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Document Release Date: 
September 23, 2005
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Publication Date: 
October 12, 1954
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ApprTEkj~R.rj~"W 20O5/~1~{, 2 : CIA-RDP80-00810A0042 0020002-1 25X1 CENTRAL. INTELLIGENCEr AGENCY REP(T I N FOR ATEON REPORT yUBJECT Kedzlerzyn Nitro:ern Plant 25X1Pg.ACE ACQUIRED DATE Cir NF+. f ormer4 a 3 . reality the reemnatxuction wi11rt=,Z Ve _ f raishcd' #ort`-the end of 1954_ ^nd production ; :'.==t be aib1e bQ#V :l 1 "t ire, - -Lately. the ineers worked.- the installation mode r4, and powe' }I ,xdno rians, ?n 15 January 1954 tae plant was -offJcit'., ,y 10_ b0gi.n rod ,ictn, but in ~"ast Germans, -Roles worked on the r onstruction.--_ and, O.RX. A special team of engineers composod',qf ,Russians, Cz , Au (Building Union' (Opoiskie PrzemyslowQ. ZjednoczeAr*6 in 19_45. I3 rin{; 1953 the plant was feconstruct -t was formerly a branch of I.(3 "ar en, ~di Raciborz (Ratibor)-Kedzieryn railfoad linee THIS IS UNEVAL.YJATE INFORIA JATE D STR. . -NO, OF PAGES .NU OF ENC.. ' #,IEG BVIr. 25X1 12 October 1S5 SUPeIEMEf fl O A nitrogen fact.Qry (Zaklady Przeny u otoWteELo (Blechhamae ') . 25X1 -? after the plant! &aNW on.struction is c Spl ted,Tit is expected to ptodl.t e twice as much fertilizer as all Polish plants before 1939. The water- i?or the plant is? ned from -the ca> (formerly Adolf Hitler Kbmal! -past of the f The current is supplied by;the plant at Blacho;+TUa The p! giant has a t cTl detachment of .ar-2O trs ? ,s at its di osai 2 ,as ,veil as trucks Thiade in East Germariya, ?' settlement for app iraately 50,000 _rsons LLis alSd included in the reconstruction plan. _*1t is already beg WV-k_ on. At Tresent S.P. brigades from all over the country lid ruction teems from the 3pole Industrial Building Union afe 6r Pho following personnel were employed tho;-ant: CLASS! FICATION F _._, ,..e-,.x (,'SRE I [ QISTRIBUTtON Ideated gong the acoty an+ era led? i the R-ussi the -Ope .e dus a 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004200020002-1 Approved For Release 2005/11/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004200020002-1 .CRFT 25X1 ba Xuoinski (fnu' L security chiell 25X1 25X1 7. The compound i-- surrounded by a barbed wire fence approximately 2s50 meter.,- high. An industrial guard detachment is on duty there. A U0Bo security office (counter espionage) under the command of Kusinski is located in he administration building. The workers 'lave special pauses and cards issued by the :plant administration The trains with which the workers commute are checked by special patrols between Reciborz and the Czech border. Enclosure: 1 sketch 25X1 31(,'R'-7T Approved For Release 2005/11/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004200020002-1 Approved For Release 2005/11/22 : CIA-RDP80-00810A004200020002-1 +itro,,~en Factory (Workers Y-uar-ters r Oci 1e Robotnieze) - : aer caonr iructxan at Kci zierzyn. L e ;end X Approved For Release 2005/11/22 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA004200020002-1 Sketch - 1/4' of Plant area Total area - 86 sQ. 1cm. elant rail lines - 3) ko Pipelines - 2;i i.m. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/22 : CIA-RDP80-00810A004200020002-1 iS Ec i ET 1' acto.try A rters O.sied C. unc er. con