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Publication Date: 
October 14, 1953
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/07: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002800930008-4 CLASSIFICA T fON--=,' `.. a'?.c.U;:3.TY I . ~._`'ast Cserr: ?iCt3s ,.REPORT COUNTRY -- ,,dlitary I?foraatiot era Jucter'aon EVALUATiOPL L . DATE OF CONTENT iii ACf= t7 TAiriNED~.~.,J DATE OBTAINED _ J bA P EPlt k?:G REFERENCES 2 REMARKS , .g 4 _a v' +w' ' "IC ~.i+ sorts -,&. f" of tee !&I t "Op, . * .:' "?' . ~':. awl- , _ ?~, v t .~' : ? ? ~ ?e. ? ' b$ :4%.. f1? 1. Between 2 and 19 September 1953, the Dam .t'li gerhorst installation, Jueterbog, was less occupied than indicated in the preceding report. Several groups. of about troops wearing red-bordered bl- ek epaulets were daily rotated to the training area for advanced corbat training duri ng the period under review. Troops observed in the bar -racks yard and at the firing ranges daily engaged in drill, and training in firin - wi th carbines, submachine guns and i achinc, gnuas respectively. T-34/85 tank dally en ed d .?i ng practicz: in the ? 50X1-HUM trainia,_ area. Motor vehicles we- s se::_z en route to and 2. Be : wean 14 and 17 September, 60 to 70 troops -rwes:rin;; .A ed-bordered black eiiaui ::ts3 with artillery insignia, armed with carbines; 3ubtachine guns and machine guns and equipped with gasrcasks and rucksacks w:. ro alr:ost daily observed on Bahnhof?- strasse in Jueterbo., marching toward Altes Lager. A group of soldiers of about the same strength entered the Damn Fiiegerhorst installation on 15 September. 3. Between 14 and 19 September, about 20 to 30 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets eng_,ged in entrenching Mork, air-1 '30 to 40 soldiers e.igaged in advanced combat practice in the area of the Fuchsberg Kazerne, while a bridge, 8 to 10 meters long, 4. ;peters wide and 1.2 to 1.4 meters high and with sle.nting ends was. between two quartering buildings of the installation. Ab,:>ut 35 Germans had been hired for worm in the hospital during the period under review.'. 5. Between 0", and 15 September, the Forst Zinna training area was only partially and tempoarily restricted. On 10 Sept'-rtber, 3 T 34/85 tanks and JS-2-tanks were seen at firing pr^actice. Heavy wooden disks or. wooden sled;.e,3 were towed along the embankment in Jagen (forest section) No 40 from, the engine house. The disks were fired at by tanks from a distance of abut 40) meters. About 300 troops almost daily practiced firing with small arms at the firing range. Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on 12 September, AT guns from. the Adolf Hitler camp Lured at heavy wooden disks in Jagen Nos 62 a jd 70. 6. On 15 Sept::mber, the Adnlf Hitler camp in Forst Zinna was occupied as previously by about 2,00: troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, neluding so. ie with GLP1SSiFICATfON' S 1C?i-:T/ 50X1-HUM`?- 77-50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/07: CIA-RDP80-00810A002800930008-4 50X1-HUM : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/07: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002800930008-4 SECa ETj oy civilians. Motor vehicles seen en route to and from the camp artillery and tank insignia, Drilling tr?ooLs were r peatedly seen in tae 50X1-HUM billeting area during the period under review, e twee:i 10 and 12 September six tanks were detrained at the Forst inna railroad station and subsequently left for t.'ie c Tl;4 A about. 5 on 12 Septet berg, 10 sedans left the camp, and after about 20 minutes, returned frc:.:i the direction of Luc ens, ald : ncetit i-ed Co.ent, d ',,ec z Div carried there. The bulk of the division may have been s' ationod in tent carix a t the trai.nin - -rounds. 50X1-HUM unite nave ,een received, 50X1-HUM 2. c,ogment, Several indications for reemployment of Germ G:;ris with Soviet 34 'os ne t0 The Adolf Hitler ca:L is carried occupied as previously by50X1-HUM the iiq Third Cars ? ecz Armtyo The tanks and AT guns repeatedly observed therL resumably belong to the 50th I tr?cl Jtegt of the Third Gds '::coca Army. This i nform ation only vaguely indicates units of the 14th G Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/07: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002800930008-4