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Approved For Release 2007/08/08 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600410002-7 - JLEIJOII IIrfIIVIN OEDflE.i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. SUBJECT Miscellaneous Information on VEB Funkwerk Roepenick PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIB DOCUY[NI CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 798 AND IRS. OF THE U. S. COOS. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UHAUTHORIIED PERSON Ib IRO MI BIT[0 ET LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. 29 September 1954 NO. OF PAGES 4 25X1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. In late 1953, the quota of reparation deliveries of signal equipment for ships and ne yet filled by Plant No 2 of the Koepenick radio rengines chidlowski, the manager of Plant No D been removed from undetermined reasons. In order to acLIerate eliverigqss``&ngineers from Plant No 1 were Plant No`2after January 1954. Delivery t Plant No 1 because of delays in the STATE ARMY tubes of type 526 for the television transmitter arrived at Plant No 2 through undetermined channels. r>val of c men ports. This appli94i or instan etc television transmitter. In late January X954, two or inal 25X1 2. In January 1954, work on the development of a 10 kW ultra-short wave transmitter was discontinued by order of RV R F T, allegedly because of a shortage of f The transmitter was to be equipped with type SRS-402 tubes, co type RS 784 tubes produced at the Erfurt radio engineers he engineering side of the transmitter was 80 percent completed. lack of money, the model SL-1 long-wave transmitter was not to given the planned output of 1,000 kW; moreover, it was to have only one of the four final stages originally planned. The antenna output of the transmitter was, therefore, to be only 250 W. In February 1954, the transmitter was erected in the test field. It was not erecte41 s originally planneat Boenigswusterhausen. J? 1u 1al.a Ja[luary aE[u r nuruary 1774, all ue ar1.maLL. Vl 1.115 charged with development missions were suffering from a 1 while the production department had enough work on hand. In April 1954, work on the development of a long-distance-station receiver designed for diversity transoceanic reception of middle and short waves was continued. The receiver was to be coupled with a multiple unit steering antenna. A total of ten such receivers were scheduled to be delivered to the VEB RF T Funkanlagenbau (construction of radio installations) by late 1954. A model SO transmitter was being built for Czechoslovakia. 5. The Gril television and ultra-short wave programs were discussed at a conference held on 27 May 1953. At this conference, Funkwerk Koepenick was represented among others by director Boer, Dr. Vinaelberg, and engineer Heine. The result of the conference was communicated in a confidential circular issued by the development department of the enterprise. In this circular it was stated that the execution of the television and ultra-short wave programs had been given priority by the Gilt Government and that this program ranged in importance immediately after reparation deliveries. Television transmitters and their sound transmitters and control equipment were to be given reference No 20/0051/II; ultra-short wave sound transmitters, their antennas, and auxiliary equipment reference No 20/0052/11. 6. It was planned to construct four 10 kW ultra-short wave transmitters for Poland in 1953 and six other transmitters, also for Poland, by mid- l954. During the first quarter of 1954, a television transmitter with an output of 10 kW was to be built for the German Postal Administration. 7. In October 1953, Funkwerk nick received an order to build a type F-4 television trap h an output of 10 kW for operations in the third wave band at nkwerk Koepenick and Weak HF were making efforts to secure th the delivery of a 3-kW sound transmitter which was required for the type F-4 television transmitter. An order for a F-5 type television transmitter with an output of 10 kW, and a 3-kW 8. In October 1953, a 3-kW ultra-short wave transmitter was accepted German Postal Administration. The transmitter was scheduled to be installed still in the fall of 1953 on the Inselberg Mountain in the Thueringer Wald mountain range. In late October 1953, 10 ultra-short wave transmitters with an output of 1 kW each were accepted by the German Postal Administration and taken to a storage depot at Koenigswusterhausen. After mid-December 1953, they were picked up and shipped to undetermined consignees. The equipment was probably exported. 9. On 15 March 1954, the four ultra-short wave transmitters which had an output of 3 kW and were completed at the plant in 1953 were delivered to the VEB Funkanla enbau Two of the transmitters were consigned to the German Po ration, the remaining two to Penland. They operated at about was planned to erect one of the ultra-short wave ream, the transmitter scheduled to be erd at Mahlow was to be installed, for the time being, at the East Berlin "Stadthaus" and the transmitter previously installed there was to move to the Mueggelberg area. 10. On 4 March 1954, a four-man delegation of the Polish Ministry of Postal Affairs from Warsaw inspected Funkwerk Koepenick. The commission was informed about the two 3-kW ultra-short wave transmitters. The order for these two transmitters and 10 additional 10 kW transmitters had been placed by the Poles in August 19 2. The Poles stated that a 10-kW ultra- short wave transmitter delivered in operation in Warsaw. However, the powe transmitter could not be fully utilized. A tube testing set for tubes similar to the RS-722 tube (Project P-3), and for gland. imilar to type RS-566 tubes (project P-4) was also developed The equipment by them. The Poles were also greatly Led in the 800 W ship radio transmitter to be used on drifters. he were interested in the projected television transmitter and h-power long-distance medium-wave and short-wave transmttto they also inspected the test field for these transmitters. Wh Polish delegation, during their visit, pressed for the accelera ivory of the 10-kW transmitter ordered by them, the purpose of the the Czechs could not be determined. It was particularly noted he Czechs were shown all installations of Funkwerk Koepenick i the laboratory, while the Poles were only taken to the confer where they were shown the designs of the transmitters ordered . On 3 December 1953, a Czech delegation visited Funkwerk Koepenick. The delegation had discussions with members of the plant management and inspected some of the departments of the enterprise including the test field and the transmitter department. 12. In late March 1953, a conference was held at the Soviet Control Commission at Karlshorst. The conference was attended by a Rumanian delegation and representatives of Funkwerk Koepenick and Hv Funk. At this conference, Funkwerk Koepenick was ordered to construct a 500 kW middle-wave transmitter designed for operations from 100 to 500 k.c.s. for Rumania. The preliminary stages for such a transmitter were already being developed at the Brueskep Rein Department of Funkwerk Koepenick. It was announced that these preliminary stages were to be used for the Rumanian middle-wave transmitter and were to be completed within three months. The final stage of the transmitter was to be ready for acceptance by late August 1953. The Rumanian order was given first priority. In July 1953, a 10 kW short wave transmitter was under construction for Rumania. 13. The Abteilung fuer Sonderaufgaben (Department for Special Missions), headed by Norra (fnu), received an order for the delivery of 300 type Michael sets in January 1954. Fifty of these sets were to be delivered by August 1954. In 1952 and 1953, type Michael sets were often installed in VP radio trucks at Funkwerk Koepenick. installed broke down and the rho .ruck returned to the plant. Since the two type ED 111 output tubes fitted could 25X1 not be procured in Eastern Bloc countries, the Abteilung fuer Sonderaufgaben of Funkwerk Koepenick was ordered to equip the radio telephony sets with other tubepieuch as type P-50 tubes. 15. On 10 August 1953, 21-3 use delivered for ins ansmitter had an output of 5 a type RS-782 tube. Sine o the transmitter were too large, it had to be modified at the plant and thus could not be installed in the steamer before January 1954. Of four other transmitters under construction at Funkwerk Koepenick, one was being tested at the test field in April 1954. 16. In October 1953, the technical manager of the Tube Plant in Erfurt, Herr Baer, and a representative of the SCC visited Funkwerk Koepenick. They discussed the manufacture of type SRS-401 tubes, which are similar to the Telefunken type 681 tube and have an output of 1 kW, and of type SRS-402 tubes, which are similar to the Telefunken type 782 tube and have an output of 3 W. These two types of tubes are used both for the television transmitter and the type KN-, the latter transmitter was to be fitted e conference, Baer acher-molybdenum glass required, inferior substitute mater'el which would not antes airtightness and temperature resistance when sealed with copper so mentioned that he hoped he could manufacture the tubes withou the other engineers present thought that this was unfeasible. ototype tubes had been manufactured because of the difficulties e s in the