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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1954
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Approved For Release 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701050004-1 25X1 TOPIC . EVALUATION CLASSIFICATION East Germany 'ilitary information from ?otsdatn 1.7 February 1954 _r..)ATF PREPARED:..,., ._. ".--_n . DATE OF CONTENT, DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES-- Information 7~ On 27 January 1954, tI.e Ludendorff Kaserne in Potsdam was occupied by: about 200 troops who rare red-bordered black epaulets including some with motor tran?irx~rt insiania loo training activity wag noticed .~ 2. On 27 January, the lohi nlohe Kaserne was occupied by b1-out 400 troops who wore red-bordered 1.1ack epaulets with motor transport insignia On 20 Januar no training activity was noticed in the in:tal.lation a Truck drove into the billeting area. On 27 January, the nort:ern section of the Delius Kaserne quartered about 600 troops who we red-bordered black epaulets with artillery and rotor transport insign4ad On 20 January, no trainin activity waa notice in the billeting area, On 27 January, the sovthern section of the Delius Kaserne quartered about 6170 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery or rotor transport insignia. O!L 20 January;, 5 prime movers, each towing a 152? gun howitzer left the installation toward Bornstedter Fold. At about 8:15 a.m., 11 trucks carrying e. total of about 150 soldiers and towing 2 x 7642 iun Runs were seen in Pot idar . driving toward Rehbruecke m ea convoy was o .owe rar rovers each of which towed a 152--am gun howitzer. On 21 and 27 January, two of the barracks buil,.ings were two thirds lighted. 1 5,~ On 27 January, the ISival.lerie Schtile in Kraripnitz was occupied by about 6,,C00 to 7,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery, signal and r rotor transport insignia. On 22 January, 5 trucks towing three 762-cr. field guns r ntered the anzqunition dump. About 120 soldiers carrying carbines and dummy soldiers left the installation toward the training area north of the barracks installation 6in.the morning. Sixty soldiers excavated trenches and fox hoes in the training area. Seven T-34/85 tanks were parked in the sheds on the trainin. curds fi VZq!r;rA I0M S EGRET A' Approved For Release 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003701050004-1 Approved For Release 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A003701050004-1 6, On 29 January, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied by about 1,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets including some with tank Insignia. On 28 January about 60 soldiers engap d in basic infantry trainiiw in the barracks area 7. On 29 January, the 1 riegsschury a quartered about 1,200 troops who wore red- bordered black epaulets with artillery or rotor transport insignia. On 26 January, about 30 soldiers trained in the barracks yard where about 25 trucks were parked 0 Carbine firing was heard from Bornstedter Fold. On 29 January, about 120 soldiers fell in for roll call in the barracks yard. Twenty-five trucks and 2 x 76.2--m guns were parked nearby. 3 8. On 29 January, no trainin activity was noticed in the barracks Installation in Wildpark ;hest 9. On 27 January, the southern section of the Leibgardehusaren Kasorne wag occupied by about 100 soldiers a Sentries observed wore black-bordered crimson epaulets a No traininni activity was noticed in the barracks area. ECR~.LTT/ 10 ~ On 26 January, the Unteroffizier 8chul.e was occupied by about 150 soldiers who wore red-'bee he lbjllet 1 41 e on 26 . January, the Pblizei k or?ne was occupied k. about 350 soldiers who wore black-bor?de red crimson and red-bordered black epaulets. No training activity was noticed, 1.2. On 28 January the Kavallerie Schule in Krami pnitz was still occupied as was observed before, 8entri4as observed wor?e red-bordered black epaulets including sor'e with tax; insignia a trucks brought foodstuff and coal from the Satzkorn railroad station to the Kaval.lerie Schulee on 27 and 28 Januar nt The barracks installations still quartered units of the 34th Arty v except for eso a units of the division which 'ss ern a'~~sent for firing pr?a l" ra g raph A. of the p or e s n ca ee a , on anuarny"'r;ore units of the division went 'by road tea Jueterbo fear f3rin ae?~is~a according to the weapons, the units must have belonged to the artillery COD, ent a art indicates that no chaa es occured in the occupation of these barracks installatioait; 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A003701050004-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A003701050004-1 SECR1 ri 3. atra ento It is believed that, since mid-January 1954, the ICriegs 25X1 Schule has been occupied by the 299th Gds A:ort Re?-t of the 10th Gds Lank ditioen to the officers school of the GOFG a No information has yet been received on this 25X1 quarters of the 359th Ode AAA Regt of the division from Brandenburg . which departed toward Potsdam at the same time If the aforementioned field guns, which were observed at the installation for the first tine,, were medium AAA guns, it would indicate that the regiment is quartered in the Icriegaschule. SECRET . Approved For Release 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A003701050004-1