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COUNTRY East Germany
This Document contains information affecting the Na-
tional Defense of the United States, within the mean-
ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as
amended. Its transmission or revelation of Its contents
to or receipt by an unauthorized person Is prohibited
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Miscellaneous Information from the
VER Werk fuer Fernrneldewesen,
Section A - Russian Electronic Development Tasks
1. It has not yet been possible to determine (after the dissolution of SAG Kabel)
the channels through which Soviet orders are passed to the Werk fuer Fernmeldewesen
VEB. Sometimes it seems that the Russians are giving up using the plant; some
orders have been cancelled and others not accepted because they have not been
ready by-the specified completion dates. On the other hand, the time for some
orders has been extended to the first half of 1954, e.g., the tube microvoltmeter,
standard field-generators, and field-strength measuring apparatus. It had been
believed that future Soviet orders would be passed through the Ministry of the
Interior, but in February 1954 it was reported that they might also come through
the Ministry of General and Electrical Engineering. 25X1
2. Secret development tasks for the Soviet Union are now supervised by First Lt.,
Andexel (fnu) of the Volkspolizei, who works in the Ministry of the lnteri
and visits the plant in unifom.
3. Andexel is concerned with, inter alia: 25X1
a. so-called t1pencilf tubes, for all purposes in the 2000 mcs - 3000 rocs range,
incorporating the new L-type cathode, and hitherto used only in light equip-
ment such as radiosonde balloons;
b. two types of teleprinter, one believed to incorporate an automatic coding
device similar to that developed during the war by Firma List;
c. a low noise level travelling wave tube.
4. At the IHF 'Jerk, Andexel deals with Director Rudi Mueller, Dr. Guenther Ulrich,
Dr. Ignatz Ladurner (tube designer) and Ing. Wilhelm Rieger (Chief of the labora-
tory for telegraph equipment and a fanatical SED member who was in the USSR for
a time until 1951).
(Note Washington Distribution Indicated By "X") Field Distribution By "#".)
7. sr BFC I x
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28 June25X1.
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Vitaliy Fadeyevich Kozlov, the Russian chief engineer of SAG Kabel's NTB-3, who
is responsible for the development of a wattmeter in the S - 12 cm. range, gave
a contract to supply it to a private engineering concern named Heidecker be-
cause' the development work in the ilissenschaftliches-Technisches Buero (NTB-3)
of SAG Kabel had not produced any results. In early October 10,551 D
r .
, ys.
Walter Rohde and Krause of VEB WNerk fuer Fernmeldewesen HF were invited to
NTB 3, to give an opinion on one of Heidecker's instruments. The instrument
was built to a Telefunken specification in Heidecker's possession and apparently
out of components which he had taken over from old stock. According to Krause,
it did not work because, in his opinion, the square cross-section wave-guides
(Hohlrohrleitungen) used in it were bound to cut off the frequencies required,
Although Kozlov had to recognize that the demonstration of such an inadequate
instrument constituted a failure, he honored the financial provisions of his con-
tract with Heidecker.
6. A Soviet official of SAG Kabel headquarters is reported to have said in mid-1953
that if the HF Werk could set up satisfactory production of detectors and tran-
sistors, it would receive from the Soviet Union all the germanium it required,
as germanium was plentiful in the Soviet Union and was available in bars, like
7. In February 1954, enquiries were made ,s to whether the HF Werk could undertake
the. building of ten 10 kw ultrzahort wave transmitters during 1954. It was not
definitely stated that these were destined for the Soviet Union, but it is con-
sidered most probable that they were. It is not yet known whether this order
was accepted; there was some opposition to accepting it, owing to the amount of
work which the take-over of the building of television transmitters would en-
8. On 1 February 1954, Kozlov inquired from an engineer in the HF WPderk about the
possibility of obtaining portable radio-telegraph sets in Germany. He required
ultraehort -wave or decimeter sets, with a range of 30 to 40 kms, fitted with
HT and LT batteries and transportable in boxes. He said that they were re-
quired for expeditions working in inaccessible areas. The requirements were
similar to those applying to the Signal Unit, Retranslation and "Komet" equip-
ments developed by German engineers in the "Poligon" of MGB Unit 568, near
Fenino. The HF Werk's engineer referred him to Dipl. Ing. Werner Kutzsche of
Funkwerk Dresden (where development work on ultrashort wave radio-telegraphy
is being done), and--as Kozlov intimated that if necessary he would buy in the
West--recommended that.he contact Telefunken and Philips.
Section B - Radio Components
The fulfilment of the 195 pl n.called for the production of twenty specimens,
each about as big as a finger. The transistor system is built on a seven-contact
pressed-glass miniature tube base, embedded in a filling-paste, the composition
of which is not yet known, with a plastic protective cap fitted over the top.
An amplifying transistor and an oscillator transistor for 100 kcs were subjected
to an endurance test, which, on 16 October 1953, had already lasted for 3,000
hours. At that date, only point transistors were being developed,2
10*. Ma metrons
10 cm. magnetrons were called for in October 1953 from the Forschungsinstitut
fuer magnetische Werkstoffe (Research Institute for Magnetic Materials) at Jena
for the testing of materials and for pure' research tasks. They were apparently
to be used for investigating magnetic resonance in the centimeter wave region.
11. Antennas
a. All problems relating to antennas are passed initially to Funkwerk Koepe`nick,
which has been given a so-called "global assignment" for the development of
antennas. Considerations of expediency then determine whether individual
tasks shall be given to other factories.
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-3 -
b. Dr. Herbert Bauer is in charge of antenna development in the HF :'perk. He
and Dr. Erich D. Schuettloeffel have agreed that the HF Werk should carry out
all development work on ultra-short-wave antennas,
c. However, the award to the HF Werk of a task of developing antennas for special
purposes was cancelled in October 1953 and allocated to Funkwerk Koepenick.
This task appeared to be concerned with directional antennas for jamming
transmitters; the specialists at Funkwerk Koepenick were considered to be
politically more reliable for such work. It was thought that Dr. Schuettloeffel
would probably be entrusted with this task.
d. In the course of development work on transmitters, it became necessary to use
a dummy antenna in the laboratory. Hithertoano absorbers for high output
have been available; Rohde and Schwarz of Munich offered a 10 kw absorber
for 10,000 DIW, but this is beyond the means of many factories in the East.
Accordingly,the HF Werk was compelled to build itself a 10 kw absorber, and this
was satisfactorily done with cooperation from the Dralowidwerk in Teltow.
Dr. Matthias Falter produced special resistances of 60 and 70 ohms, about
100 mm in diameter and about 600 mm long, consisting of ceramic tubes covered
with a thin layer of sintered (eingebrannt) carbon. Dr. Falter had previously
produced resistances of this type in Russia. (He was at Kstovo, Postbox 5.)
These resistances cost 1,000 DI1E each and the complete absorber only 2,000 DME.
The absorber is capable of taking a load of 15 kw and the output absorbed
is determined by measurements of temperature and speed of flow (Durchfluss-
e. A new problem has arisen in the ultra-short-wave sphere with television antennas
which have to be fixed to thick masts, because it is not possible to produce
uniform uninterrupted radiation throughout 3600 with four antennas, mounted
one on each surface of the mast.
f. Another problem is the development of an ultra-short-wave antenna with special
characteristics, including the narrowest possible beam. This is to be used
on the North Sea coast.
g. In January 1954, Dr. Bauer was having great difficulty in adjusting the two
antennas on the Mueggelturm, one for television (produced by Elektro-
messgeraetefabrik Sachsenwerk, Radeberg), and the other for ultra-short-
wave radio. The new transmitters, using these antennas, were scheduled to
begin operation at the beginning of the Four Power Conference, when he
experimental transmitter on the town hall would be taken out of use.
(The Mueggelturm is in southeast Berlin, between Berlin-Koepenick and
12. Semi-conductors
The center of the development work on semi-conductor products has been moved
from the HF Werk to the Dralowidwerk Teltow (Dr. Falter). However, an engineer
in the HF /Jerk has received a subcontract to resolve technological questions
relating to detector crystals. Under this contract, Dr. Helmuth Boehm will
continue the development of transistors and produce a small number of them.
Section C - Instrument Construction
13. Counter tubes
On 15 December 1953,there was a meeting of the Working Group for Physical
Measuring Methods (Arbeitsgruppe Physikalische Messmethoden) under the chairman-
ship of Professor Paul Kunze of Rostock. The main item on the agenda was methods
of impulse-counting. Deutsche Glimmlampengesellschaft of Leipzig (formerly
Pressler) and another unspecified firm in Dresden were producing impulse-counters
with mechanical counting mechanisms. Professor Kunze was interested in the
possibility of developing,in East Ge many,electronic counting mechanisms
associated with Geiger counter tubes . Albert Thurley suggested that the H1'
Werk could undertake this work.
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14. Field-strength meters for Hungary
On 30 December 1953, the Deutscher Innen-und Aussenhandel (DIA) accepted two
field strength meters destined for Hungary and despatched them by air mail.
One had a range of 20 to 100 mcs and the other 90 to 360 mcs. In order to keep
to the delivery date, two instruments were hastily prepared; they were not in
the best condition and had not even been subjected to all the prescribed ac-
ceptance tests.
15.. Television probe for bore holes
In Christmas week 1953, Dr. Rost .(fnu), chief geologist of Aussenstelle Mitte
(Invalidenstrasse 46) of the State Geological Commission, visited the HF Werk
in the hope of obtaining support for a proposal in connection with the geological
survey of East Germany. It was suggested that bore holes should be drilled to
a depth of 3,000 in. and that the drill head should be equipped with a camera.
Dr. Rost propgsed that a television camera should be used. This would have to
operate in a very small space under 300 atmospheres, at a temperature of more than
1000 C, in sludge. The bottom and walls of the bore holes would be photographed,
the latter by means of a prism. Water would be used for cooling and cleaning
to give visibility. An iris diaphragm would remain closed until all pre-conditions
for visibility were met. Deep-sea research and use of the camera in the Soviet
Union were possible future developments. After consultation with his specialists,
Dr. Ulrich said he was prepared to cooperate in the project and estimated the costs
of preliminary development in 1954 at 150,000 DME; the final development could
then begin in 1955. Dr. Rost promised to see to it that the money would be made
available and that the contract would be awarded to HF Werk.
16. Impulse transmitter for Freiberg Ruining Acadeay
An order to develop an impulse transmitter (Impulsfunker) was received from
Professor Friedrich Leutwein of the Freiberg, Saxony, Mining Academy in January
1954. The technical requirements are: duration of impulse 0.5 Asec; power 3 mw.
In order that work may begin at once, Professor Leutwein is paying 10,000 DRS;
out of his Institute's funds. Later, the State Planning Commission will of-
ficially allocate the task to the HF Werk and finance it. The need for this
instrument will arise in spectrum analysis, with the stimulation of greater
electron flow (hoeherer Elektronenuebergaenge). About three years ago, Professor
Leutwein ordered and received from the HF Werk a similar impulse transmitter, but
it did not produce a sufficient power output. Dr. Phys. Walter Rohde and Ing.
Erwin Voss will go to Freiberg to discuss technical details.
Section D - Television Transmitters
17. The 3 kw television transmitter for Dresden/Radeberg was scheduled to be completed
by 15 October 1953, but in mid-November great pressure had to be put on to have it
installed and ready for use at the end of the year, by which time its aerial
mast was expected to be ready. This transmitter is a reproduction of the one
delivered to and put into operation at the Leipzig Autumn Fair in 1953. When
it was being built, no transmitter tubes were available in East Germany and
Telefunken tubes had to be obtained at a cost of 30,000 DIZI. Reproductions
of these tubes are to be made for the future Berlin transmitter by VEB Funkwerk
Erfurt. The Berlin station is to have a frequency of between 40 and 60 mcs.
The 73 meter-high steel lattice te~evision transmitting antenna mast has, half-
way up, a platform to carry paraboloid reflectors for the decimeter beam links
and, two thirds of the way up, an antenne array for ultra-short-wave radio. The
ultra-short-wave transmitter was built by the HF Werk and had been delivered by
18 November 1953. On 19 December 1953, the prearranged inspection of the trans-
mitter eventually took place in the HF Werk. Those present included representa-
tives of the Government, SEDand the electrical industry. Dipl. Ing. Rehbock
gave an introductory, talk on the.servicing, components, and special features of the
new transmitter, 'which was followed by a demonstration with a test-picture and
film reproduced by receivers in an adjoining room. Rehbock stated, among other
things, that only small modifications would be necessary to adapt the trans-
mitter for use in the 140 to 200 mcs range. At the moment, for use in Dresden,
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the set is.tihned.to transmit pictures at -115.25 mcs,at 1,3 kw, and sound at
151.75 mcs at 250 W. By the later addition of a final amplifier stage, the
power would be increased to 4 kw and 750 W respectively; at the moment, only
1 kw is required, later to be increased to 3. The production of the s ationar y
image (Restbild) was so good that the lines could be increased to 800.
18. A meeting took place in the HF Werk on 22 December 1953 to reach agreement with
the Sachsenwerk Radeberg about the production of four 10 kw television trans-
mitters during 1954. A year previously, the HF Werk had obtained the develop-
ment contract for this type of transmitter through Alfred Adler of the Ministry
of Posts and Telecommunications, but later Gerhard Megla succeeded in making
Adler change his mind and promise the construction contract for the four trans-
mitters to Sachsenwerk Radeberg. As a result, Radeberg demanded that the HF
Werk hand over the designs so that they could build the transmitters.
The Linistry decided that, in the event of a crisis, workmen in Dresden would
be less likely to flee to the West than those in Berlin. The HF 1-Verk did not
agree with these proposals, and decided to seek a solution from the Council
of Ministers. The HF Werk will put the set at present under development into
action in August 1954. A section of 35 men is busy on the laboratory work, and
there is enough capacity free in the testing workshop to carry out th* required
mechanical work. In February 1954, the management of the HF Werk hoped
that the defects which had appeared in the transmitters produced by Jachsenwerk
Radeberg would decide this conflict over the furtherr, development of a high-
powered transmitter (up to 30 kw) in favor of the HF Werk.
Section E - Miscellaneous Items
19. Fulfillment Conference in Karlshorst
The Ministry for General and Electrical Engineering held a conference on fulfill-
ment dates on 27 November 1953, in a Conference Room at Berlin Karshorst,
Waldowallee 35. This house is one of a row (30-36), with seven entrances.
Passages interconnect the houses on all floors. The large gathering included
representatives of many factories in East Germany; deputies from the Deutsche
Reichsbahn (East German nationalized railways) and other transport organizations;
Dr. Heinrich Weber, representing Funkwerk Koepenick; Referent Hecker (fnu) and
Sachbearbeiter Boehm (fnu) of the Planning Commission; N.L. Bebenin, the head of
the Administration of the Soviet Property in Germany (USIG); a Russian techni-
cian named Pivin; and a Russian secretary and interpreter. The subjects dis-
cussed included high-speed power units (apparently turbines); a testing bench
for racing motors (Pruefstand fuer Rennmotoren); a tortion balance for determining
the torque of transmission shafting and balance machines for the examination of
motors. Sachbearbeiter Boehm'spoke on behalf of the HF Werk concerning the 26
tasks ordered by the Russians, the specified completion dates, delays to be ex-
pected before delivery, and reasons for the delays. In most cases, he attributed
the delays to the time taken by the Russians in answering queries on the details
of the tasks, which had to be cleared up before work could start. At the end of
the conference, the chairman said that compliance with fulfillment dates would
be more strictly enforced in the future?and the progress of developments would be
the subject of continuous supervision and report.
20. Shortage of Materials in East Germany and Power Economies
It was learned in January 1954 that the State Committee for Material Planning
was proposing to issue regulations imposing economy in the use of nonferrous
metals. The use of copper and its alloys for vonsumer goods"and Wilding purposes would
be prohibited, and in machine-building, quantities used would have to be reduced
by 10%. In the electrical industry, the use of brass would be permitted only
for sliding contacts. No copper wire would be permitted in transformers below
1600 kva; in all cases where copper is used merely because of its high conductivity,
and for jumper-wire, condenser-plates, coils and concentric element tanks in
radio installations, copper would be replaced by other metals. The use of copper
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wire of less than 0.5 mm diameter in coils and transformers would still be allowed.
Individual plants would be allowed to hold stocks of copper and its alloys suf-
ficient for only three months. On 4 February 1954, heads of departments in the
HF Werk were-firmly told by the Dep. Min,* for Power that electricity was not to
be used after 17:00 hours. The only exception to this rule w.-is for shift work
in the production sections.
21. SAG Kabel
The head office of SAG Kabel in the Knorrbremse building at Ostkreuz was officially
disbanded on 1 January 1954. At the end of January, the chief engineer, Valentin
Semenovich Ivatey.heriko, paid a final visit to Dr. Guenther Ulrich in the HF Werk.
The accel:rk;ance official., Ivanov (fnu), is remaining in Berlin for the time being,
because sr-:?,,,e tasks are not yet completed. It was rumored that NTI3-3 was also to be
liquidated, and ideas were current about acquiring space and stock for the IIF
Werk, as its instrument departments are in the same building and want more room
on account of the big television transmitter commitments. However, on 3 February
1954, Dr. Ulrich said that NTB-3 as to continue and would work on various ultra-
short-wave measuring techniques. b
22. Cancel] ationo of
i r mfwr,
In a conference in. Director i~.ud:i_ :;ue].ler's office in January 1954, it was an-
nounced that,, although the rnunber of tasks had been reduced in August 1953, the experi_
anentvl divisions had only fulfilled 79` of their Plan and, therefore, the
workers would riot be paid premiums. (The tube division had reduce(' its plan
more severely and had over-fulfilled it by 7;). The FDGB representative present
did not agree with this cancellation of premiums and demanded an investigation
of the planning and the identification of those at fault. Director Hueller turned
this down, however, and Dr. Ulrich agreed with him, saying that during the last
year, salaries in the experimental c4vision had been appreciably increased, so
now prem
ums must be foregone.
23. Walter Ulbricht's visit
In connection with the Foreign Ministerst conference, Walter Ulbricht, the
Deputy Prime iLinister, visited the HF Werk to address the workers) with a
view to raising morale and stimulating support for lolotov's proposals. The
speech was broadcast over the plants' public address system at four o'clock
in the afternoon, but as this system only works properly in the NEF section,
other workers only heard about Ulbricht's visit and speech afterwards. He came
in a ZIM car and his entourage filled two other cars.
The press were present in force, but the HFWerk employees did not take much
notice of the visit.
Section .F - Tasks for 1954
24. The management of the HF Werk is counting on starting the following tasks in the
current year:
a. Ministry of the Interior
Development of output meters for the 3 cm and 10 cm wavelengths.
b. Deutscher Innen- and Aussenhandel (DIA) and Poland
In the middle of January 1954 a written inquiry was received from Deutscher
Innen- and Aussenhandel Elektrotechnik as to whether the HF Werk was in a
position to supply a television transmitter with studio equipment to Poland.
After reference to Dr. Guenther Ulrich, an affirmative answer was given. On
27 January 1954, a Polish representative appeared, who wanted to find out about
the capabilities of the 17 Werk. His name was Rymczk (fnu), and he was a
tall, thin, engineer, aged about 4O and well-informed on the latest
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developments in the television field. He visited the television department
and concerned himself with transmitters, studio equipment and tub . There-
after, he had a talk on commercial aspects with Director Rudi Mueller.
c. V.EB Messgeraete-Entwicklung (EFEM)
VEB Messgeraete-Entwicklung (formerly SAG Kabel's NTB-4), under Director Josef
Stanek, has ordered a high power oscillograph, with a maximum recording speed
of 50,000 km/sc for one-time processes.
d. Funkwerk Leipzig-Plagwitz
The Funkwerk Leipzig-Plagwitz, under Dr. Franz Heinrich Lange, has ordered a
10 cm signal generator for the laboratory of Dr. Huettel (f nu) (formerly of
e. Television Receivors
Development on television receivers will be carried out in association with
Sachsenwerk Radeberg, which has already brought out a reeei vrr, called the
Rembrandt, for 1300 DME. Series production of sets will continue in Radeberg.
f. Measuring Instruct nt, for Heavy ImT)jajses
An order hAQ been received from the East German government for a measuring
instrument'for-heavy impulses with a very short build-up time.
Section G - Forthcoming Chinese Contract
25.. After the visit t.n the HF Werk last year of a Commission from Can-
munist' Ch4.na, , an inquiry has now been received from Dr. 01ang(fnu) in
Peiping. Dr. Wang, who studied in the USA and Germany, is the Chinese
Government's Adviser on Communications. He announced that his forthcoming visit
would be for the purpose of discussing details of the contract which the
Chinese Government wishes to give to the HF Werk. This comprises the supply
of 560 centimeter measuring circuits (Messleitungen) ffr the range 8 to 12 cm,
but working with precision only between 9 and 11 cros.
(a) Two types of travelling wave tubes are being developed in the HF
Werk, one an amplifier for low-power stages of receivers and the
other a power amplifier; both are for use in decimeter and centi-
meter wave bands. As a result of this development, it is expected
that it will be possible to build decimeter relay stations without
IF amplifiers. The Ministry of the Interior is greatly interested
in this matter and First Lt. Andexel inquired some time ago how it
was progressing. It may be inferred that this development is of
military significance (wlreless beam links).
(b) A panoramic receiver is a monitoring receiver working with an aerial
without horizontal polarization (Richtwirkung5, which is worked over
the frequency range under investigation, thereby giving a survey of
the whole range. It is possible that a monitoring receiver of this
type is being developed in F'unkwerk Koepenick, but no details are
known. Some time ago Wilhelm Grimm had a contract to design a set
of this type, which would work nn short or ultra short wave lengths,
but production was to be carries:: out by Ides sgeraetewe rk Zwoenitz.
The HF Werk has a similar development contract for a spectral-analyzer
for 50 to 100 mcs. This set has a reception sensitivity of 2 /uV
at 70 ohms, and wobbles the listed frequency to which it is tuned
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over * 150 kcs; the frequency spectrum over this range is shown on.a
tube. In this way it is possible to compare two adjacent frequency,
modulated transmitters or to determine the riorJulation ch ract?)rist.i25X1
of one of the transmitters.
Nothing is known of a VEI3 Roehrenwerk oenftenberg. There is a rectifier
factory in Gros s-Raeschen near Senftenberg, producing mainly selenium recti-
fiers. Moreover, Dr. Friedrich ;ckar t was incidentally concerned with the
further development of rectifiers, and his assistant, Fri, Dr. :3chrlidt (fnu),
still works at the Gross-Raeschon plant and travels there nov. and again.
It is possible that the chief of the I- ',Verk, Dr. Furt Richter, has contacts in
-( 14V luo UI-u snort; vave transn.i tters ~ 25X1
Delivery of the original order for 13 sets has now been completed. The
Post Office ordered two more sets, because it had to give up two (which {25X1
is believed have gone to the Russians); these arc being supplied. Of
the 11 retained by the Post Office, r r7^ ; s used experi_cntally and 10 :,rc
being installed as part of the ultrr short waves wireless system. it s(..ts
were supplied with a 1 kw final stage. .,ipl. Ing. } ehbock advised at, :;,ast
a subsequent amplification stage of 3 kw arid proposed instead that the 1 kw
stage itself should be modified to produce 10 kw. A complete 1 kw set was
shown at the Leipzig Fair and an illustration of the equipment appeared in
the December 1953 or oanuary 1954 number of "Deutsche Funktechnik." That
set is now in the I1F Work for test purposes.
29. the current zirconium and germanium supply positior~_] 25X1
(a) Zirconium
The F Werk's requirements of getter material for at a year were
assured by the chance discovery in September 1953 of about one kilogram
of zirconiumu, in the r'unkwerk K.7cpcnick. This head presumably been
burred during the war, to safeguard it against the danger of fire.
The anodes of radiation-cooled transmitting tubes are sprayed with
zirconium, which is most effective as a getter at temperatures between
5000 and 7000 C. In the case of tubes with external anodes, the grid
h zirconium.
(b) err,~t~
In October 186 grams of germanium powder =re obtained throu,)r
and, at the beginning of November, a further--500 grains of germanium
dioxide arrived from the same source.
1. The Post ..iad to surrender two out of an ardor for eleven 1.6 kw ul.t ,a-
short wati, sets built by the HF ''Iork,and it is thought that these wearer ?, cied over
to the Russians. The Post subsequently ordered two more,
2. According to previous information, these are for the USSR.
3. Dra,lowidwoTh Teltow is now called V ]3 Werk fuer Aauelemente der Nac hricht onto chnik
"Carl von Oasiotzky."
4. The town hall referred to is the I'oenigstrasae town hail, last 3=orlin,
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Comments (Con't): 25X1
5. Television reception in Last Berlin is unsatisfactory. The 1.6 kw ultra-short
wave transmitter on the Mueggelturm (mid-way between Berlin Koepenick and Berlin
Mueggelheim) broadcasts on 98.2 mcs, which is in the immediate proximity of the
old television transmitter. The new television transmitter on the Mueggelturm
works on 41.75 mcs, which lies in the range. of disturbances caused by therapeutic
and heat generators all over the city.
~6. The only specialists in NTB-3 have little knowledge of the ultra-short-wave range,
and, since Dyakonovts death, there seem to be no skilled workers among the Russians
either, so no interesting results are to be expected from that organization,
7. This decision will probably cause ill-feeling and departures of personnel are to
be expected. The present sickness figure of 30p is an expression of passive re-
8. It is suggested that this order must be for the equipment of at least 100 radar
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