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Approved For Release 2007/09/28 CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600420007-1 C NfRAL 1 4:44 ' I?=G I ?..rlREPORT INFORMATION ? RT CD NO. COUNTRY PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Fast Go w r/satellites C'.D PuWzaatarenbau, Borlin-Koepeniek Oc4ober 1954 NO. OF ENCLS. (LJS1ED BEIAW1 25X1 SUPPLEMENT TO 640790 REPORT NO. MIS mcumnl COStn111 11MY1n@ nntrnn. 7111 ut10e1LL canna a Tat to nIn SUM. nt1111 no engine OF me U. s=Mon its ~1o tae. of .711 1... mn. u wsallo. Fit 71 MWO101 M RSV*L 47101 of in mUUTh no go 1e41I. a an 0Y1711011 1o A1m1 1s MO.IMRO an "W rn1 n nomrno. a "is 91111 Is MGgi11T1o. to On 1 January 1953, YXB 7unkanlagenbau Brnrlin$Boepenick (plant for the construction of radio equipment) as founded by a splitting up of funkwerk Koepenick. This navy established national enterprise remained for a while in the buildings of the Fuvkwwrk on 154/158 Meadenschlose Strasse in Berlin.Koepanick., on 15.August, Ja large temporary banding located near the sport nomm?nt in Berlina.Gruenau was also rented. WhenD in late August, it was el mied that, effective 1 August 1953, the YES Funkanlagenj ban Berlin?Xoepenick should be merged with TEE ?nlagenbau lorated on Warschauer Plats in Berlin, it was also decided that, by the end of 1953, the amalgamated enterprise should. mnae in+^, ru.,.*q der Te.:bnik" on lriedricbatrasse in Berlin which was still being enlarged at than ti:?n,. :1.: a., sonnel. which totaled only 183 persons on 31 July 3.953 w=is scheduled to be increased to a total of 360 persons by 31 December 1953r as a result of the additional space. 2. In 1953, the plant via scheduled to produce goods valued at 24,088 million sastmarks. Products for 6 million eastmarke had been delivered by 31 July. The floating capital of the plant amounted to 80l,0OO eastaarks and its invested capital amounted to 100,000 eaetsarks, 3~ The plant had received orders for the erection of one transmitter station each at the following places in East Germrnys Voebbeliz :-af Ludwigalust, Wiledruf and Viederau near Dresden, on the Bracken Mountain, on Inselsbc.-g and on the Hochbays (skyscraper) in leipsig; the latt:az insF1,i].ation probably is a television trananfttero The order x'r the construction of a transmi'Lar station to be set up on Muegen Island was cancelled along with the plan that the plant should produce swine transmitter, a project which finally remained in the hands of f'unkv.rk Xospenick. The large tranmeitter station at Mahledorf was being enlarged 'and repaired0 The expenses for this additional construction work had ecceeded the cost for the erection of the new station by about 200 percent. 4. Amport orders handled by the lunkenlagenhau included three transmitter stations for Poland; two transmitter stations for a total of 7 million eastmarks for Bulgaria; and one transmitter each for Rumania and Csechoslovakiao The order for the construction of two additional transmitters for Poland had been cancelled in July; Bulgaria had postponed the completion date for-the two transmitters from 1954 to 1955., Nc, irtf:erma Lion was available :.:n the .IM1estion . purpose and power of these transmitter statiaas,; Cl A sn ! %rlo;v s c :_~!L.s. _,r. scr Ors DiSTh"UToNV .,.:--- OUL Lv Approved For Release 2007/09/28 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600420007-1 5;, Single parts required for the essembij of th,: transi,Lees were :; ,r f ; utAx id s, r cRCuter by Fin cwerk Koepenick- V123 Ariagenbau on Sch egelst e ase jr Berl Plant in Cora, VEM atdabaa In Leipzig an: in Li?^hterA C. the eila' in ,'..,.t.-hsen- berg, the Karl Uebkneeht Transformer Plant ("iiw) rr s .rain her5C.raenor3iie; the VZ3 Atrlagerrbaa in hostock and Dresden and the VEB Ku h3at?temat (.plarL 'or re^t`ig3rator snits) in So annisthal, The VEIL An7.agentla-,;, :in Scir].agel,itr?a53e. was the largest of the enterprises listed, had do l ?'ea eu ?x?cyf zct3 th `t -) value cf 2 million eastrrt:.rks., Transror;aers were the creates,, bottleneck zr t 4e real.izatic:. of the project, s nta for leading personnel of `,TEE Funkaniar:enban in Borl:incTOSPInicF: status August :19539 see Annex, . Approved For Release 2007/09/28 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600420007-1 ant Directs Hubert e )e Departments directly su'.:P:"inated to the p)h,:.u dirrc;.ot Planning Deportment,; he.,d~?d by Pfannenschdt, (Emil Quality Control Departine;rt3 headed by GerhcrCt Schmid' Archive, healed by flies G,et ze (fnu) Te ! n -7 1F naF Ar? Joh_nnea Zuraffka, safety en ir..eer Sections subordinated to the technical TManasgrr includods Technical Projecting,eh: eft Drechaler (fnu) Power Supply, oh?ef% Eir"Etch (fnu) Construction Problems, ch f: Gerhardt 1teile? Assembly,, chief3 Kirsch (?nu) The k stration included the Personnel Department cti of - Mrs Diehl (fnu) Work Department, shunf- Robert Jesse,, Accounting Departrent, ehae?e Sehno.r (fna) Supply Department,. ch?.efa Ulrich (fnu) Sales Department,, chief., ademann (ftiu)