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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 8, 1953
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Appr S o MQ 1/21 :CIA-RDP80-00810A J( .N.TRY last C r~uan _. Y._ ~, --REPORT NO.. _. TOPIC liter: Infornition From ScI a n~_ 1. On 5 September 1953, the Hindenburg Kaserne, Schwerin, was occupied by about 2U 000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artille- ry insignia. F_ I yard,, About 15 to .20 rocket launchers were seen in front c one rac cs ding, EVALUATION 25X1LACF OBTAINED_._, !"~ DATE OF CONTENT - _ _Au st to l September 1953 DATE OBTAINE[I REFERENCES- 3. On 7 August, the Fritsch Kaserne was occupied by about 500 troops,, About 30 soldiers received telephone training in the barracks yard and the adjoining area. (DATE PREPARED 8 October 1953 PAGES--,----,-ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)- 25X1 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 2? On' 5 September, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied by about 3,000 to 4"000 troon s About 40 soldiers left the installation toward the training area 25X1 4~ On 7 August,, the Moltke Kasorne was occupied by about 1,500 to 2,000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with tank insignia. Dri- ving practice with tanks was continually observed at the drill ground and near the lake west of the .nstallation. A JS-3 tank and a '2a-34/85 tank were identified. About 20 'tanks were seen in open shed in the installation. 25X1 5,, On 7 August, the 31arstall was occupied by about 300 W0 soldiers. Intensive 25X1 25X1 Individual officers wore green cap oanas. 6. On 7 August, the Krueger Kaserxie was occupied by about 300 troops. 25X1 7. Between 1 and 7 August, a large ammunition and fuel depot east of Ludwigslusterchausseo, north of the railroad line to Goerries and 25X1 southwest of the Neuopendorf forestry. and 2 trucks, each occupied by about 6 soldiers wearing red-bordered 25X1 black epaulets with artillery insignia and equippo'. with full field p ck; and carrying a field kitchen kettle and food containers left the. Hindenbx rg Ka Berne 25X1 CLASSIFICATION S1''CRET Approved For Release 2003/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700590009-9 8. At about 5:30 p0r.. on 4 August, rocket launchers Approved For Release 2003/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700590009-9 25X1 25X1 toward the castle. 9. On 10 September, the Hindenburg Kaserne was heavily occupied. About 85 percent of the windows of the barracks buildings were lighted after night- fall. On 31 August, about 100 troops wearing ro&.btoordered black a ulets were neamd in a field exercise in the Werderholz (woods) . 25X1 10. On 10 September, the Fritsch Kaserne was heavily occupied,, About 85 percent of the windows of the barracks buildings were lighted after nightfall. About 50 troops carrying full field pack were repeatedl.seen lined up in the i arracks yard during the period under review. On 2. September, 15 trucks oocu . pied by troops and carrying cable reels were seen in they barracks yard. 1L On 10 September, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied to capacity. About 90 percent of the windows of the barracks buildings were lighted after night- fall. During the period under review, 100 to 1.50 troops wearing black-bordered crimson epaulets were repeatedly seen entering the installation. On 2 Septem- bar, about 25 soldiers practiced aiming on three 25-mm AA guns in the barracks 25X1 yard. 12., On 10 September, the Moltke Kaserne was occupied. to capacity. About 90 percent of the windows of the barracks buildings were lighted at dusk. On 2 September, two T-34 tanks were in the training area opposite the installation; and nuns- 25X1 rous soldiers engaged in physical training oqa 3 September. On 8 September, 13 25X1 lot, On 10 September, the Krueger Kaserne was occupied to capacity. About 90 percent of the windows of the barracks buildings were lighted at dusk. On 2 September, nine caterpillar tractors were seen} in the barracks yard. 4 September, about 120 troops entered the installation, coming from the Criewitzerchaus e, On 8 September, about 65 soldiers were seen firing with carbines at the firing range0 15. At about 4,:50 a.m. on 10 August, eight pneumatic rafts, each occupied by about 15 soldiers armed with submachine guns and carrying full field pack, were seen crossing the Heunuehler See (lake). On 12 August, several small tent camps and five amouflaged guns in firing position were seen in the woods near Stern- buchholz? 16. At about 2:30 p.m. on 12 September, a train of 9 boxcars occupied by troops and an undetermined number of flatcars carrying 6 x 37-mm AA guns, 32 x 85-am. 25X1 Lk mss 39 trucks and 1 field kitchen left Schwerin too' ward Parchim via Ludwigslust? ' Approved For Release 2003/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700590009-9 Approved For Release 2003/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700590009-9 SECRET, 25X1 -3 L Co nt, On 10 September, the wits of the 94th Gda Mtz Rifle Diy, 25X1 the 4th Gds Arty Brig (US) and the 10th Gds RL Regt could be carried at the Schwerin post, while, in earlp" August, elements of the abovemeationed brigade stationed at the Krueger Kaserne were absent from the post for exercises, poseibly in the woods near Sternbuchhols. The Marstall has, so far,_ beer d arrled occupied by motor transport units, apair shops and a ko- 25X1 menclaturao NW) units are reported them for the first time. 2o c3 On 12. September, an AAA shipment 25X1 passed through Schwerin coming from Wustrow and roceedin wrath- 25X rard0 the units entrained on J3 September belonged to the 74th (iv? ) Tank SP Regt of the 25X1 94th Gds Mtas I 'le Div and probably left for exercises. SECRET) Approved For Release 2003/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700590009-9