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Document Release Date: 
May 16, 2002
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Publication Date: 
June 9, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A004201280001-3.pdf262.5 KB
CLASSIFICATION ~dSECRET4 Cep, ~pp Approved For E~VI-K/~L2M TI~ENCE AGEN(;gpY00810A0~Wd~g T N0p~pi INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY East Germany PLACE ACQUIRED Werk II, VEBFunkwerk Koepenick 25X1 C 25X1X NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 1. Funkwerk Koepenick, located at ;` Iendenschlosstr >-Iii . -. Approved For Release 2002/07/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004201280001-3 Approved For Release 2002/07/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004201280001-3 SJ:cR T CO L'ROIr/U`,_~. OFI CI ham' ONLY - 3- 25X1A c. ','easurement Devices: ? mainly oscillographs rind sound spectrometers have been produced and delivered to the Russians. In 1953, 10 sound spectrometers were delivered to Russia. The following types of oscillograph were delivered to Russia in L955: 1) OG2-1: 30 units 2) OG2-4: 30 units 3) OG2-6: 130 units 4) OG2-7: 1 model s ,.riple and 7 units. d. Transmitter )arts for the following transmitters are either completed and ready to ;o for assembly into erk I, or in th(final stage of mounting in '.lerk II: 1) Parts for a short-wave transmitter to be Located iri Bernburg. 2) '..arts for a short-wave transmitter to be located in Leipzig. 5)) Parts for a short-wave transmitter, type t;04, `'uture location unknown. 4) Parts for a short-wave transmitter, with the cover name "i;nesswagen", future location unknown. 25X1A 2 r--]Comment: Identical with the head of the Circuit Assembly Shop. 25X1A 2.,: Comment/--Possibly IKK'L' ffsar iatiuren und. Leuchtenbau Fin6 , 5) Parts for a short-wave t smi ,ter, with L,h.e cover name "BUN", future location unknown.~S. e. Hoad Generators: 1) 0.1 kw generator. Twenty units were completed from 1 January 1953 to late March 19')4- 2) 1.5 kw generator. Three units had been completed by late March 1954. 3) 2.0 kw venerator. Three units had been completed by late March 1954. Ylakin (fnu), (or Plagin), was the Russian acceptance official for ':Jerk II until the fall of 1953, when he was called back to the USSR. Isis description is as follows: height about 1.70 meters; weight about 175 pounds; age about 40 years; stocky build; smooth black hair, parted on the left side; straight nose. Over-a11 impression not that of a typical Russian; spoke broken German. Plakin's successor is Fedo ev (fnu)i (or Fedoroev). Fedcev comes to ~, erk II only when a delivery is early for .shipment to Russia. Finow Brandenburg, is meant. 25X1A 3, - ~ A-ndi,~ate s Bulgaria . I 3. 1 jCorrment. BUN indicates Bulgaria. 25X1A 25X1A ';' CRET CU:: l.oL}~U..;. E3V 'ICIAL' IJI,i Approved For Release 2002/07/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004201280001-3