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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 15, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600240012-5 CLASSIFICATION sr" COUNTRY sasti Varmarq REPORT EVALUATION- DATE OF CONTENT. DATE OBTAINED- REFERENCES - PAGES 2 ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE) This is UNEVALUATED Information 1, On 1 and 2 June 1954, 11-28s without auxiliary fuel tanks practiced flying at 25X1 Werneuchen airfieldo 2, The following troop and supply shipments were observed arriving in Weraauchens 25X1 "JM.On previously reported shipment of 37 boxcars, 4 flatcars and 2 coaches arrived, orein from Brest Litovsk. On the evening, a train of 41 boxcars, 4 ors and 2 coaches, arrived, also wing from great Litovsk. 25X1 ?A Sr. At 0710, a shipment arrived -Brost I o 31 , At 0915, a shipmentrof 13 boxcars and 18 flatcars, arrived coning from Brett Litovsk. he boxcars were fully occupied by W wearing black-bordered blue epaulets, and Sovi t dependents . The flatcars were loaded with motor vehicles including radio trucks 25X1 June. 2 At 0615 a shipment of 9 boxcars and 11 flatcars arrived coning from Neubukow. The train carried about 200 sea Tearing red-bordered black epaulets, 6 x 37-sn AA guns, 2 AA gone, smaller than 37-x, and 12 trucks. The AA gun esiplacement in the sou of the field was occupied by the unit. During the afternoon, truck died by IN wearing red-bordered black epaulets moved into the emplacement. The previously reported t from Finow which arrived in Werneuohen on 27 May xi On 31 Mays, 6 boxcars with military goods from Buckau and a railroad tank car from Gross-torbetha arrived in Wgrneachem. On 1 June, a boxcar with military goods 3. After 31 May, air activity by twin-jet aircraft was observed in the vicinity of Werneuchen airfield. the flight speed of these aircraft was lower than that of the obsasvad 25X1 c s 1 tonall MiG . y a - - MV -229 and II 5s co on 4 Jugs about 45 il-28s and U_U 2Bs were observed at the field. the dey, there was intensive air25X1 activity at the field. QOq 9 hts and far circles over the field and Its surroundings were madeo CLASSIFICATION= 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 la 5a Three radio trucks, each with an about 8-meter-high antenna mast, were observed in the southwestern extension of the runway inside o? the field, A radio installation with four masts and a radar set, probably a Sniferest-type set, were located in the northeastern extension of the.runway, 6. Six canvas-covered AA guns, either 76.cn or 85-am caliber, were observed in the AA gun emplacement in the northwestern corner of the field, Near the emplacement were two radar sets of type AA 1 MQ 20 The superstructure of one set was just being dismantled. Six light AA guns were observed in front of the sheds ear the emplacement and a number of motor vehicles were parked in the sheds, 25X1 8, sparing the noon hours on 5 June,, about 40 twin-jet aircraft, probably I1-.28s 25X1 and U-I1-2Aa WA ..7,n .nw a 4 1L_ su _, n > ' Cammentn The shipments which QrriVed in We h 25X1 rnguc an on 2L And 2A M, 5 were previously reporteda '25X1 previously repo -I 15X1 ndwith a total of 143. coaches and 90 flatcars from the direction of Brest Litovsk, bcocoars n w V 31 76 n Or a.,mm guns and 1 light AA battery with 6 x 37-mm AA guns in addition aroma guns of smaller caliber are stationed at Werneuchen airfield, MK 2 were previously reported for the first time, 25X1 Lcaaent The AA shipment 25X1 Werneuchea and .moved toward Neubukow Y0 May 1954, it present 1 medium AA batte ith 6 c25X1 25X1 o co ned ammunitions The shipment from Lilackau probably 3a The arrival of the ammunition shi t was revi ort~_ L~J~I 4,1 ICOmnnent, For three photographs see Annexes '1 through JJAI These photographs indicate that the 11 s and A-11-28e do not differ from the twirl- Jet aircraft formerly observed. On one photograph of a 0-11-28 the air exhaust 25X1 appears distorted ae camera was slightly moved while taking the 25X1 picture, The II-28sl had been stationed in East Ger~ma_ny prior to late June 7!05A RbT'i., VoS. OFFICIALS ONLY Attsebmea6.s Aanevoe. 1 syas eat Lt-2B*s 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP8O-00810A004600240012-5 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP8O-00810A004600240012-5 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP8O-00810A004600240012-5 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP8O-00810A004600240012-5