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Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT .SECRET ~~ SU8IECT The Wirovr Combine of State Fauns Thta Document contains infonnatlon aHectlag the Ns- tlonal Deteneo of the United States, within the mesn- !ng of Title 18, 8ectlons 793 and 794, of the V.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by ].aw. The reproduction of this form Se prohibited. REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEANITIVE. THE APtRAISAI Of CONTENT IS TlNTATIVE. (fOR KEY SEE REVERSE) ' 1? The llilirow Combine of State Farms, administrated from Drzeninl (P.G.R. Zespol Wirow z siedziba w Drzeninie) is located in Gryfino District, Szczecin Voivod- ship. It is part of the so-called Szczecin-South PC>~ region. The following state farms are part of the combines a ? ~6irow b. Drzenin c. Sobiemysl d. Stare Brynki e, Gardno (including a mechanical workshop) f. ~ysoka (~ryfinska 2. The combine covers an area of 10 280 hectares of arable land and is managed by the following personnel 25X1 a. Manager r Jan Su~.e ~ a He comes from the Poznan region, is a party member but his attitude towards the workers is very decent. Chief agronomists Feliks Supryna:ak , SECRET 3o sane 1954 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 c. Chief of the repair and building group: Pietraszkiewic~ (fnu) He comes from Bialystok; treats the workers very decently. d. Foreman of a so-called brigade~(Brygadziata) of the repair and building group: Zurowski (fnu) He Dames from the Warsaw region and is an agent of the Security Police (UB) in Szczecin (Stettin). 3. The following is a description of the individual Pf~ts s a. Dr~enin P(~t (1) bdanager: Krakus (fnu) He comes from some location in the Warsaw region, is a member of the party and treats the workers badly. Source describes him as the meanest of all PGR managers known to him. He was beaten up a couple of times by the femalo PGR workers for using offensive and obscene lan guage towards them. ~(2) The names of the other members of the administrative staffs like the bookkeper, calculator of work quotas, junior agronomist and storekeeper are unknown to Source. (3) This PGR is a former privately owned German farm, covering 2,l.~00 hectares of arable land, The farm is primarily used for the cultivation of crops, but turkeys an d pigs are also brad here on a large scale. (~.) Description of buildingss A villa occupied by the administrations of the whole combine and of the Drzenin P(a?t. On the second floor there are rooms for tractor operators and seasonal workers and in the left wing there are quarters for the adation of the children (some 20) of single women. 6 one-family (residential)' houses, 2 barns, 1 large storage building, about 70 meters long, 1 stable, 1 cow shed' 1 pigsty, 1 garages and the following post-war constructions 8 two-family houses, ~ large wooden sheds for turkeys, 10 pigsties. ~5) The Drzenin PGR has the following equipIInent and livestocks ?~ mowing machines (combines) 13 tractors (makes "Ursus't, "Zetor", and nStaliniec") 21~ horses 90 cows (black and whi~~) Approved Far Release 2006111/04 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 -3- D The numbor of pigs and turkeys was unknown to Source. (6) The permanent staff of the Drzenin PCB. consists of 19 families, i.e., !~0 working persons, and 13 tractor operator making a total of 53 laborers. During the summer and fall seasons 250 to 300 farmhands are employed in addition to boys and girls of the Service to Poland brigades as well as 'rvolunteers" from the towns. In addition to the permanent staff some 30 farmhands are employed during the winter who are paid like seasonal workers. On an average the basic pay of a seasonal worker amounts to l~50 z~. par month plus a 6 z~. food allowance per day. Thus a farmhand has to spend at the most an additional 3 z~. for food per day and, therefore, his not pay amounts to from 300 zi. to 350 z~. per month. A permanent worker used to earn 2l~0 z~. to 280 z~. per month. In addi- tion, he was entitled to buy fixed quantities of corn, potatoes, milk, etc. at minimum prices. Recently a new decree with reference to the wages of the farm workers was issued, but Source is ignorant of its contents. Tractor operators were paid by the job. During a season they earned up to 1600 z~, per month. In winter they averaged 600 z3:. per month. A milker's basic wages amounted to 250 z~. per month but, based upon the quantity of milk drawn, he received a premium, so that he actually made a. Vital of 350 z~. to 100 z~. per month. The girls working about the pigs also earned 250 z~. per month plus a premium based upon the weight gained by the pigs. (7) he production quota of the Drzenin P(~. He knows, however, that ,the obligatory corn quota was fully delivered to the State, but that the potato quota could not be fulfilled because the major part ~of the crop rotted. (1) tanager: name unknown (2~ .The-names of the other members of the administrative staff of the PGR, such as the bookkeper, a woman, thecalculator of vro rk quotas, a store- keeper and a foreman are also unknown to Source. (3) Trie Wirow ~'(~, which covers ~00 hector of arable land, is generally in good condition and is use for 'the cultivation of crops only. (4) The following is a list of the buildingsz A small villa occupied by the administration of the 1Piirow P(~ 2 large barns .,l.pigsty 1 stable 1 cov+' shed 1 grain silo 2 large houses (quarters for the workers). (5) Equipment and livostvck of the Wirow PGRs 7 tractors (makes "Ursus", 'rZetorn, rrKpxn) Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 16 horses ~.{,0 COwS number of pigs (6) The permanent staff of the Wirow PC~t consists of seven families, i.e.~ 20 ~rrorking persons, plus seven tractor operators making a total of 27 fai,nhands. During the seasons l00 to 150 seasonal and a number of SP brigade workers are employed. This PGR does not utilize seasonal workers during the winter. (7) The wages of the workers are the same as thosa for the Drzeni.n PGR workers mentioned above. (8) that this PGR fulfilled its obligatory e every quo owar s e to a with 120, 25X6 c. Sobiemysl PGR (2) The names of the bookkeeper, .calculator of work quotas, agronomist, storekeeper and foreman are unknown to Source. (3) The S~biemysl PGR covers an area of 700 hectares of arable land which is used for the cultivation of crops only. It is in rather good condi- tion. (!~) The following is a description of the buildings of this PGR: 1 house - ground floors Administrative offices 2nd floor t quarters for seasonal workers. 2 barns 1 stable 1 cow shed 1 house accommodating four families, built after the last war. (5) Equipment and livestock of the Sobiemysl PGR: ~. tractors 8 horses 17 cows. (b) The permanent staff of the PGR consists of five families, i.e., 15 work- ing persons, plus four tractor operators making a total of 19 w orkers. During the busy seasons only 20 additional workers are hired, since most of the SP brigade and most of the nvolunteers~~ from Szczecin and Gryfino are assigned to this P(~R,, The wages are the same as outlined for the other P(~ts. (7) As to the produce that the grain crops are infexl, since the manager is not a s i .ec ~ armor, and, therefore, does not. know which grain thrives. best on which soil. Approved Far Release 2006111/04 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 SECRET -5- l large villa occupied by the administration. In addition there are rooms for a kindergarten school, and for the tractor operators and seasonal wa rkers on the second floor. 9 individual houses, quarters of permanent workers and their families. .These houses belonged to individual farmers prior to 19lt9 who later o.~ had to give uo their farms when the PC'~R was established. $ome are still working on the PGR as farmhand:. 11 barns (2 large ones on the PGR itself, and seven small ones which belonged previously to the private farms). 1 cow ,;hed with a grain ^torage on the second floor~~ ,, ~ w_ , :,. , ,~ A couple of sma'~11''buiYdings used as gar2~~es, stores, etc. (5), Equipment and livestock of the Gardno ~'GRs 19 tractors (makes "Ursus", "KDK" aaad "Staliniec"} !~0 horses 50 cows. (6} The permanent staff consists of 22 families, i.e., 1~8 working persons, plus 19 tractor operators making a total of 67. persons. During the beasans many SP brigades are employed as well as seasonal workers. The xages are the same as outlined for +~he other P(~ts. (7) As~far as Source known this PGR always fulfills its delivery quotas to the State with more than 100~~thus improving the reputation of the whale combine. e. stare Brynki PGR (1} Bdanager:-name unknown An elderly man, about 60 years of age, who comes from some location in the Poznan region. Before the war he was administrator of a large farm near Poznan. Party member. Treats the workers well. (2) The names o culator of work quotas, storekeeper and foreman are (3) This PGR covers 1300 hectares of arable land. It is used exclusively for the cultivation of crops. It consists of several small, formerly privately owned farms. It is the most unproductive farm in the combine because of its location in a hilly area, which is very difficult to eultivatc with machines. Another handicap is that the area was mined during the war and in spite of repeated searches conducted by military units several explosions occurred, in one of which one person-was killed. Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 -6- (~.) Description of buildings: 7 individual houses now occupied by the farmhands and their families, tractor operators and seasonal workers. One of these houses serves as an administration building, 1 stable 1 cow shed 1 large barn and a number of small ones on the former private. farms. The buildings on the 1~ individual farms which were incorporated into this PGR were completely destroyed or burned down during the last war. (5) Equipment and livestock of the Stare Brynki Pt~t: 8 tractors 1!~ horses 16 cows. (6) The permanent staff of this PC~R consists of 6 families i.e., 18 workers, plus eight tractor operators, making a total of 26 parsons. During the summer and fall seasons some 100 seasonal workers as well as members 'of the SP brigades are hired while only 20 seasonal workers remain on the PGR during winter. The wages are the same as outlined for the other PGRs. (7) The rate of production of the Stare Brynki PGR is very low. Its plan is never fulfilled and never are the obligatory quantities delivered to the State. f , Wysoka Q~ryfinska PGR (1) ~6anager: name unknown He is about !~6 years old and comes from some location in the Lublin region. He is a former private farmer whose farm was incorporated into the combine. He treats the workers very badly and acts as a UB informer, (2) The names of the bookkeeper, calculator of work quotas, the foreman and the so-called "zoo teehnik" (in charge of the poultry yard) are unknown to Source, (3) The l~iysoka Gryfinska PGR covers 900 hectares of arable land. All prewar buildings were completely destroyed and burned down during tho last stage of-the war, and only in 19119 was reconstruction started upon special order from tho of A ricult~zre. Bost buildings were still under construction This $'GrR is to be principally used as a you ry arm or uc s, geese an chickens. (1~) Description of the buildings: 25X1 ~ newly: Constructed administration building 2 two-family houses 2 four-family houses 2 one-story houses to be used as quarters for the members of SP brigades 1 cow shed l ,~s table 1 barn Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 (~) (6) The poultry coops were still under construction at the tractors (makes Ursus and Zetor) Equipment and livestocks 'e:~ , bulls (lst class) cows .~?~: w , the permanent staff consists of three'faanilies,'i.e., ton wa~rking persons, 'plus `f~hree tractor` operators, making a total of 13 workers. In addition 13 seasonal workers are employed the year around. During the harvast season more seasonal workers are hired in addition to the members of the b fades asst ned to this PQrR. The wages are the same as outlined ~~e ot~ier P`s. _ _ _ . _ .._ .._~_ ,, . _ ... _.. The ~iysoka ~Gr`yfnskA ~~ `is not ~tn ~a position to fulfill the obligations towards the Stato, since its production quota was calculated according to th? total amount of arable land (900 hectares) and in reality only 600 hectares are cultivated. The remaining 300 hectares are still lying ~~llciw because of mines and other explosives still embedded there since g. The mechanical workshop at the Gaxdno PC~t. (1) tanagers Sows (fnu) (2) Equipment of the workshops (3) 3 large lathes 1 lathe (Karuzelowka) 2 lathes (Rewolwerowki) 1 grinding machine 3 milling machines 2 electric welding burners 1 acetylene welding burner 1 oxygen welding burner S drilling machines. The workshop employs the follviwing skilled wo rkerss ~ turners 15 locksmiths 2 electricians 1 automobile electro-mechanic 3 tractor mechanics 1 welder Approved Far Release 2006111!04:CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 plus a number of apprentices and helpers making a total of about 1~0 workers. (~.) The wages of the above workers range from 6Q? z~. for unskilled workers to 180o z~. for the turners per month and depend on the work done, premiums, and fulfillment of the work quota. (5) The workshop not only works for the V~irow combine, but often also accepts orders from other combines in the neighborhood, since it is better equip- ped than the latter's own mechanical w orkshops. 25x~ 1. Comment: The nine of the combine is reported as received. It is unusua off` r the combine to take its name from a member farm other than the one in which its main administrative unit is located. Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0 Approved For Release 2006/11104 :CIA-RDP80-00810A004200730004-0