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October 8, 1953
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VI 9 179f, 000 i_, Applb4SSIFOTKIelaskiltilf?'410-2/19: TittL?. COUNTFY _ Germny TOF,C Military Information from Potsdam ___-______ RE.F01-< I NU 7-9 25X1 25X1 EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT 25X1 __PLACE OBTAINED"? 9 to 20 September 1953 25X1 DATE OBTAIN ED _ REFERENCES__ PAGES REMARKS 25X1 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) DATE PREPARED 8 October 1953 25X1 25X1 1, Between 9 and 22 September 19530 the Kavallerieschule in Krampnitz was occupied by an estimated 1,000 to 1,200 troops. On 15 and 16 September, about 15 to 20 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia practiced mine laying in a meadow behin0 the installation. At 7 a.m. on 17 September, about 1,000 troops and a military band had fallen in at the athletic fielcl. At 7:45, the troops marched in review and repeated this several times. During the morning01Toupi-1646 soldiers practiced aiming on 4 x 57- , AT guns, supervised by 2 officers. On 21 September, 5 x 120-mx mortars were cleaned. At about 4 p.m., an NCO and about 20 to 25 soldiers were seen filling straw matresses. Building No 13 was no longer boarded up. A sedan and a truck were seen near the building. Several soldiers were in the building. 25X1 they belonged to an advance detail. 1 2. On 16 and 18 September, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied by about 800 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery 25X1 insigniaj any training activity in the installation on 16 reptember. Two officers and about 40 EN, armed with carbines, were seen leaving the installation toward Boinstelter reAubere about 50 soldiers received instruction on three radio sets. On 18 September, about 40 soldiers engaged in a ball game in the installation. 3. On 16 and 11 September, the Eriegsschule in Potsdam was occupied by about 600 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia. On 16 September, about 25 soldiers received theoretical ?iiitiaction, in the barracks yard and about 30 soldiers not engaged in any special activity wer, seen at the athletic field. 4. on 16 and 18 September, the Hohenlohe Kaserne was occupied by about 120 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with Mbtor transport insignia. On 16 September, about 12 trucks and 60 soldiers were in the barracks yard. 5. On 16 and 18 September, the south section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied 25X1 by about 1,200 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery and motor transport insignia. At 9 a.m. on 16 September, 10 empty buses CLASSIFICATION SECRET Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002700600007-9 Approved For Release 2004/02/19,: CIA-RDP80-00810A002700600007-9 SECRET/ 2 - 25X1 25X1 entered the installation, while about 15 buses and about 30 trucks were in the barracks yard. Four soldiers carrying field telephones and cable reels left the installation for Bornstedter Feld. At 11:30 a.m. on 18 September, about 25 trucks were in the barracks yard. About 70 soldiers engaged in service of the piece drill on 7 x 152-mm field guns. Driving was practiced with about 10 caterpillar tractors. 6,) Between 11 and 20 September, the south section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied to capacity. At 11:45 a.m. on 11 September, 18 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia received instruction on 3 x 122-mm field guns atilOrnertedter Poia. Two officers and 60 EM marched to Bornstedterfeld? coming from the installation. At 11 a.m. on 15 September, two groups, each of I WOO and 12 BM wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia, and each group equipped with 2 field telephones, 4 cable reels and poles, were seen marching toBgenstidter reli:t where they received telephone training. At 9:45 a.m. on 16 September, 3 x 122-mm field guns were seen at Bornstedterfeldpeach with 25 EM receiving instruction on the guns, supervised by 3 officers. 7, During the period under review, the north section of the Delius Kaserne and the Hohenlohe Kaserne were occupied only by a guard detail. At 10 a.m. on 15 September, 12 prime movers were seen in front of the vehicle sheds. Fresh imprints of tracks led from the Wildpark railroad station to the installation. However, only 11 windows were lighted after nightfall as previously. At about 9:45 a.m. on 17 September, driving school practice with the prime movers was performed in the barracks yard. 8. During the period under review, the Kriegsschule appeared to be occupied as previously. About 50 percent of the windows of the instal-ation were lighted after nightfall. At 11 a.m. on 12 September, 2 officers and 35 officer candidates with maps left the installation for Bornstedtar feldeTwo SP guns were in the barracks yard. On 15 September, 1 officer and 24 officer candidates wearing tank insignia left the installation for Bornstedterfeld. About 40 officer candidates received instruction on 1 JS-tank and 1 SP gun by 2 officers at Bornstedterfeld. At 10:30 a.m. on 17 September, 2 officers and 26 officer .candidates were preparing military sketches in front of the installation. 25X1 I 12 9 On 18 and 19 September, railroad cars carrying hospital equipment were seen at the Potsdam railroad station, a military hospital was being entrained. 3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. I jecommenter The information tends to indicate that the Kevall.erieschule. was occupied as previously prior to 22 Sepember. I Preparations for an occupation, as the filling of straw matresses, make appear possible the arrival of advance details. 25X1 25X1 2.. The information indicates no change over the preceding report in the occupation of the installations mentioned prior to mid-September .. 25X1 and/Or late September. On 15 September, 12 new SECRET, Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002700600007-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002700600007-9 SDCRET/ ? 25X1 prime movers presumably arrived for the 148th Gun Arty Prig (US) stationed in the Ludendorff Kaserne. 25X1 3. I LpornMent. Other reports indicate that the Potsdam-Hermannswerder hospital was entrained andl transferred to Teupitz via the Halle railroad station SPYCRET/ Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002700600007-9