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Document Release Date: 
April 24, 2009
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Publication Date: 
February 9, 1954
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Approved For Release 2009/04/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003700160002-2 CLASSIFICATION ~_ECHM Germany 13OUNTRY a. _... r" i OPIC 1litary Information from, Potsdam 'VALUATION ,ATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED .. ,''EFERENCES .~_- I On 20 January- 1954 the Polize3. 1caserne, Potsdam was- occup1 A. ,bout 50 troops. Petween 19 ' , y %VaP6100r.To insignia, 0n 23 .Tanuary, `about 60 troops,,received ;sig. raining 2., On. 20 January, the Adolf Id1 tler? ': aserne was occupied by about l,CC'O troops weara:ig red-bordered black epaule s including some _with tan), O motor ? 3. On 20 January, the riegs chule vas occupied b)r troops `wear G.rsg red,-bordered . blac.. epaulets, including `.;,ome with arti3.lery and motor tra.r i or L insjgnla e Sburce eras not able to doL*p ;ine the strength of the -troops, ' .ati. ned there. 4_~ ut neon; a u Dope: un cis a tae uc s, On 20 January, sbctat 65. trucks, including some which had already been unloaded, were observed in che'ba ticks yard.: 'At about noon, 50 troops continued to unload the trucks., Ah)ut 30 of these trucks towed r:ort ? s_. the "rarracks yard. Other-trucks. also carr in billetinu e ui ,t On 1S January, about 25 tucks carrying billeting equipment ;ours seen in woe ..Between 9 a. .and 10 on 19 January, a column of 45 prime mo~Pers, i~no lyding about 35 tpwing sac proe gun liowiteer and the others-to ping tral era, each occupied 'ii about 25 trod'ps, pkse 'd through Fc ~sdasi, co~r nd from the direction, of Amuftvsen Str sse and c5ceedi toward Saar4nth a 'aulbeer Allee and Rehbr k- CLASSIFIC,TION 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003700160002-2 Approved For Release 2009/04/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003700160002-2 3ECRF. /, The column was directed through the town by traffic control posits. vhich were 5. On 12 January, the south section of the Leibgarde flusaren Kaserne was occupied b about 100 tr - S t i obs t y oop en es erve ore b1ac bor on 6 ~ On 12 1.anuary, the NCO school was occupied by about 200 troops wearing red-- bor der:d black epaulets, 7,, On 12 anuary, the Polizel Kaserne was occupied by about 350 to 4CC0 troops we-zing black-bordered crimson eDaulete and redo-bordered black :amulets. 25X1 S. On 18 y~_anuary, the Kavallerie Schule in Kai pnitz was occupied )y about 6,000 #;o 7,CO0 troops wearing rem-bordered black epaulets with ank,' artillery, signal and nr!otor transport insignia.; and., a few, blue-bordered )lack epaulets. On 1.1 January, 3 T-34/35 tanks and 6C troops were seen in the; allenwinkel ?::was i:; uoke were observed at driving .cfaoo3 practice In the Giebelfenu 25X1 On 13 Janua y,, about 120 1aroops, equlrped with axes, saws, shovel.-. a..r spt:-. es, left the rnstaliation toward, ;eatnd 6 T-34/85 ranks h ,td taken ro itiv,n at. 1`=3ull.enuris ?~1.. 25X1 'oar 152? guns and about 25 tl ooF were seen In the , .. a east of lr ,.:see ;1.egbundberg. About 12 troops ccin& ,aructed a telephone I no frorr there t '3'a d n~Lrarapr=it m-west. On 15 Jana y, 2 T-::34/85 tanks were seed in the Bullen- wirkel area, as well at, about 150 troops e:igaged in entrenching work, while a P-toiu n of 13 trucks, each towing a 16C sr. z mortar 9 drove up i front of the arse. m lnion de rot. The trucks carried ai tL7A,'ion, in addition to billeting ec tia; r. n , ,, The mortars were being detached in front of the dero'; and the ? trucks svliseauentl entered the instail~tion ~~..~ On 1E Januarys a 'era rol :?~uged period of Inter: -up-)tion. that th- quo !.rters in the west section of Kavallerie a cI ule were ed as previousl,,,,.k Approved For Release 2009/04/24: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003700160002-2 l F Approved For Release 2009/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00810A003700160002-2 SECRET! On 12 Jat`uar~y, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied by about 2,OO0 troops we:xing red-bordered black epaulets with artillarv and tank n . Between and 12 Januar only individual trucks, engaged in driv1n school practice. 10 w On 1.2 January, the Delius Kaserne was occup.l ed bya total of about 1#500 to 2,000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insign."Lai did not observe any training, a.ctivity . 1.1Y On 12 January, the Soviets-occupied section of the Leibgarde Husaren Kaoesne wa. occupied by about 300 to 400 troops wearing black-bordered rirnson epaulets? 1 report and the black-borde paulets observed, the occupation of the Fol.? zei Kaserne may include MVD units w 120 On 22 January, the Kavallerie Schule in Kr?ampnitz was occupied 1,y about 1.O,000 to 12,000 troops wearing red-bordered black e aulets including some wtkp tank iriaigniac On 11 January, 12 T-34/85 tanks, enraged 25X1 in driving practice in the training area n.or o, a ns a a -:on un lei January, armored a sa.nnel caNr ? was seen in the same t rea e On 7 25X1 January , trucks loaded wwith ration supplies passed through Fa r land, coning from thiad-Lr_"_tlon of the :atzkorn railroad station and proceeding , toward . Krampnit! r On 19 January, 10 tanks proceeded toted Marquard, coming from the direction o Kaval a ie Schule: at about 9:30 a "VI., they were followed by 10 T-34/85 to kc including and truck t . On the same day, about, 200 were seen r: . ng in the east section ref the installation. On "52 Ja to .rd Xartzota. At _ about 7 p.m,,,, trucks T-34,185 tanks and ,off ." of he installations mentioned trot rMar, r:s':a went latiorti in the 25X1 chance in the ocnutation25X1 According to motor vehic?ie =nentioned in paragrap a r. e g e 3e =C D went. The observation confirms J,:i 'ormation ac t ? .. u o c ne Gds o Refit' c f the 14th Gds Tank Div moved irlo ?iegsschule. 25X1 25X1 25X1 L'6+ Accord1 r F to this information, the Kavallerie `' chule in Kr .pni i; s The unidentified ak ,ii. er Y regiment o f: s Tai-,.'.K D: { is confirmed in the install.atio n weapons observeds, he mortars me:3'ior'.: kL in paragraph 8 are fairly definitely believed to belong to the 299th Gds. Mort R.egt of the division iich, after its transfer from. Dxandenbusrg to the Kri, r;schule in l tsdax ,, probably turw-:d in ammunition at tc ammu-iithn De?:xxt u1 the division. rv^}~. T ...' dam- J ~tf1. ~~ Approved For Release 2009/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00810A003700160002-2