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August 3, 1954
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Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004201030004-7 r' M CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as emended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL U OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 COUNTRY East Germany/China/Hungary REPORT NO. SUBJECT 1. 1953 Production of the East German DATE DISTR 25X1 . 3 August 1954 Main Administration Radio and Telecommunications (HV RFT) NO. OF PAGES 3 2. East German Plans for Export of Telecommunications DATE OF INFO. Equipment _ 1. The radio industry achieved 100 percent of its 1953 production quota in all fields except the production of television sets. While the tube-producing industry fulfilled its production plan 100 percent in the field of general tubes, it was not able to meet the plan targets for miniature tubes because the development was not yet completed and raw materials such as wolframite, molybdenum, cathode nickel and fink-type wires, were scarce. 2. The following main targets were fixed for the HV R-F-T1 production in 1954: a. Supply of the KVP with telecommunication devices. VEB Fernmeldewerk Arnstadt was scheduled to deliver special mobile and stationary selector sets. Plants scheduled to produce radio and decimeter sets for the KVP, VPL, and VPS, included: Funkwerk Koepenickwhich was scheduled to produce portable and stationary radio equipment especially for VPS, and decimeter sets; Funkwerk Dabendorf; Sachsenwerk Radeberg,which was scheduled to deliver, decimeter sets to VPL and the USSR on reparation orders; and Funkwerk Dresden, which was also scheduled to produce decimeter sets under the direction of Kutsche (fnu), a national prize winner. b. Program for building high-power transmitting stations. Funkwerk Dabendorf was scheduled for this production program in addition to Funkwerk Koepenick. c. Production of tubes. Funkwerk Erfurt was scheduled to become the main center for tla.e the production of miniature and transmitting tubes. d. Other main centers were scheduled to be organized by HV R-F-T for testing the aeronautical properties of sets and for developing radar equipment. '1ae epit?b- lishm?nt of these centers was allegedly in connection with the foundation of aerodynamic research stations}(planned by other offices). The Pirna- onnensteiri; Schkeuditz and Welzow institutes were to be involved in these tasks. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY L_Vq (Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) ORR Ev Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004201030004-7 Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004201030004-7 SEC.RFT/CO.NTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 3. The main export effort of 1 R-F-T was aimed at the fulfilment of the China agreement which provided for the construction of telephone exchange with 40,000 to 90,000 call units each. This export order had been endangered by better offers 25X1 from ungary (Tun sram). Another obstacle was the fact that the technical development of +.r autornc.tic switching telephone system had not yet been completed in Arnstadt. In order to secure the order for East Germany in spite of this difficult situation, a commission directed by Hegemann, manager of HV R-F-T, was by order of Minister Wunderlich sent, to China tr,+ assist the delegation under the direction of Kreckowl which wao already In China, Hegemann had been ordered to negotiate with the Chinese Ministry of Postal Services and Telecommunications and to conclude the trade agreement. He was moreover made responsible for the. construction work in China. Another leading member of the commissioi .was Koeppe (fnu), the manager of the research and development department. According to plans available at the Ministry for General Machine Conatruction,complete factories for the production of radio tubes, radar equipment and radio equipment were to be delivered to China. German experts, especially construction and other engineers were also to be sent there. All these projects are matters of very long planning. Source knew that the deliveries to China executed so far amounted to about 25X1 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 eastmarks. the trade agreement with Finland had failed to materialize because the rau; :c switching telephone system had not yet been completely developed. 4. Since 191+9, a six-year trade agreement has existed between the USSR and East Germany. This agreement req?;d Last Germany to deliver yearly to the USSR 1+0,000 T 2-Leningrad type television receivers at the price of 750 eastmarks each. or7 reparation orders, while the regular selling price was 1,950 eastmarksi'L1.T-29s mere to be replaced by the new FE 852 type in 1954. The imported receivers were re-exported by the USSR to China and Hungary. Tun scam, however, intended to start its own. production in 1954. For East German domestic supply, a total of 18,000 FE 852 type receivers was earmarked with the selling price fixed at 1,450 eastmarks. These sets were scheduled to be sold by HO, and the Deutsche Notenbs.nk (East German. }ink o:i Issue) was willing to pay 500 eastmarks per set to support the price. DHZ Flektrotechnik was requested to start a propaganda drive to increase the sales of television and ultrashort wave sets. 5e In April 1953, DIA Elektrotech:nik concluded two contracts with W/O TekhnoprOmimF- port in Mo-scow fa? the sale of a total of 36,000 tubes which had already been de- livered in 1952 at a totbl price of rubles 335,000. 6. In early 1953, the post of special official for railroad signals and safety problems was created at the Ministry for General Machine Building, and occupied by Lehmann (fnu), former deputy minister of Irv R-F-T. 7. In September 1953, Posch (fnu), special official of 1W Funk, traveled to VEB Glashuetter Uhrenbetrieb (watch producing plant) to get informed on the possibilities of producing vernier drivers for ultra short wave transmitters and receivers. 8. In mid- 1953,. .,.ccordin~ to ;1z, orgy lnizcti.on t,_ L t e) I{ 'T.-F-T h