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December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 12, 2007
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Publication Date: 
July 12, 1954
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DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED NO. OF PAGES 2 REQUIREMENT NO. RD THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS SHORT ARE DEFJNtfIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTA-HE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERS) s ted by the MVD. 2. From October 1 to September 1951 the life led byl 25X1 Germans who had come from Buchenwal , Sac a usen, and Bautzen in the Soviet Zone of Germany was fairly good: food, clothing, and housing were adequate. Inmates of the camp were paid about 150 rubles a month and allowed to make small purchases. They were not permitted to have any connections with their homes. were me a rood was very Inferior, the temperature 40-60 25X1 degrees Fahrenheit below zero 40- 0 Grad Kaelte), and the daily work lasted up to 10 hours. Most of the(40-50 orced laborers in this camp were common criminals; very few had been condemned for political crimes. The worst among the Soviet criminals were the "Bladnoys"2, among whom there were men who had been condemned several times for murder. They stole whatever they could lay their bands on. The "Sukis"2 were a somewhat better edition of the "Bladnoys". They came fromthe same social milieu as the "Bladnoys" but had made a promise to reform. This canine tntorm?uan...sung the Na- uon.t Defense of the United sate.. within the man- Ing of Title is. Sections tgl and Iw. at the U.S. code. as .mended. Its tmm"mtm of nr.tstten of Its contents to or receipt by an unauthatlssd p.t.on Is ptohlhttsd by tsw. The nDrodueum at this farm is pnhthtted. 25X1 4. The arbitrary concept of justice camp Kuchni here was In e deserter who was classified as a criminal. her hand, in Vorkuta there was a man, convicted 18 times for murder, who was classified as a political criminal. 5. the following Hamp irnates could be considered as missi ng persons: Riewe, Dr. (fnu), of whom it was knownthat he was arrested. Mueller, Dipl. Ing. Karl, who formerly worked for Zeiss, in Jena. He was condemned to hard labor for life. 25X1 Comment: Probably a confusion with Inza (N 52-19, E 42-30), some 50 miles southwest of Ulyanov. laze is southeast of Moscow, and a center for the lumber industry of that region. Inta is some 80 miles south of Vorkuta. 2 O Comment: These are slang terms. The first "Bladno ", should be Blatnoy", derived from "blat", a fixer or "spiv". "Sukis", a germanized plural of "sake", bitch, is probably an underworld reference to the fact that these people "betrayed" their profession when they made a promise to reform.