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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 10, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A003900040009-6.pdf259.19 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003900040009-6 _.,._~..w?4_,.~.~e.....H._._...~.~..~. CLAS,SIFfCAT!C?N._.~~:~~. ?.~~ COUNTRY __ Ft Oerrea,ny -- ---REPORT EVALUATION] ;SATE OF GONTENI OATE OBTAINED.--.. . REFERENCES :AGES.,. ..-.-..ENCLOSURES (NO. 8 TYPE) REMARKS- ___a ._..~. 1954 DATE PREPARED 10 Yarch o..~ . - -_.. , 614873 25X1 1m On 13 February 1954, the Fuchsberg Kaserne (3201), Jueterbog, was Occupied. On 2 February, 2 T-34 tanks and, on 3 February, about 60 troops wearing red- bordered black epaulets armed with submachine guns, carbines and light machine guns and carrying practice targets left the instal".lation toward the slaughter- house. Between 2 and 13 February, about 20 troops alr.:ost daily left the installation toward the On 3 February. 30 to h.C troops. .2< On 5 February, 8 to 10 T-34 tanks were seen behind the hospital, en route toward Dennewitz.. At about 4:30 p.m. on 1.1 February., 3 trucks towing AT guns of at least 80-Mm caliber were seen en route toward Jueterbog II, coming from the direction of Aitee Lager (3205). On 10 February, 8 trucks, towing 120-mm mortars and were seen on route toward Altes Lager. I On 8 February, the forcer iiorddeutsche Maschinenfabrik in Luckenwalde was occupied by about 500 troops. unusually many officers. On 28 January, about 250 to 350 troops drilled in the barracks yard, 1,b-tor vehicles seen enterina and leaviny the instAllation-F 5, On 8 Februarys 8talag 1 was occupied by about 500 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets including some with artillery insignia tZ T rn r.r rocket launchers and truck entered the camp from the direction of the training area. On 3 February, 2 rocket launchers were being emplaced southwest of the cam and subsequently fired toward the training area o I-`otor vehicles were seen en route to and rorree 6. On 8 February, E taiag II was occupied by about 400 troops wearing reds-bordered black epaulets, including some with arts'lery insignia., on 24 and 29 January, about 1.00 troops drilled, 30 troops engaged in maintenancing of motor vehicles 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003900040009-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A003900040009-6 25 officers and NCOs received instruction on range finders. Y:otor vehicles and about 60 troops in physical training in the camp. On 4 February, about Between 22-January and 8 February, exercises with heavy weapons were almost daily held at the Forst Zinna train ng area. On 22 Januarys, guns, including 76 02 mr field guns, fired toward Yrieh? sd.orf from e-mrlacements in Jage; (forest section) floe 45 and 6- On 24 January, the Forst Zinna. railroad station was put off limits a unit was being 25X1 entrained a 'rug k occupied by about 25 troops carrying full field 25X1 peck, repair shop truck and field kitchen rent toward the training area,, corm railroad the Forst Zinna station. At 25X1 about 1 p.m.., about 40 trucks 25X1 and 16 rocket launchers were observed in Z:tNos 40 through o At-about 3 p.m. on 27 January, rocket launchers and 6 trucks loaded with fuel drumss were observed 25X1 in Jagen Nos 4 3 and 44, while trucks towing guns, p r e s s u r r y 57 AT guns and 76-4t field .guns, were seen near the engine house, corning from the were 25X1 direction of Luckenwalde and proceedl to Jaen 46 in the training area via the Wildbahn hunting gg^ourds. Truck.; 25X1 were identified At about 4 pore on 30 January, 5 x 76 rr field guns and 5 -trucks were seen at the w astern edge of Jagen No 40. 25X1 About 80 trucks, and others of c At 5 p:~r,u, 40 A the were seen in Jagen Nos 1s and 9 trucks, and 8 x 52 field howitzers 12 trucks, in agsn nos 1-1 an c. 45. J 8. On 8 February, the Adolf Hitler G p (3207), Forest Zinna, was occupied by about 2,000 troops wearing red bordered black epaulets, including sore with artillery and tank insignia o On 2 And 3 February, an undeterrii d nunber of 25X1 troops drilled in the installation, while 3 trucks towing 57-ma AT guns and ntered from the direction of the training area. Toter vehicles seen an route to and from the installation On 11 February, the former Norddeutsche Y"aschinenfebr#k was occupied by 500 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets and presumably belonging to an instruction unit, The officers were quartered as previously in the billettn at Schisferling o Training was mostly conducted in the former workshops. On 26 January and 8 February, about 200 troops ;arched to the workshops and, between 22 Januarys and 5 February, about 40 troops were repeatedly observed at firing with carbines at the firing range. 10e On 11 February, 8ta ag I was occupied as pre bus?yo Between 22 January and 9 February, about 40 to 60 troops wearing red-bordered black au2 ets were repeatedly seen at firing practice In the vicinity of the installation. The gravel pits were no longer used as firing ranges. On 10 February, about 30 troops practiced throwing of hand grenades a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A003900040009-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003900040009-6 ECR. rJ li On U February, Stalag 11 was occupied as rreviouslya Eetween 19 .snowy an'; 9 r"ebruary1, about 50 to 1C0 troops were repeatedly seen leaving the carp toward t1 e wooded area for field training. 2 go :,enta The rotor vehicle con_firr, in Jueterbog units of the 14th Gds 1 ech Div. The mortars are an indication for the /+r th 'art Ttegt of the 14th Gds i:ech Div stationed in Altes Lager. and lI (3321) and Me ";nrddeutsehe z aschinenfahrik (3322) respectively. training unit in 1uckentwlde, can be carried as previously in Stalags I Cor?ent. The 91st Gds 111:. tegt of the Third Gds Yecz Arny and the 25X1 25X1 Comi ent . The advanced r ket, firing practices in this area are known. According to motor vehicle the practices r:ainly involved units of the 14th Gds ach Div and the T bird Cds Y h Army. 25X1 Oment., According to rotor vel-icle the installation is 25X1 occupied as previously by the ITq Third Gcis I,ech Array. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003900040009-6