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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1954
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/28: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004100510001-9 craws GLA'SS I CAT 10 SECRET/ COUNTRY t Germany -.-------.REPORT militarj, Imformation from the Potsdam Are. EVALUATION_ DATE OF CONTENT. DATE OBTAINED s ATE-PREPARED 25X1 25X1 1. On 10 March 1954, the Kavvll.erie Schule in Kramprsitz an e ircated 3,000 troops. The following materiel was identi Installation between 1 and 10 March: numerous T-34 tanks several JS-2 and JS-3 tanks . com'oat training and training with tanks in the barracks area and on the training grounds north of the installation. On 4 ?arch, a large exercise, obabl.y at regimental level, was held in the t;: aining area north of the instal-- "lation. Observed were 11 T-34 tanks. 2 SP guns, 2 JS-3 tanks, 5 armored personnel carriers AT guns 16 x 122-mn mortars and about 35 trucks occupied by troops. 7some of the troops from Kr ampnitz were transferred to the 1 riegsschule in Potsdam. It was said that about 300 Soviet dependents of Soviet n ftears have been living in the settlement of Yrampnitz since mid-M reh was occupied by fled at the barracks 25X1 al armored personnel carriers, several ?6=-tin : Mans, 25X1 T? nuns. 5 x 57 nm AT guns and 16 x 120--mm mortars. nt of March. several hundreds of soldiers CAIJILY rece vea M the beginnf Z, On 3 March. a column of 40 driving school vehiciesl 25X1 drove from the ICavallerie Schule in 'Y, rarpnitz to the terrain nor? o he installation. On 4 March,, a colum= of 15 three-axle armored personnel carriers 4 trucks 25X1 towing 57-m AT gun 2 jeeps and other trucks loaded with billeting equipment, luggage. st. a n ition boxes left the f netall ation 25X1 and drove toward M quardt . Each of the trucks and personnel carriers mounted about 8 soldiers. On 6 March, &. col= of 8 x 152 rn field howitzers 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW CLASSIFICATIONS E)GRZT/ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/28: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004100510001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00810A004100510001-9 SECRET/ drove to the Doeberitz troop training 25X1 grounds from the direction of Needlitz via Fahrland. The column returned F rounds the afternoon. At noon of the sane c ,lunn including 4 x 152-r m field grans and prime mover I also 25X1 roved to Doeberitz from the direction of NNN'edlitz End returned at ndlghts 3. On 15 Yarch, the Krieg: Schule in Potsdam was occupied by about 2,000 troops who wo n i..riia. A T-'~ 8 tank and 1 r 25X1 firers identified in the barracks area. On 15 March, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied by about 2,000 troops who wore red--bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. About 20 armored machine guru carriers Front 2 1 i aht RTS_% field Puns were identified in the billeting area. On 15 March, the north and south section othe e us ..aserne r~ quartered nbmit 2..000 troops, A 122-mm field gun, 152-min gun howitzers and trucks 25X1 On 4 March, the Hohenlohe Kaserne and Ludendorff Kaserne (2291/2292) were only partially occupied by troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets. with artillery insignid.2 On 4 March, the Leibgardehu sarerz Kaserne (2282) quartered a KV.P unit and about ZOO Soviet troops who wore red armileta and, some. red-bordered black epaulets. 25X1 On 4 March, the Schutzpolizei seine was occupiea 1,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. Four light field guns and 1 x 122-m field howitzers were identifi: ; in the 'barracks area. 3 On 2 Yarch, about 50 flatcars with sideracks and flatcars were assembled for loading at the Potsdam railroad station.. On 15 March, the Kriegs Schule in Potsdam quartered a mortar unit and an A.U. unit. Materiel identified in the barracks area included T-34 Tanks, 37 AA guxls about 30 .X1.2 m, mortars and 40 trucks 25X1 25X1 2 AV6 L V e S.bS L WG1s GY u j ~ n ~! : ~lA 4dA?~ FJ 4 Ceveral tanks includi , t?:. . and several armored personnel c~:r~iers9~ of us s u. seems *co occupied only 50 percent. Three x 120 -mm field guns and truck In mid-41arch, the Hoh.enlohe Kaserne ccup e y coops who wore red-bordered black was only about 50 percent occupied-- . aulets with motor transportignia The windows of the Ludendorff Kaserne were about 85 percent lighted curuai fie evenings. Three Diesel prime movers towing 122-M field guns drove to the installation on 11 March. 2 On 11 March, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied by about 1,000 troops who 2 wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank and motor transport insignia. T-34/85 tanks and trucks were 2 identified there. The Kriegs Schule in Potsdam quartered about 1,000 "roops wearing black e ulets with artillery, insignia. Thirty-five 120-mr;,, mortars and trucks a?ECRE / 5X1 5X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/28: CIA-RDP80-00810A004100510001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/28: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004100510001-9 SECS F r/ m~aa.~tafl_~ components of the 4th Arty Div were a Al engTa Wo in early March. This is su :pox ted by statements in the present reports according to which the strength of troops at the installations decreased. 3 aL__Co_ ent v This is the first infor ration on guns in the Poiiizei Kasea ne. 25X1 S CE RE.;TE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/28: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004100510001-9