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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 11, 2005
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Publication Date: 
November 2, 1953
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Approved For Release 2006/01/31 ai, JRDP80-0081 OA002600140003-5 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL ~. L E .'OUNTRY East Gern any 3U BJ ECT 25X1 ACQUIRED DATE OF NFO. REPORT NO. DATET ,. , .. P S IS' tliEi"1LTE ORMATtON - The following is a bre-nkccow-m of the 1g53 al1or.~.?irn of 66,263,000 fl gr-rated to the Joptun Shipyard, Rostock, I- the Eavt German Yinlstry for Tr-nspert nd Af*rio."itural ?".china Construction: Repair work to ships during the period from 1 January 1953 to 31December 19531 22,,2000 eastrks including for the first quarter of 1953 7,17099000 eaatacarks Q Uvaau %LUO-9- ova W. .1.77.7 7Ai*74, third quarter of 1953 88000 fourth quarter of 1953 40202ffOOO " Construction of new freighters, from 1 January 1953 to 31 December 1953: `0 7,8 550, 000 eastmarks This plan provides for the construction of five freighters which were scheduled to be cotnpioted during the second and third quarter of 1953. Construction of lift ships during the period from 1 Jw*iary 1953 to 31 December 19531 including for the first quarter of 1953 2.,II03,000 eastmsrks second quarter of 1953 3,569,000 third quarter of 1953 4,401,000 fourth quarter of 1953 7,177,000 aR `` 3v 000 ea t x 331 Including for the first quarter of 1953 s 5 r s ., 2,437,000 eastmarks r e in second quarter of 1953 4,8302,000 " W 0 third quarter of 1953 5,860,000 0 a W a fourth quarter of 1953 3,7328000 a Construction of a''HEChT_"type salvage tugboat during the period from 1 January 1953 { including for the first quarter of 1953 third-Tft"Ler of 1953 ' fourth quarter of 1953, +40 31 L3eoemoer 7.9531 130,-,O00 eatastmarks eastmarka 49,0Wce 818000 0onstruction of"VRACH% type vessels, during.the period fro Ll January 11953 to ' 31 December 1953t 1400,00O eastmarks Tii'S DOGUUS to R TIbiI nF 13 IMA T 11 a OFT"] UNITED 87 tA~aN! z TITa.E" " tO AND 1,4. OF TN0 D%. AS A311ADtd.. i'iST IfB Si* , OTIWN Of ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BV AN UJkUfIIORSZ^sD PSRSOI OR PROHIBITED 07 LAW TAB RSPRODDCTION CG TR-D IOR13 ID PROHIBITED Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002600140003-5 Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002600140003-5 Including; for the first ruarter of 1953 115DOOO eastzne.rks cn a second quarter of 1953 1,279000 0 it n n third quarter of 1953 6000 to fourth quarter of 1953 All tt ures were estimcted values,, Slight differences et esn the annual investment sum and i vidua1_ sums resul.t':d from the fdct that minor work, such as timber work,, was nbt considered by the 11instry? ` X am?nen1;;, UDRACNEtttYpe vessels has been discontinued since 17 June 1953, Approved For Release 2006/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002600140003-5