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Approved For Release 2007/08/29 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600010001-2
.. TLI.Dcc pant conteim Intmo.ntlm ed eiing We Its-
tonal Ethnic of the United ettt.t, within the mien-
lag of Title 1&/sefa=4MWW"&o/ih.VJ.0oae,ee
INFORMATION REPORT- menial. Dn tton~tyba oe traWtloaa:it.eo
tear receipt by an SS hnS pan I. prohmod
- be een. T e n ecduetlcn of thb fatm L prohlmted.
COUNTRY East Germany
SUBJECT Broadcasting and Mumdug Stations
in East Gannazy - 1Teditmi and Long
Wave Stations
1. It is certain that, the high power broadcasting station S" (capacity_
approximately300 kw)-has been put into operation at Dresden on -l 016kcs,
and that it interferes considerablyViit the Wolfshefr transmitter (Suedwestfunk)
which liea?on the same frequency. Furthermore, four ground plane of the
aerial installations of the following high power broadcasting stations have
a. Z3 - Berlin toepenick (in operation)
b. SM 1 - Schwerin (underconstruction)
c. SM 3 - Burg,;near Magdeburg (under construction)
d. SM 4 - Dresden-41ledruff (in operation)
2. With referent to the crystal order for the high wer broadcasting atat ,
orders for ee quartz crystals were placed the Main Administration for
Radio (HV Funk) at TIER radio installations; two of these crystals are for
the Z-3 transmitter and one for the SM 3 transmitter.
3. The following is supplementary data on the new construction of high power
broadcasting stations
a. The SM 1 medium wave transmitter is stationed near Woebbelin, same 26 km.
south of Schwerin. This station apparently just started its experimental
transmissions with the Berlin III programs. Based on a day field strength
of 1.3 mV/fa, as tested in' Bestend, ,a frequency of 728 kes and a
soil conductivity of 5 x 10- e.m.u., a radiated power in the direction
of Berlin of sass 125 kw is computed. It cannot be judged whether the
deviation : from the rated power of 300 kw results from the fact that the
beam antenna reduces the radiation in the direction of the Federal Republic,
(Nat.. Waddagten DSdbolbn Indicated Sy "A"; Fl.N tlkMbutoe By "i"?)
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3 Angaat 1954
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b. According to the latest information, it is believed that the SM 3 medium
save transmitter at Burg near Magdeburg will be completed soon..
c. The SM 4 medium wave transmitter at Dresden-Wilsdruff, which has been-jn
operation for some two months, is received at Berlin-Westend with a day
field strength of 5mv/6. At a frequency of 1,016 kcs and a, soil con-
ductivity of 5 x 10 e.m.u., its radiating power is some 150 kw. 25X1
d. The planned St 2 long wave transmitter is, according to the latest
information, to be constructed in the Zehlendorf area near Oranienburg.
It is to be ccmpleted.on or about the. end of 1954.
4. Jamming nro2ram on medium ways
a. The 2 transmitters -tonming
are comtpiled in alphabetical order in the list attached as
appendix A-2. In addition, smaller jamming ate}tions are believed to be
stationed in the following towns:
(1). East Berlin - Elosterstrasse
(2) . East Berlin -Carmen-Sylvastrasse,'corner of Plandornstrasse(sio)
(3). Hennigsdorf near Berlin
(4).' Roentgenthal, near Berman
5). In the area`,between'Corinsee andSchoenwalde.
It seems that the jamming transmitters,"items 2, 9, 11, and 20 of the
list in appendix a-2 are located at the same places as the normal
broadcasting stations. It is not known where and to what extent a
two-way operation between the regular. program broadcasts and jamming
operations is carried: oat. Wherever there were indications that
Western :broadcasting stations were being jammed, corresponding notes have
been added to the list.
b. Jamming is effected partly by program modulation of the last German broad-
casting systems and partly by unmodulated transmitters which cause the
interference noises. Some jamming transmitters seem to operate with a
special wobble modulation.
c. We have no data with regard to a jamming transmitter station near
Peenemuande (Wolgast).
d. The transmitter atWegel was the former Berlin transmitter (100 kw) which
was operated under Soviet-German control. In 1948, after the blowing up of
the transmitter masts by the French Occupation Forces, the transmitter was
reerected at toenigewusterhausea.
e. With regard to the-SO transmitters (medium wave band., 20 kw, mobile), the
following information is available and is given in detail in appendix A-3:
a total of five transmitters were-under construction; the SO4 has been'
completed; after a repeated change of location, it is stationed at present
in Burg near Magdeburg. It broadcasts the programs of Berlin III on 575 kcs.
This transmitter will be available as soon as the SM 3 high power transmitter
is put into operation. The 30-2 and 30-3 transmitters have been cancelled.
The 30-4 and 30-5 are to be exported to. Czechoslovakia and Poland. In
addition,"six 5 kw, medium wave transmitters are under construction at the
following sites (see also appendix A-2, item 11 of the list of jamming
stations; four of these": transmitters are mobile):
SM 5/1 - location unknown at present. because of several changes
SM 5/2 - location Plauen (mobile)
3R 5/3 - location Inselberg (stationary)
IN 5/4 - location not yet known; completed since mid-Hovemiber 1953
SM 5/5 both plants were nearly completed by
SM 5/6 j mid-November 1953
f.?.We do not know whether some of the SO transmitters were to be used by
the Border Police Force. 25X1
g. The 30-1 transmitter,_at present operating in Bur near-Magdeburg, is
modulated with the program of Berlin 1111 575 keel; thus it does not
operate as a jamming station. 25X1
h. We have no data concerning the so-called frequency changing receivers
(superheterodyne receivers) Mara a and rNa rte In. which were mentioned
in a report'by the Investigations Committee. However, it may be that such
a method is applicable. These receivers were allegedly designed by the
Ulrich company-in Bernbarg/Saale and have been accepted for series production
by IIF Geraetesweigwerk, Berlin 0 lit, Neue Bahnhofstrasse. Our information
indicates only the manufacture of small Jamming transmitters, with a
capacity of 50 watts; these transmitters were also designed by Ulrich and
manufactured at the Geraetezveigwerk Berlin.
pr uc . or manufacture of 65 units
appendix #3, no. 4), the production in series was temporarily
halted because of shortages in the supply of material. At a later date
production was resumedappendix A3, no. 5). This information 25X1
indicates that a more powerlu.E apparatus, with a capacity of 100 watts,
has been designed (presumably) identical with Transmitter II. It i8
naturally quite possible that these small jariing-trensmitters may also be
used for network-interference., As far as we know, these units are 25X1
designated to operate mainly at district police agencies of small towns
with emergency aerials.
The transmitters of the types HFB and EPA are 50 kw short wave broadcasting
5. Possible Ruegen Island radio installation 25X1
e development stages. It is not whether they are zoxi
to be stationed on Huegen Island. (appeal A3 g)
6. Television transmissions
, n
. ,
the installation of eight transmitters L.s;.? anne ion
at Lohme on Ruegen Island. In addition
(appendix A3, no. 9), a border short wave an er (10 kw) and a border long
wave transmitter (10 kw) have been set up.. We do not have data concerning the
frequencies provided for propaganda to be beamed to the Scandinavian countries
a' appendix A3, 25X1
no. the General Managers of Broadcasting
Statior~ in Nast Germany,, ac eenwerk Radebergoearmarked 200 of the Leningrad
T-2 television sets for delivery by the and of 1952. These receivers were
set for the East Berlin television frequency of 100 megacycles. The Investi-
gation Committee allegedly predicted that the annual production (year not
specified) would amount. to some 40,000 sets. It is believed that a commercial
television receiver. was exhibited at the Leipzig Fair (Autumn 1953); this
set has a 9 inch cathode ray tube and is priced at 700 1.. 25X1
b. With reference to the utilization'of.travelling wave tubes a ist for the
priority supply of tubes was issued in July 1953 appendix A3, 25X1
no. 11) which, among other items, contains a r ec on klystron 707 A. an
impulse magnetron for 10 on wavelength (equal to INS 1000), as well as a
noise-free travelling wave tube for low power stages,)and a travelling wave
tube for final stages.
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story oraoL - 1.5Wncu zs ONLY
a.' The IN3 transmitters are 5 kw short wave transmitters.
Types of emissions: Al, A2, and A3
Hands: 3-6 mc, 6-12 mc, 12-24 me
Power: Al 5 kw; A2 and A3 - 1.25 kw
b. No statement can be made on our part concerningthe utilization of sets
for fully automatic air traffic safety control installations.
c. Ve do not have data concerning ultra short wave receivers in
East Germany or current production of such receivers.
chnical difficulties
With raferenee to the type n? tubes which the East German broadcasting system
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List of Jeosaing Stations
in East Germarq
Date of Information:
5 October 1953
29 September 1953
near Ailsdruff
(see item 24 below)
Burg Rabenstein
13 August 1953
28 October 1953
24 July 1953
26 November 1953
20 July 1953
Halle (Siebel works)
22 July 1953
8 November 1953
Jamming object 2.2kw
(989 kes)
Inselberg (Gotha)
20 June 1953
20 August 1953
683 modulated with
Berlin III
18 FebruarY 1953
School at Nordplatz
Leipzig (Wiederau)
20 June 1953
5 kv 989 kcs
22 July 1953
19 August 1953
near Voelkerschlacht
no date
11. Colmberg 989 kes
singing noise
Muehlrose near
8 November 1953 transmitter
No.31 2 kw on
989 kca
Neukirch (Bischofs-
28 July 1953
Jams RIAS kc and
Sd? 1016 ken
2 October 1953
Scheutzenbaua 989 kes
modulated with
Berlin III
Plauen (Bad Neudorf)
2 October 1953
737 ken interference
Reason near Burg
8 July 1953
robably building
site of 3M 3
10 April 1953
ocated in former
slave transmitter
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A MM A-2, conttd
Rechlin (airport)19' July 1953
Contents on above:
10 April, 1953
10 April 1953 See item 2 above
26 NOPember 1953
2 kw, 989 kca~ modulated with;
Berlin I or Berlin III
a. emT 1.
Apprroximately twodti Weeks k ago a jaaminr station was Placed in operation in
two firml (outside the city). The radio jammer consists of
_ y mounted masts and one automobile
A Jammingstation, 159 meters high, wqs recently constructed and placed in operation
in the village of Birkenhain, three kilommeters from wilsdruf# Saxo
is surrounded by a fence which carries a high Saxony. The station
closely guarded by YOPOs with trained a voltage charge at night. The site is
is very good but RIts can no 1 police dogs.' Thus far, reception in aced in
operation. Farmers who coannentedgdisapprovinglynon the station has been placed in
same night.. Prowing] on the station n were arrested the
Re: Birkenhain near Wiledruff, Saxony
jaLLing station
Re: Brandenburg district Belzig
probable jamming Station 11 The construction of a house approximately 200 meters from Rabenstein Castle (about
12 kilometers south of Belzig) was completed several weeks ago.
it is an insignificant looking house From the outside
to be constructed . On,c'loser inspection, however, it is found
mainly of concrete, with a subsurface in
d b
ation. The site is
y a solid wooden fence. The building is guarded by VOPOs day and night.
e c nit -k--- a1arlon or the People's Police;
y, however, insist that it is a Jamming station.
and --?'m- a" a+s a4aTilon. The building --- - -....04u n- is arded patrols ace mpanied by dogs, Furthermore
iss supposed
28 October 1953
Re: District Chemnita, Chemnitz
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AP U A-2, coat' d
e. Item 5.
The YOPO barracks in Cottbus have the fomlowing.unlisted telephone numbers: 1417,
1418, 3419 (switchboard). Whencoo of these numbers is dialled, the subscriber
just answers with Words such as "Who is there?", "Hello", etc.'..-An extension of
number 1417 is allegedly installed in the former Lehrgebaeude flier Webschueler,
Webschulallee 60/61. This building, the Cottbus residents suppose, houses the
jamming station which renders the reception of RIAS broadcasts in the-vicinity
of Cottbus almost impossible, or at least interferes with them considerably.
The fault control centers (sic) of the Cottbus district, especially those in Cottbus
proper, continuously receive letters from radio listeners complaining of the loud
singing tone interference on. their receivers. The radio sales departments of the
tonsums, the Ho's,and private retail stores in Cottbus are frequently unable to tune
in on any station sttisfaotorily in the medium wave band (especially between 200 and
250 meters) in which many stations of the so-called demookratischer Rundfun%,broadcast.
This is a direct result of the RIAS jamming stations which have been set up in the new
Rathaus in the center of Cottbus; the operations of these stations are very inaccurate
and have a strong singing tone. On the roof of'the kathaus are set up, approximately
40 meters apart, two tall red aerial support masts which are visible from a distance;
the aerial leading to room 204 of the second floor of the building is strung between
the masts. The only entrance to room 204 is through the adjacent room, because the
two doors leading from the corridor have been removed and replaced by plastic sheets
with a clay filling to absorb sound. Room 201, the adjacent room, which serves as
an entrance to 204, is a guard roomy with an army cot, table, and chairs. Guards of
the YPSA of Cottbus are always on duty. Both rooms are heavily curtained so that it
is impossible to see in from the outside. No one in the Cottbus area seems to. have
any knowledge where the station causing all of the local interference is actually
located. VPSA are Yolkepolissi/treisamt,
g. Item 6.
It has been reported that BIAS could not be heard in the Altentreptow district. The
broadcasts were constantly being jawed and distorted in such a manner that not a
single wood could be heard. .A jamming station is supposedly in operation near
Friedland. The 11WDR and Radio London can be heard well.
he Item 7. 25X1
Since Friday, 17 June 1953, BIAS reception in the Halle area has been interfered with
by a new jamming station. The jamming station is allegedly in o ra
f r Siebel plane factory in Halle. 25X1
the entire mecimn wave band, inaj , was on June 1953. As of
-18 fuly 1953, only RIGS reception was being jammed in the Halle area; the MIDR was
not affected,
Object 2,Hersberg near Torgau, has been experimentally on the BIAS wavelength since
3 November 1953, with 2 kw/h telephonic capacity.
Jo Item 9.
the n a Philips Aachen Super p 51, RIGS reception in the Gothaarea is possible only in
morning; on short wave,RLlS-Hof is not heard until after 22s0Q hours, then with
a singing tone interference. RIAS cannot be,heard on the 300 meter band . BBC broad-
casts can be received on short wave; NWDR-Goettingen broadcasts have good receptionj
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there is good reception of Suedwestfunk after dark; the same applies to the Hessischer
Rundfunk. A jamming station is said to have been set up on the Inselberg.
broadcasts are being interefered with on the individual waves by a hurling tone and
a special vibrator tube. By way of booster tubes, supplied by RFT Neuhaus (Eon-
strukteur 0. Loebl)y broadcasts. of the new RIAS station are also being jammed.
Under construction at the firm of C. Lorenz Ag, Leipzig Branch, is an order for six
high quality 5 kwh broadcast transmitters. A special feature of these transmitters
is that they are able. to cover: the entire medits wave band when operated on two wave
lengths. Four of these sets are mobile. Vehicles were supplied by the IFA-Werdau.
One set, mounted in two vehicles, has already been put into operation at the long
distance station in Wiederau and is jamming BIAS Berlin. The interference field of
the 5 kwh stations amounts to approximately 45 kilometers; another set will presumably
be installed on the Inselberg in the Thuringian Forest (see item 9). The price for
one 5 kwh transmitter (for the transmitting equipment only) is estimated at 150,000 17111e.
a poss'.bility that BIAS will broadcast on another wave band? It is the best-liked
the reception of
Al]. that can be heard is a continuous singing tone.
a jamming station has been in operation in Leipzig since the end o
Location: on the right side or the road Grin-Leipzig near the Voelkerachlacbt
monurnent.(It can be seen on the right side of the road when approaching Leipzig).
The same person also presumed that. a jamming station in in operation near Plauen.
Until the second half of June (in other words, also including the events following
17 June 1953), reception in the towns mentioned above was good.
There is a jamming station on the Reiner Colmberg between Holzhausen and Seifertshain.
The mast is wood and approximately 60 to 65 meters high. This jamming station operates
with a strong singing tone on the 303 meter wave length. RIM may still be heard, but
owing to this penetrating singing tone, passersby are able to establish-easily where
the station is being heard. BIAS on the 439 meter wave length has as yet not been
jammed, but it cannot be heard afar 5 pm.
At Muehlrose near Frankfurt/Oder, Nanning Object 3, 2 kwh telephonic capacity, was
to be on the BIAS wave length within the next few days.
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a-APPS= .cont'd
near Bischofswerda. This station makes the reception of RIBS and Suedwest broadcasts
practically impossible. The reception of the Hamburg NWDRstation and London is
somewhat better, however,
r. Item 17. Medium wave BIAS Berlin
Until the changeover of the station at Plauen (formerly 1484 and 1486 kcs) to 9.89 kcs,
the Berlin station was heard very well. Since the changeover of the station at Plauen,
with the Berlin III program, reception bas-Wen out of the question. Contrary to the
other last German stations, this station has adapted its time of transmission to that
of BIAS. In other words, it operates until; 3 tom. and goes off the air between 8:45
and 1000 a.m. From'time to time the BIAS carrier can be heard (with test tone) in
the morning during the intermission; when Plauen is on, however, reception is no
longer possible.
The Plauen station is said to have been amplifiedy
and for this purpose Radio Leipzig was reduced to half of its former 120 kw and is now
operating on 60 kw. It is possible that part of the material thus no longer in use
was utilized for Radio Plauenss This station is located at its former place in the
so-called Schuetzenhaus on the road to Reuss (east-southwest of the center of town).
Part of the Schuetzenplatz is said to have now been included in the former restricted
area. The station is not subject to the customary interruptions in current.
a. Item 18, Medium wave BIAS Rof
RIASHof may still be heard, but for flout three months jamming has been so
harsh that listening to' .'it is unbearabld,or impossible for safety reasons. The
jamming station itself is not modulated and might be located in or near the Russian
barracks at Bad Neudorf.(vest of the center of town), perhaps on the local water tower.
This would fit the. observations made with a self-made medium wave direction finding
loop. A more accurate,statenent as to the location of the station was not possible
because the area in question was restricted,
t. Item 19. 25X1
Late in the summer of 1952, the last German Ministry for Post and Teleconaunications
ordered VEB Energieversorgung Boerde in Magdeburg to set up, assoon as possible, a
temporary transformer station with a connecting line in Reesen, at an estimated price
of 15,000 fl. This station was to supply electric power to the building site of a
long distance transmitter station in the area of Reesen near Burg in the district of
Magdeburg. In the fall of 1952, the firm received from the Ministry an order to supply
with power the high power transmission station at Reesen, which was already under con-
struction, at an estimated cost of 248,000 24t.-The order was given the number SK 3.
and investment number 1309. The entire construction project was assigned the code
name Obiekt Brehm after the Brob a company in-the immediate vicinity of the building
site. The high power transmission station reportedly has a power requirement of
2,500 kwh. This requires the cotetraction of a high voltage two-wire circuit, approxi-
mately 6kilameters long,. beginning at the power substation in Burg and ending at the
gebergabeetation. 5g kilometers were to be constructed as open line and the remainder
as underground cable. In order to render the transmission station serviceable at all
times, a number of Diesel generators were allegedly set up in case the normal power
supply failed.
Jamming stations, which . were set up to interfere with the BIAS broadcasts, especially
in the afternoon or evening, were located for Dresden and vicinity at Wiladruff; for
central Oberlausits, including the towns of Ienkirch, Biechofewerda, Kamenz, Bautsen,
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and Ebersbach on the almost 6-,teeter high Valtenberg, close to the Czechoslovakian
border. The transmitter is installed in the tower. For eastern Lausitz up to
the Noises River, including the towns of Liebau, Weissenberg, Niesky, Goerlitz, and
Zittau, a transmitter is installed in Reichenbach, Oberlausitz, in the former sub..
station at Reichenbach.
RIGS can be heard well in the area around Neustrelitz until 1930 hours, not only
with large receiving sets but also on large Yolksempfaengere (people's receivers)
and receiving sets customary its East Germasq at the present time. After 1930 hours,
however, interference -1s so strong that the news broadcast at this time and the
following broadcast,"Berlin speaks to the Zone", can only be heard with the greatest
of effort. One liete*er' has a 6-tube Mende set on which he is able to get a
passable reception of these broadcasts. The airports at Rechlin and Trollenhagen in
the Neustrelits district reportedly., have ow jamming station each. 25X1
Jamming station at Ziesar near Brandenburg
As is well known, several jamming atatibns with a capacity of 2 kw each have been in
operation for some time in various small towns Ge
installed Ziesar (approximately 5,000. inhabitants), about 25 kilometers southwest
of Brandenburg/Havel. The transmitter is installed in the post'office of the town
and operates on a makeshift T-wire aerial which is suspended between two approximately
20-meter high masts, The installation reportedly has been in operation since the
beginning of November. It operates on a full 24-hour basis daily. and broadcasts chiefly
the programs of Berlin I and Berlin III. The following data was furnished on the
system of the transmitters:: 25X1
tubes: EF 14, fko-circuit (sell-excited oscillator), EL 11, two 13 50 push-pull
operation and one power tube RS 207. Modulation is effected on the grid
of the second tube (EL 11).
The frequency of the and tube stage is for 989 kcs and permits a minor change on both
aides. The $8quency stability of the self-excited tube is very low so that at twelve
hour intervals a frequency adjustment with RUB Berlin on zero beat is.necessary.
Occasionally the; frequency reaches deviations up to 2-3 kcs. If one assumes a degree
of efficiency of the makeshift aerial of approximately 50 percent, a radiated power
of about 1 kw is arrived at. Under this presup sition, an interference ratio of 1s1
is rdached on the connecting line Britz-Ziesar10 kilometers) approximately 12 kilo-
meters distant from the Ziemer jamming station, and an interference ratio of 1:10 in
an approximate distance of 30 kiltmetersfrom the Zieser jamming station. In other
directions, conditions are..still more unfavorable. Prior to starting operation of
the jamming station, BIAS reception on 989 ken is said to have been relatively good.
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last Germany
VEB Radio Installations
Technical Management
Construction of transmitters
Subjects Broadcasting program
With reference to the statue of work performed in the field of development
and production. of transmitters, the following is reported in detail as of
31 July 1953:
30-1 installations The antenna testa have not yet been completed by
Funkwerk Soepenick.
S0.2 and.SO-3 installationat Construction was cancelled. Costs hitherto
accruing 411 be detersiined by the subcontractors.....
East Berlin transmitter construction
Subjects 30-2, 30-3, SO-4,'So-5
30-2 and SO-3 - Main Administration for'Radio (R9 Funk)
30.4 . - Export to Czechoslovakia
80-5 - Export to Poland
Plueckhahn of Fankperk Eoepeniek quoted the following delivery dates for the
January 1954
- 30 April 1954
It is understood that this means the replete installation of the transmitter
SO-2 - 31 March 1954
30-3 - 31M4y 1954
3.I East Berlin - Construction of lamming transmitters
a. At VEB Teleoonmmications HF, Berlin-Lichtenberg, Eepe Babnhotistrassell/
small transmitters are currently being constructed which have a power of
50 watts, These transmitters are designed to jam Western programs
throughout East Germany. ' . , 'They are ordinary suitcase size sets.
which contain a transmitter and a network set. They were ordered by the
Main Administration for Radio (AV Punk) of the Ministry for Posts and Tele-
communications. That these are actually jamming transmitters is evidenced by
the fact that there are no Morse keys and no facilities to attach same. The
order placed by BVFunk:amounts to 300 sets, 50 of which have already been
delivered. By 1 May 1953,,an additional 13 sets are expected to leave the plant.
Waveband - medium wave band
Power - 50 watts
Radius of action - 13'ton
Engineer Schroeder is the responsible department chief. The technician is
Hermann (fnu). .
b. The transmitters are scheduled for a 48 hour test period; however, the CSW
tubes used are so poor in quality that they must often be replaced after
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APPEHDIE M3, coat Id
12 hours of continuous operation.
The tube line-up is as followss
Transmitters 2-tubes, type EF 14 Network sets 2 tubes, type AZ 12
2 tubes, type P 50 1 tube, type AZ n
1 tube, type EL 11
construction of jawing stations in East Germany
The production of the 50-watt suitcase transmitters bad to be suspended for
an indefinite period at the. BY Werk, Berlin-Lichtenberg (sic) because of the
shortage of material. 300 sets were planned, according to the construction
5.I East Berlin - Construction of jamming station 25X1
a. H! Geraotesweigwerk, Berlin 0 112, None Babnhofstrasse a been instructed
by BY Fgnk of the Ministry for Post end Telecommunications to resume the
construction of 50-watt jaming transmitters which was interrupted two
months ego. The stipulated output for the month of September 1953 amounts
to 53 sets. The first three sets are already being tested. Permanent
test lasts LA hmrst- ThA ible engineer is Gerhard Schroeder_25X1
b. The material for the construction of these 15 sets was taken over ,by the
firm of Engineer Alfred Ulrich, Bernburg/taale,.Wilheim Pieck$traaae.6. 25X1
It is believed that this firm also constructed jamming transmitters.
However, the order has allegedly been withdrawn by EV Funk and transferred
to HV Geraetewerk. Engineer Schroeder has designed a set with a power of
100 matte which has been. constructed in the factory and is to be sent to
HV Funk.
6~ East Berlin - VEB Funkwerk Eoepenick
Subjects One 50-kw short wave transmitter, type HFB (broadcasting transmitter)
Both the design departaliat and the construction department are hereby-notified
that TPF (ProjektierungPunk)(Radio Projects and Plans) must have the completed
construction) plans as soon ,ax, so that. the technical and engineering 25X1
work on one set of this type ,of transmitter may be begun not later than 31
December 1953, in order that the final deadline of December )9M may not be isenardi%ad --- _ 25X1
7. East Berlin - TEE Punkwerk Soepenick
Subjects HP-A 50 kw a,ggle bind transmitter 25X1
During the course of this year TPF has had to reject orders for several HF4
installations because the necessary construction data had not progressed to a
point. which would permit the start of production in 1954. In 1955,at the latest,
large orders, over and above these four installations, may be anticipated.....
- 3.4-
East Berlin - Transmitter construction at RFT Amkwerk Eoepeniok
8 transmitters of the coastal radio station at Lobme are to be operated via
8 positions from the receiver station at Glows which is 12 km away....
woe 95 order for the design and plans
of the transmitter and receiver sites for the remote control switch installations.
Following a preliminary technical draft, the final version of the order was laid
conditions down in a second-talk held with Andreas,also from' the Ministry.The following
were made with regard to the switching on, the supervision and the
operation of these transmitters; these conditions apply to both the receiver
and the transmitter station, 25X1
Subject: Supplemental offer concerning the construction of an indicator board 25X1
for the operation, signalling, Morse key,and telephone installation
for the transmitter and receiver site at Ruer a j~ad
ona on 25X1
iegert of the-Ministry for Post and Telecom msni-
ready for the acceptance tests.
b. Wave length limit transmitter
we k
Andreae $entaaohei, and Btahaks r on 2 August 1952, in which
and Andreas
and Bins , all of the Ministry for Post and Telecommunications,
pf, of Fupkwerk Koepenick,took part, the-delivery dates were
agreed -_,on for the completion end acceptance tests of the wave length limit
transmitter (sic) and long wave transmitter; the start of assembly work at Lohme
was also laid down. The Ftmkwerk stated that the status of production of the
transmitters is as follows:
a. Long wave transmitter
Work ispresently being held up pending the installation of the variometer,
which should be completed by 5 August. Thereupon, Ta will carry out an
inspection of the transmitter and preparations for the acceptance tests will
be made. These tasks must be completed by 12 August 1952. As of that date
the transmitter ie t
Subject: Ruegen Radio
On the occasion of the meeting held at th
The tests of the self-excited stage and of the oscillator stage are still
being carried out at 28. In the course of the tests, the 10,000 dial (sic)
broke. This was caused by the temperature compensation of the self-excited
stage. The fixing clip of the. quartz crystal is being reconstructed at
present; no definite date may, therefore, be set for the acceptance tests.
It was agreed thatby 15 August 1952 a final deadline will be decided for
the acceptance testa of 14 -
wave .Length limit transmitter.....
East Berlin - Transmitter construction in East Germany
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by the end of the year and t bat hat these w setsers,woul type Leningrad T-2, would be supplied
program of the present Berlin Operating television frequency (100 me).
Current Type No.
(9) '707 A reflex klystron Gave length limit
8-25 cm, Pover.appror3matel7 100 mw)
(io) Impulse magnetron for 10 cm wave length
(equal to ii 1000)
(15) Noise-free travelling wave tabs for low
power stage amplifier
(17) Travelling wave tube for final stages
news de
Tube priority supply list for +et designers, issue July 1953
List of tubes to be used in the designs drawn up at Work BF 25X1
East Berlin - 'Wgrk fuer Fernseldewesen HF, Berlin..Oberscho
East Berlin - RIT Ptmkwerk Koepenick
Expert in charger Paulick
Report on the work carried out to date on the EN 3 transmitter
sent on the 3 ytis given The order to resume preparatory develop-
customer at the beginning 195 'Ebat the transmitter Would be constructed to the final stalateat developments. The use of the 88-782 tube applies only
Approved For Release 2007/08/29 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600010001-2
Approved For Release 2007/08/29 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600010001-2
sac rryba~rna, V.S. OmcTAr s 0111
sPPBNDnr 43, oont'd
The confinnntio concerning the entire tube line-up of the
IN 3, all sets inc i s, e uqu Y" been made b TP -TM ps'oburement of the 25X1
RB 782 tube is stillnneetlipd, substitution of the
Caent. Possibu
for won of High frequency Apparatus
A 25X1
SAG Sabel is meant
C t. Probably for AN Allgemsiaar Dentecher Nachrichteadienet).
A I )tm'f m U.S. 0mcum OfS.T
Approved For Release 2007/08/29 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600010001-2