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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1954
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25X1 2 ., _. CQU NTR'S. ;.REPORT N0. TOPIC General Military Information 2 X1 2 XIEVALUATION 2X1 2IXIDATE OBTAINED 637 DATE PREPARED 14 May 1954 2M ` `REFERENCES 4 1 PAC S 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE). 2 X1 `4,, P-7MARKS ---~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. On 6 and 19 April 1 atout 6:30 p.m. the same da rr 61 trucks, towinZ 3 x guns, came from forest section No 17, where about ]_80 soldiers from 2 field kitchens. At about noon on 19 April, 19 tents, 15 0 y. _. _ 76.2-mm field guns and about 250 soldiers were t section No 43. From, 12:30 . _., aspracticed sou o orest .P*11L. UP UU '.7 section No 45. At about 3:30 p.rm., about 30 trucks, 1 radio truck, 11 guns including 4 x76.2-mm field guns, 4 x 57-mm AT guns, 2 o r 2- g d 1 x 85-mm AT un,.were seen in forest section No 42. e unl spar a toward eue ue a in the afternoon on 20 April.1 2. No entraining or detraining operations were observed at Forst Zinna railroad station during the period of observation. 3. displaced in forest section No 17. At about i p.m. ra o truck and 3 T-34/F5 tanks arrived at the training grounds from the direction of At about noon on b Apry--,2-mm, _wero, Adolf Hitler Camp. Tank and.artillary firing was subsequently heard from the direction of Mehladorf. Between 20 and 23 April, n Camp Forst Tauer at Lieberose troop training grounds, about 120,000 DM st had been allotted for reconditioning work at 12 kitchen buildings,, 3 ildings of the generals quarters, bathing insta or the laying of 4.6 km of water pipe Wan r-, lines and ?.3 km of ig 23 April, Gar.p Forst Tauer quartered - 11 about 350 to 400 troops 0 Tie r bordered black epaulets including some with tank, or artillery gn e .nd by engineer troops who maintained a saw mill. Most of the troops engaged in reconditioning work. The camp was scheduled for occupation in late April or early May. No heavy weapons were observed. Between 6 and 16 April, Neues Lager (1523) at Koenigshrueck troop training grounds quartered about 3,000 to 3,500 troops who wore red-bordered black e~v`o~r~roo*6~~ict~P~~~4~0~00~ opal PLACE OBTAINED !"W CLASSIFICATION SECRET/4MMOL - -T.S. Approved For Release 2006/01/31 CIA-RDP80-0081OA004300070001-6 BEST COPY Available THROUGHOUT FOLDER Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004300070001-6 ApprovedTo'c Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004300070001-6 Kershakov (fnu) retur tre i X `` 1 Apr'il encd in was heard from the troo'p_train' ': g E. On 15 April, the Kaserne Weixdorf (Luftkriegsschule) quartered about 300 troops who wore black-bordered crimson epaulets and about 150 to 180 troops who wore black-bordered glue epaulets. On 2O , pril, Xindel troop training round ~' 01 o civilian traffic. kinde1 cantonrnen was ony T1ght1r occup .ng activity vra s noticed..Sporadie ertiller firing was heard a noon every second or third day. On 20 April, trucks drove to Sophien , carrying 45 soldiers wearing red - or ere arrived at Eisenach. aculets with artillery insignia. Prior to 20 April, no shipments had 7. Prior to 2 to resider ago. On 21 611 e we games 'All T6 equipment was brought to the station by truck occu 1ea4 bar less troops than At about f', p.m. on 21 April, a unit from the f u' ertus Kaserne (8 62) in Naumburg was loaded end dispatched at Naunbuig railroad station: It included 4 x p5-mm AT guns, 4 x 76.2-mm field guns, about 20 trucks, 4 sedans and 1 field kitchen. On 26 April, a unit from the Bluecher Kaserne (6381) we's loaded onto 25 boxcars at Neuenburg Ostbahnhof. The billeting 9. At 7 a.m . on 27 April, 24 T-34/85 tanks, several armored personnel carriers and trucks were entrained at Wittenberg railroad station. 1. I Iartillery units of the s Wank Div conducted rng at ue er og. The same units returned to Krampnitz by road on 20 April. 3. ar a rfiel,d, small elements of the 57th z i e Div were at Kindel e ,motor vehicle] belong to the 9th Mech Div. Th s? ndicates ve j& B To -LT n6 `erre to ;amp Yoram Tauer . troop training grounds. ,e units of the 655th How l Regt and, presumably, an advance party of e Wk Gds Mtz F[ifle Rrgt entrained in Naunnburg possibly went to Kindel. Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004300070001-6