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Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-R 25X1 CLASSIFICATION COUNTRY Est Geri any i l O. '270001-7 25X1 TOPIC Pain Food Ration Supply Depot at f`ra&.furt/0der 25X ~~ ~~- fiPLAtTI"AIT July to September 1953 REFERENCES r 25X1 __DATE PREPARED 25X1 1. Between 1 July and 30 September 1953, an average number of 60 trucks ri week. at to fc =d.ra ion .upp1y,depat inFranifurt/Odei? to 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. 3 . 4. ck u u ]y. in July 1953, the stock' at the main food ration gyp} ' d prat droppod to I, 5 O tons equivalent to one third of the %` .u-? Wi f,... ...a. . _r. ~ y _ _ i_ i~_ ~_.nt~~_~?__~.,-~-t tLi. - f 4l, with the njll.a,3 r Lleherose scheduled to deliver 3, 300 tons oi' flour in the fall. At "the'`` eg' nnir ; of' , pt tear: about 150 field kitchens, 10 mobile i'ialci bakeries and large quantities of &'ock ylanc mess kits were stored in ,Winterh en (winter harbor)". ' ran'kfui'f der- ire s we 3n-t 1 July and 30 September 1953: Incoming Shipments I-?27 Ju1p, 17 31-A igust, 1-30 September The following is a Ii t of-incoming and ottgoing rail shipments dispatched bypor err lving a t, tki ,mein 'c ration supply depot in ..From Brent .Litovsk r*ua o ka ('.o'bac io) . 6 ... 5 l 3 . 6 3 ea and mcea ' 2 . 3 2 buckwheat - -- 3 Burg near 2fiagdeburi; CLASSIFIC $N:. 11 November 1953 Number of oars in 193: __ _ ~...:.,.-.._.. __._.._ ..~ r.,. July August- t(Lm ee ; R 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100270001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100270001-7 25X1 SBCRET~ Dresden Frankfurt/Oder Halberstadt I;oennern Kyritz Leipzig Yuellrose Neuhof Q district Teitow ItieSa Rositz Radebeul Sassnitz Stassfurt Schoenbeck Wittenberge i rzen Fuersterlberg Erfur t undetermined Koenigsbrexec c toast. herrings i onato pulp r,.c;a aW canned zt. =odles jour canned fruit r:;.,)odles sugar !Jotato peeling m, : ines .ara and canned fish 4 ;stable c01:. 3_*cuits ;i1ie8 arie; s'oat s 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100270001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100270001-7 SE.CRETA 25X1 25X1 ILtg in -Shi ents 1-27 July, 17-31 August, 1-30 September Number of Cars in 1953: -kugust ' S eDtember various foodstuf?'i 3 buckwheat .- n . ].let and groats - hulled barley, peas - sait an4 fish ' 6 Perlin-Lichtenberg flour Brest, Litovek noodles 25 various foodstuf.-alt 7 "?our 2 sr- zai? and salt 7 rcgetable oil 4 c=r rimed meat 2 u - odles 4 T,as - ac o, millet, hulled - barley, groatf;, tomato pulp, toast c;:;nned fish - k~orka (toceo) - Erfurt ^>dles 5 Vct:iious foodstuff a 10 ;3:t' 2 c.ilnled neat 1 mm;x.khorka 2 fish 1 rr"getable oil 2 Fuerstenberg/Navel various fooclst-uffi 9 f-1 o 2 i cty.2rka 2 v==getable oil 3 '!?gar and eal ; 8 u odles 5 c-rt lrned meat 1 Frankfurt/Odor, bakery 3 Jueterbog various foods-+,uf'fe 6 floiw 9 sh and canned fish 3 nr;odle s 7 agar and salt 4 ~r? .-etable oil 1 nakhorka - c3TnBC meat - Satzkorn -,,carious foodstuff e 2 t/uensdorf vvirious foodstul'fo 5 "r - 3 . 4 - 1 - 3 - - 3 7 1 2 3 5 - - - 1s 9 10 1 4 1 - 9 5 4 6 3 - 3 - 1. 1 1 2 4 ECR 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100270001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003100270001-7 SECT ET 25X1 25X1 sup,a.r" and salt 1 f lour fish various foodstizf'f s 9 sa.:_t and sugar 17 fi rjur 11 noodles 4 ve;etable oil 2 ;:ck+ined meat +.. :.horka 6 ucs,q I' i K.ant. ron FranI,furt/Oiler Kalinin To Load Jueterbog, ivikolas yin Fuerstenb;rg, Koval 'I ?f urt,..1mrin Wuensdorf, Burkin Kber s,vralde,, Nikolayev Finoufurt B'3res is Litovsk ib Bad) Saar-ow Humber of Cars in l951">: .Ju,ly e? _t ust ,. ~ 42 42 34 40 56 31 34 20 22 2) 8 2 2 10 9 4 5 2 1 6 19 25 23 3 4 Wurzen - 7 Satzkorn 9 Koonigsborn, Kobaleni:o S:tra usbera 1 1 }Ialla 2 Berlin-Lichtenberg 2 Berlin-Kaulsdorf 4 ?' Rostock e:7wty 3 3 Wittenberge ecipty barrels 5 6 Le Lpzig-Eutritzsch, enpty 7 7 Sha1gan 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003100270001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003100270001-7 25X1 S X RET/CC?;.i`TR0L ~ 25X1 qute~ins~ SLlltB fPOZr T'ranY? tart Ode~~ rield kitchenr - 12 Brest Litovsk jueterbog, ladebeul, Meinert Erfurt Firer stenberg/Havel field kitche=3 8 c,ad kitchen equipment i oxrment vii +h each motor vehiclfe cxarried as having a load capacity o a 3' ons, t xe Wef3K ,y ar,~o-ant of rood ration supply picked up directly by the troops is about 2C3 tons or about 10 percent of the total deliveryp The motor vehicles belong to the 7th Cris Mecz Div, 32d AAA Div, to WD o and GOFG units, all of w=axich statiored in Frankfurt/Odor om?rent er The vo12 e of outgoing shipments surpassed that of incoming 20 the dro in the stack s pnents of supply probably been ta'.cor.-. o ite .his measure nag t Germany. 25X1 3. to The defield _dt.chens, field bakeries and kitchen rhafea rid is subordinate to the main uten iils in Id3.nts food ration supply depot. Shipments decreased further as C nt .. The volume of incom:ir , cainporcd with- that d . ng the second qua ter of 19534 9 L The average volute of outgoing shipments is about that 5 observed d ri x:ng the second q arter of 1953. 25X1 Go~rmnt. Lecord:Lrg to a rep'rt hitherto unsub: tart: atec~, the food ration supply d;spot of the Fourth Gds Mecz AM had been ti alWferred to ,the ea., gill z -roc .th from Ebe s ;31de in August. 7. Igloos mm~ ant. The insignificant .iii' 'e; rence in the amount of outgoing in ~t, the data given in paragraph 4. was shipmrr he data for August shipments as cov7 25X1 previously osier` c~. ted ?a rrta ned the second supplement the data g -van in paragra;. 1 officers in half of the month. The officers raentio nad are known as supply ply these posts,, 4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003100270001-7