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Approved For Release 2007/06/05: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004500550001-4 p 9279 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET - US OFFICIALS ONLY COUNTRY USSR (Georgian SSR) SUBJECT Airfields in the Georgian SSR DATE OF INFO. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Tbilisi/Sartichala Airfield 1. Tbilisi/Sartichala airfield (N 41-42, E 45-1.0) is located 32 km northeast of Tbilisi along the Kakhetiya railroad line. The tracks of this line are located approximately 300 meters from the east side of the airfield. The Iora River is approximately two km from the airfield. On the east side of the field, beyond the railroad, there is gradually rising cultivated ground. Beyond the Tbilisi-Kakhetiya highway on the west side of the field, there is level cultivated ground for approximately three km, followed by wooded mountains. Bordering the southern approaches of the airfield there are level cultivated fields. On the north side of the airfield, there is the settlement of Sartichala and the Iora River. Sartichala airfield has one tamped gravel runway approximately 1,500 meters long and 50 (also reported as 150) meters wide. Revetments and dugouts are located at the northern end of the field. Ammunition stores, revetments, and dugouts are camouflaged. There are also fuel dumps and antiaircraft installations. There are no hangars on the airfield. On the west side of the Tbilisi-Kakhetiya highway, there is a stationary radio station, which has 18 antenna posts of steel of various lengths. (See page 8 for a sketch of the airfield.) Gardabani Airfield 2. Gardabani military airfield (N 41-28, E 46-08) is located approximately 18 to 22 km east of Tbilisi along the Tbilisi-Baku highway, which passes two km south of the airfield. The airfield site is an open field and there are no runways of any kind. On the north, the field is bordered by the Kura River, which flows approximately 15 meters below the airfield level. Further north and on the opposite side of the Kura River, the village of Gardaban.i is lo- cated. The Gardabani railroad station is located a short distance north of the village and approximately two km from the airfield. On the east, west, and south, the airfield is bordered by level cultivated ground. There are SECRET' - US OFFICIALS ONLY STATE X I ARMY x INAVY I ,8 AIREY x F81 I JAEC (Nero: WaaMngton D~tributIen Indic-.t?d By "X". Fled n'?10b?Nan 25X1 20 September 1954 13 Approved For Release 2007/06/05: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004500550001-4 no houses around the airfield and no buildings on the field itself. Airfield personnel are quartered in tents. airfield in May 1950; before this there was nothing. ee page for a sketch of the air- field.) Tbilisi/Soganlug (Veli) Airfield 3. Veli airfield (N 41-39, E 44-56) is located approximately seven km southeast of the Tbilisi-Navtlug railroad station and along the Tbilisi-Baku railroad line. The airfield is also located 15 km south of the Veli railroad station and approximately 50 meters from the 9-bilisi.Leninakan-Yerevanrailroad line. The Kura River flows southeast of the airfield. This airfield has an asphalt runway approximately 3,000 meters long and 150-200 meters wide. On the west end of the field there are two low open sheds and a small building. The field is used by Aircraft Plant No. 31 to test jet planes. Source never observed more than three to six jet planes at a time on the field. The road between the plant and the airfield is approximately three km long. (See page 7 for a sketch of the airfield.) 4. The aircraft are wheeled out from the plant's west gate and along the special macadam road in platform type trucks. The fuselage is fastened in the middle of the vehicle, while the two wings are braced on each side of the truck. The truck takes approximately ten minutes to negotiate the distance between the plant and the airfield. The only activity along this special road occurs when aircraft are transported from the plant to the field. Tbilisi/Kola Airfield 5. Koda military airfield (N 41-35, E 44-46) is located approximately 0.5 km southeast of the village of Koda and approximately one km west of the Tbilisi- Leninakan rail line. The Village of Koda is located approximately 29 km (sic) southeast of Tbilisi along the Tbilisi-Leninakan highway. The Tbilisi-Leninakan rail line passes approximately 4 km east of Koda village. Koda airfield occu- pies an area of approximately 300 hectares. On the north and south, the field is bordered by level cultivated ground. The whole airfield has a tamped gra- vel surface which is overgrown with grass and weeds. There is no special run- way of any kind nor are there any hangars on the field. Personnel attached to this field are quartered in Koda. In the area between the village and the airfield there are several buildings made of white stone and covered with slate roofs. Fuel storage tanks are located in the southeast corner of the field. (See page 9 for a sketch of the airfield.) Tbilisi/Sandar Airfield 6. Sandar is a military airfield (N 41-28 E 44-48). The village of Sandar (or Daba- Sandar ^ Sandar Station) is located approximately 23 to 35 km south of Tbilisi along the Tbilisi-Leninakan railroad. Immediately next to Sandar is a settle- ment called Marneuli (or Daba Marneuli), which is the center for regional ad- ministration of the Marneulskiy (Borchalinskiy) Rayon. Approximately 50 m west of the Tbilisi-Leninakan rail line and approximately one km from the San- dar station (exactly opposite the semaphore) is the site of the airfield. This airfield occupies an area of approximately 300 hectares and has a tamped gravel surface. In addition, a separate runway,approximately 1,200 m long and 50 m wide,runs along the west edge of the field, not far from the wood- land which adjoins that section of --r-Lu were nom, ma ng use o the runway. Aircraft are parked on the east end of the airfield allel with the railroad tracks of the Tbilisi-Leninakan line. 140 twin-engine bombers parked in four groups of ten each. There are no hangars on the field and personnel attached to the field are quar- tered in Sandar and Marneuli. (See page 9 for a sketch of the airfield.) SECRET - US OFFICIALS ONLY 25X 25X proved For Release 2007/06/05: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004500550001-4 Approved For Release 2007/16105: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004500550001-4 SECRET - US OFFICIALS ONLY on s ruc ion an none will be constructed t inasmuch as the whole airfield area has been cleared and has a hard tamped sur- face. The eastern approaches of the field are bordered by the Gori-Stalinir railroad tracks. On the west the field is bordered by level ground, on the south by fruit orchards of the Kvitebi settlement, and on the north there is a mountain which is part of the Caucasian Mountain range. The approaches to this mountain are not covered with woodland, but farther back comes much nd is covered with forests. - (See pagelO for a sketch of the airfield. onnel attached to the field are red in thp wn of Stalinir. Inc nrunways under c t Stalinir Airfield Stalinir military airfield (N 42-14, E 43-58) is located approximately three km southwest of the town of Stalinir and on the west side of the Gori-Stalinir railroad tracks. The field is approximately 27 km from Gori. At the time of source's observation, this field was under construction. The field was levelled off and tamped, and dugouts, depots, and ammunition dump had been completed. While observing the airfield,he noticed trucks bringing ammunition and bombs. Kutaisi Airfields 8. There are two military airfields in the environs of Kutaisi (N 42-16, E 42-42). One is located southwest of the town, in the triangle of the Tskhaltubo and Tsulukidze roads. This airfield covers an area of approximately 500 hectares. On the north, the field is bordered by hilly terrain. The field's ammunition dumps are dug out in the side of these hills. There is one asphalted runway, approximately 1,500 m long and 50 m wide. Immediately south of the Tsulukidze road and facing the airfield are three hangars, two large ones and one of smaller size. These buildings are used as overhaul shops rather than for the storage of aircraft. There are two places on this field where fuel is stored. One group of stora e tank i l g s s ocated on the east side, while the other is on the west of the field. Fuel is stored in steel tanks of various dimensions stalled on level Wound. I uc6axLb uu znis rie?a. On the north side of the field is the termi- nal which serves civilian passenger traffic. This is believed to be an Aeroflot installation. (For a location sketch of the above-mentioned airfields, see page IL) 25X1 25X1 01 m t the first field, i.e., approximately 1.000 'hPn+.P_Y'PC _ ~.~ . _ __ 1)r_v_1 pp e y f5 m long and 50 in wide. The area covered by this second field is al t t The second military airfield in Kutaisi is located a short distance southwest of the field described above and opposite the Kutaisi automobile plant, across the Tsulukidze road. This field has an asphalt runway a roximat 1 1 00 Mikha Tskhakaya Airfield 10. Mikha Tskhakaya (formerly Senaki) military airfield (N 12-15, E 42-02) is located approximately three km southwest of the Mikha Tskhakaya railroad station. The airfield covers an area of approximately 300 hectares. On the north end of the field thpre -IR A. raw of 1dugouts, camouflaged with sod, which serve as ammunition depots. 48 single-engined aircraft (type unknown) parked in four sections of twelve each in front of the dugouts. An asphalt taxi strip leads to the southwest corner of the airfield and to the asphalted runway, which is approximately 1,500 m long and 50 m wide. Fuel storage d on the west end of the field Personnel attached to the field ZT. ere in the town of Mikha Tskhakaya. (See page 12 for a sketch of the airfield.) Meria Airfield 11: Meria military airfield (N 41-56, E 41-53) is located approximately one km south- west of the Meria railroad station and south of the Natanebi - Meria - Makharadze rail line. The airfield covers an area of approximately 500 hectares and has room for expansion. On the north, the F:..;ld is bordered by the Natanebi - Meria Makharadze railroad tracks and low wood to hills. Dugouts, revetments, and AA installations are also located along the northern fringes of the field. /SECRET': - US OFFICIALS ONLY Annroved For.Release 2007106/05: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004500550001-4 Approved For Release 2007/06/05: CIA-RD.P80-00810A004500550001-4 ,'.i' / CSECRF.r"f - US OFFICIALS ONLY -4- These installations areucamouflaged and there are interconnecting trenches. On the east, the field is bordered by the Natanebi River, beyond which is hilly terrain covered with tea plantations of the Laiturskty Tea Sovkhoz. Aircraft are parked on the east side of the field. On the south and west, the field is bordered by woodland, part of which has been cleared. A single runway, approximately 2,000 m long and a roximatel 60 m wide, was under con- June 1950. the run had a a rushed rock surface and steam rollers were standing by. the runway will be asphalted. There were no fuel storage tanks in evidence. A short distance south of the Meria settlement, two hangars were completed and others were in the process of construction. These hangars can accommodate five or six fighter-type aircraft. All construction on the field and hangars was being done by Army engineers, who were then quartered in a tent camp across the railroad tracks. There were also rumors that an under- ground (sic) airfield was to be constructed east of the present field. 25X1 25X1 25X1 12. Batumi military airfield is located on the west end of the town of Batumi and near the suburb of Kakhaberi, toward the Chorokh River. 25X1 the field is in a restricted 25X1 area, admittance to which is allowed only by special pass. 25X1 a roximately 50 m from the highway and were patrolled by armed guards. 0 25X1 only fighter aircraft in the area of this field. F_ I 25X1 civilian aircraft are authorized to use a certain part of the military air- 25X1 field. Aircraft based on this field conduct their training in the Poti region and over the Black Sea. Floating.targets are fixed in the sea sectors near 25X1 Poti and Supsa and aircraft from this field fly out there for gunnery practice. Based on observations of take-offs and landings at this field, the landing strip appears to be parallel with the Soviet-Turkish frontier. (See page 13 for a sketch of this airfield.) 25X1 Approximately six km south of Batumi 25X1 on this road a row of concrete bunkers extending for approximately 25X1 two km along he right bank of the Adzharis-Tskali River. These bunkers were Tbilisi/Vaziani Airfield 13. Vaziani military airfield (N 41-38, E 45-02) (also called Central Military Airfield of Vaziani) is located approximately 19 km out of Tbilisi along the Tbilisi-Kakhetiya rail line. The airfield site is approximately four km south- east of the Vaziani station. This field has shops for overhauling military aircraft based on the airfields which are located in the vicinity of Tbilisi (`see pages 6 and On the east, south, and west, the airfield is bordered by s. IVaziani airfield is quite a large permanent air...base with many barracks lar e~,re air installation, and hangars. owever, fuel is brought from the Gardabani railroad station (which is south of the airfield, along the Tbilisi- Baku rail line) in gasoline trucks along a small country road which connects the airfield with the station. Vaziani,airfield could easily be seen from the air since there are no settlements close by. One outstanding man-made land- mark to be found on this field is a tall steel smoke stack, which belongs to one of the air base buildings. Poti Seaplane Base 14. The Pb ..(N 4210~E'4i.42) seaplane base is situated on the west bank of Lake Paliastomi. This lake is approximately nine km long and approximately four km wide. A natural strait, two to three meters deep, 100 to 150 m wide, and 300 m long, joins Lake Paliastomi to the Black Sea. This strait can be ne- gotiated only by vessels not larger than a cutter or tug boat. The strait is J 25X 25X 25X 25X 6 200,71.06/05: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004500550001-4 Approved For Release 2007/06/05: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004500550001-4 '(` ' 1j(-'S EGRET - US OFFICIALS ONLY '.tined by a single bridge, which is part of the Poti-Supsa-Batumi highway. The