-German" Section of the VDK works in close association with the SED and with KPD headquarters in Dusseldorf. Cornnmist function- aries, trained in East Germany, were sent to West Germany as "instructors" for con- sumers' groups. 3. Delegations of members of cooperatives in West Germany were organized for visits to East Germany. The visitors were escorted everywhere by carefully chosen SED functionaries. Other members have been sent to training cQurses at a school run by the VDK in Thuringia. In these cases transportation was arranged by the Central Committee of the SED, and surveillance was maintained by the SSD. 4. The "All-German" Section of the VDK has organized vacation visits in Prst Germany for children of West German members of cooperatives, and has given the children gifts of clothing upon their return to their homes. All expenses were borne by the VDK. 5. The VDK maintains liaison with various other organizations for the purpose of recruit- ing possible espionage agents, and sometimes provides "cover" for agents of the SFS. This material contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United State, within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws. Title 18. U.S.C. Bees. 793 and 794, the Uanatnisaton or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 25X1 REPORT DATE DISTR. 16 Aagust 195/,. NO. OF PAGES a- 25X1 REQUIREMENT NO. RD 25X1 REFERENCES