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25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Status of R&.iLroad Construction Projects 25X1 0NFOI MA JO .J ORt-. cD NO. ,OUP East Germany ''LACE ACQUIRED )ATE OF NFO. THIS DOCUMENT COHTAtHS INFORHAYION AFFECTINS THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE URITED STATES. WITHdI THE MANSES OF TITLE IS, SECTIONS 708 ARO #44, OF THE U. S. CODE. AR ACENDEO., ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL.- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO ON RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED 25X1 CLASSIFICATION z ;ECRET iVi W XJ NSRB DISTRIBUTION AIR E 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releasg 9 /13 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA0029000800 9-3 CLASSIFICATION REPQR1 NO. 25X1 DATE DiSTR.. 16 December 1953. NO. OF' PAGES .NO, OF ENCLS..., LU TEQ dELO* . SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1. Prior to mid-September 1953$ most of the bridges on the Birkenwerder-Wustermark railroad line section were completed. The laying of track' was scheduled to- be completed by early October. Work on the construction of.connaoting curves was slowed down,, some of the curves whose construction is envisaged will not be built before next year.l 2. On 1 October,, the Birkenwerder.Erieselang line section was officially opened by the East German Minister of Railroads,, after 4 October, two pairs of express trains were scheduled to operate on the Berlin-Schwerin railroad line via the Nordring Berlin)l A stem of 210000,$OOO eastmarks has been made available for work on the Nordwestring Berlin in 1954. This project includes the construction of connecting curves near Uustermark.2 3. On 1 October,, the Birkenwerder-Brieselang railroad line section north of Berlin was officially opened. The line., which represents a northern bypass around Berlin, is single-track0 Source observed that the rails were fastened to now wooden ties without bed plates. Work on a road overpass over this railroad lJ;ie was started by Bau Union Brandenburg ne r Hohenneuendorf. the bridge is scheduled to be completed by late 1953? 5. The d uckenwalcie-Jueterboe railroad line section will probably be double-tracked by late-October,-The !ompletion of this work will make the Berli Jueterbog. :-ailroad line double, throughout its entire length.' On 5 October the Brieselang- Birkenwerder _'eL_' inrrA line was opened to traffic on 1 October. According to the new winter timetable two pairs of express trains and some other trains for gainfully.employed persons operate on the linen On 2 October, a train carrying construction material derailed on the new line. 11hen the cause of the accident was investigated it was determined that the line was not up to strict-standards of safety,, because the permanent was constructed in violation of construction requirements. various 25X1 defects of this line are so grave that should not have been opened to traffic even as a secondary line) - Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002900080009-3 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002900080009-3 25X1 6. In early September, the .volume of rail traffic through Horka increased, because the 'Oorst border station was closed in oonnec ion with construction work on a new bridge over. the IJei?aee River. 25X1 7 In early September the customs office in 25X1 Grambow has been dear va ec . i~ this point of the railroad line involved the border is closed,5 1o$c,, In October 1952, work on the construction of the westring Berlin was started. This project continued the Nordring, which covers the section between Karow and Birkenwerder. Originally the'Nordwestring was to be double-tracked and extended as far as Wustermark. Because of shortage of materials, only one track was laid. on the road bed which had space for two trains,) and for the same reason the line was built only as far as brieea. lang on the Berlin-Wittenberge railroad line, Information on the project was transmitted previously. The opening. of the line was also reported in the Bost German press. It apiears noteworthy that the line was built without, observing previous standards of safety, The defects in the construction of the line as mentioned in paragraph 4 may be explained by the forced speed at which the project had. to be completed and the false ambition to ovearfulfill prescribed production quotas. The relatively light traffic reported for the line indicates that it does not yet have the status of a fully serviceable main line, This information refers to the construction of the 20 r eselen;-Tustermark railroad line section, a project which hse been postponed for the time being, 3 O Information on the reconstruction of the di=::Led secon track of this line sect was reported previously, or Last report, After completion of this project a double'-track rail connection would be available between Berlin and Halle. 4- C=qAt At Forst, a temporary railroad bridge over the Neisse River is being replaced b a permanent structure. This p: ect has been planned for year THE ors ? c, station is not being used by the Soviets. This station excluaival handles Last German-Polish traffic, predominantly coal imports from Upper Silesia, 501 I2=gj The Scheune-Stettin border crossing station is served by the P'asewa.].k-+-rainbow and Angeriuuende-Tantow feeder line80 Rail traffic through Grambow was suspended on 23 July 1953,?be cause the De' t a hea ers moved from Pasewalk to i,ngermuerde., SEC :_~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002900080009-3