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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 -HUM This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/COB.PHOL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED REPORT Werk fuer Fernmeldewesen BF DATE DISTR. 1953 Research Tasks and. Other Information NO. OF PAGES ? ? REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 15 October 1953 9 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1 -HUM ? A. Official research and development program The following lists of 1953 research tasks being,conducted.in the Werk fuer Fernmeldewesen "BF.m) Ilerlin-Oberschoeneweidel Iastendetrassel is believed to Include the great majority of tasks being undertaken by the OSW experimental wqrks of Werk "HF". Tasks asterisked are further described following the list. Key: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) Reference number of SAG Kabel Headquarters of taskiif it is for the USSR; Reference number of ZAFT of the task3if it is for East Germany4 OSW official originally responsible. Note that in some cases the official has fled to the West since the list was drawn up; Title of the task; Werk "BF" reference number of task. (b). 23o4o3/ *K3-01 41(3-02 *X3-03 *K-05 *K3-06 *K3-o7 *K348 *K3-o9 *K3-lo *K3-11 *K3-12 (c) Dr. Ignatz Ladurner it it it Ii 31 if it ii B 31 II n if 11 it II (a) (e) 3 x14 tetrode 20 kW triode 730 magnetron Cut-off tube LG79 High voltage ignitron Moving field \tube' Klystron Ultra-short-wave tetrode EL 153 50 kW short-wave tube Mixing tube ECH Si Duodiode regulating pentode EBF 80 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 21 04' 002 Q03 60 006 007 008 009 010 011 STATE X ARMY X NAVY X AIR X FBI AEC ORR Ev x OSI. (Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONL (a) (??) *K3-14 *K3-15 *K3-16 AK3-17 *K3-18 *K3719 *K3-0 *K3-21 (c) Dr. Ignatz Ladurner ft if ft ft ft Tt ft ft TI 52-10B *K3-05 (error for F3'-05) *K3-162 ft *K3-163 *K3-164 ii *K3-165 *K3-166 ft *K3-167 ft *K3-168 ft *K3-169 II- ft TI 52-12 K3-22 K3.-26 K3-27 K3-28 K3-23 K3-2)-i. K3-25 K3-30 K3-33 nc3-34 K3-35 K3-36 F3-01 K3-37 K3-38 K3-39 K3-4o Wenderoth 11 11 ? Beiese 11 11 ft ft 52-3 52-5 52-7- 52-9 52-13 :x3-65 K3-66 K3-67 K3-68 x3-6g K3-70 x3-7a K3-73 K3-714. x3-77 K3-78 K3-79 K3-80 K3-81 K3-82 K3-83, Rehbock r, ii ft ft tt It P It - 2 - (a.) (e) Push-pull tetrode up to 012 400 mcs, EC 80 013 LV 13 014 Double grid thyrathon 015 Technical tUbes 016 EF.80 017 Cut-off tube LG 76 018 726A0 Proposed Magnetron 10 ems (similar to LMs 1000), Proposed Improvement of metal- ceramic tubes 21 501 Double triode ECC 81 21 094 "Kippentode-PL 81". 095 Diode PY 80 096 Pentode PL 83. 097 Triode-pentode-PCL 81. 098 Regulating pentode EF 85. 099 EF triode EC 92. 100 Triode-tripling diode 101 EABC 80. Oscillograph tubes for current measurement. 019 Picture tubes With large picture screens. 022 Test multiplier, 020 Supericonoscope, .021 Electron microscope, High tension rectifier for current supply to electrostatic electron lenses. Preparation technique for electron microscope, Xenon flood-light lamp. Xenon "Kleimlampe" (sic) High temperature oven. Tube-shaped water-cooled xenon projecting lamp. Impulse current meter.. Test section for imputae-Code- modulation. Cavity instrument leads (Messleitung). Wave meter. Constructional pars for cm technique. Echdbox. Power meter, 3 and 10 ems, Detector measuring instrument. Quality measuring set, Noise diode signal generator. Heterodyne test receiver, (Deberlagerer Meesempfaenger). Transportable signal generator Absorption attenuator, Standard field generators* 1-25 did 25-150 mcs. Set of field strength meters 360 - 10,500 'nabs. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 ? SECRET/CONIROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM -(a) 51-33 51-17 52-17 (b) 1(3-84 K3-91 K3-92 K3-93 K3-94 K3-95 K3-96 K3-98 K3-99 1(3-100 K3-101 1(3-147 K3-148 K3-149 K3-150 KB151 K3-152 K3-153 K3-154 K3-155 K3-108 K3-157 K3-158 V3-02 V3-03 K3-161 K3-180 K3-200 K3-201 K3-202 K3-204 K3-205 K3-206 K3-207 K3-208 K3-209 KA-210 K3-211 K3-212 (e) Rehbock n? 7,1 Becherer TI TI Rieger Hardt/Kopsch 11 N It TI ft TI 0 TI TI TI TI TI. Dr. IT TI It 0 Dr. Richter "Ufr ove NI Dr, Schwechten Frau Thurley Stock Dr. Moll Dr. Kiang TI ft Dr, Kromrey TI TI 0 NT ( (e) Set of sensitivity Signal generators. Narrow band test amplifier. Twin-beam oscillograph. Broad band test amplifier. High constant detectors. n' 21 060 Detectors with high inverse 061 voltage. Transistors Germanium semi-conductor 524 triodes Page printer (Blattschreiber) Apparatus for measuring the operating time of. relays, Test instruments., new. Local system 53.. Universal extension system. Motor selector. Extension system with motor selectors. Test relays, Constructional elements. Subzone network (Netzgruppe), Electric selector system. AutoMatic EWT (sic) single. and double-side-band. Automatic quartz testing installation. 21 089 'Test apparatus for short-wave quartzes. 090 GT-Schnitt (sic). 091 Constancy investigation 092 oscillating crystals. Further development Of BF measuring instruments, Picture tubes, Gas discharge under electrical bombardment. Gas. discharge Drip metalliZation (Tropfmetallisierung) Luminescence Deionized water (Deionisiertes Wasser). Metallization installation Eddy radistidin oven. Ionic trap system (ionenfallensystem). Impulse generator. Wire testing. Hole locator. Field electron. microscope, Comments on the tasks, K3,-01 The work is so far advanced that it was ready, at the beginning of to be taken over for series production, K3-02 Water- and air-cooling is proqided for. Five samples are to be made. K3,-03 This is being constructed from war-time documents by Dr, Fritz (formerly Of Telefunken). TWO samples are already constructed. May 1953, K3706- is a copy of a TeIefunken model, It is a soft glass tube with three told electrodes* for use as a short circuit in dm wavelength, work. Production is rimming at 10 per SECRET/CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONL - - 50X1-HUM 1(3-06 Nienhold (ftu) is working-on this The lube is tO be used at a breaker for large .welding-machines ?There are two -barium carbide pegs in a glass cylinder of 150 mm 0 and 300 nom height; mercury is used for the Ignition electrOde, An, experimental model is ready, 150 tubes have been ordered. 1(3-07 This should have been finished in 1952.. A moving field tube type BF 2823 lits then developed (a few samples Only) and put to internal lige* This is. to be further, developed this yeurland Dr, Ladurner said that an American tube of this type would serve as a pattern for further work.* 1(3-08 The American EIC 70715 is being copied. K3-09 The Telefunken EL 153 is being copied. One sample is ready and being tested by Zoberbier K3-10 Work has not yet started. 1(3-11 Miniature tube, Already being produced., 1(3-12 Miniature tube, Production should. start in June 1953. K3,14 Miniature tube which can be used for dm work,, Only a few examples have been produced Dr, Herbert Daene of the Astrophysical ObservatOry, Potsdam) is particularly interested in this tube. K3-15 Copied from a Velefunken model, The first sample was in the experimental wrks workshop in early June 19531 and should be ready by the end of th month, 1(3-16 Design is completed: one sample is in the workshops. 1(3-18 Miniature tube, Type EF 85 has actually gone .':tirito series production) not EE' 80. 1(3-19 Cut-off tube for cm work, BIeick/ fnuy is now producing about 10 tubes per month. 1(3-20 No work yet begun, K3-21 It was proposed to build this from old. war-time .data. As these are in the USSR) the design must be started from scratch* One sample is to be ready by,the fourth quarter of 1953.. K3-05 (F05) - 52,-10B This is a continuation of the 1952 Russian research task for improvement of the life and Other- tharaCteristits of metal ceramic tubes LD .1.1 \and IX 12, In the 1952 work, the life of the valves was increased by the f011oWing technique. The L-Oathode (power cathode) was Used: SECRET/CON7ROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 ? SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. 011.PICIALS ONL - 5 - 4$ ./ 4404## ###? frAttoAt...#1,4, 4:1 AVAIANIN MICIAMPIO" ,dopper anode gauze giid 50X1 -HUN sintered tungsten layer 4m, am, ???O molybdenum layer -- -tantalum cap _:. -heating spiral r ???? The tungsteaspital is only coated with an insulating paste. It is placed inside a molybdenum tube of 6 um diameter. The tube is closed at the front end of the spiral with a 0,05 mm tantalum cap. A 0.2 mm molybdenum layer is over that; this has an emission paste with a layer thickness of about 50 microns. Then there is finally a tungsten layer, produced by pressing and gintering powdered tungsten. Thus, the electrons first have to penetrate the tungsten layer, before they can reach the vacuum, A gauze grid is placed 0.15 mm away and a copper anode a further 0.5 mm away. The 1953 work is on the further improvement of the metal ceramic triode type BF 2852. (It is. not clear if this is LD 11 or LD 12). In particular, the amplifying factor has to be improved to 10. K3-162 This is ready, it corresponds to the American 12 AT 7# K3-163 This is for TV use, Development not yet complete. K3-164 Rectifying tube for ET use. This task is being allowed to lapse. Another tube, PY 811 with 5 kV inverse voltage, is being developed instead, K3-165 Still in development, although some samples are being tested. The work is to be accelerated. 1(3-166 One sample is now being built in the workshops, K3-167 Miniature tube. See K3-18. K3-168 Miniature tube. Exact copy of the Telefunken tube, It included the system of the double triode ECC 91. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OYFICIALS ONLY - 6 - H3-169 Now in production. B. Miscellaneous information 1* Metal ceramic tubes a. In March 1953 it was known that the manufacture of metal ceramic tubes in OSW was unsatisfactory because of the 80% reject rate. 50X1-HUM b. For a short time in early April 1953, almost no work on these tubes was done, because of a shortager:of molybdenum sheet and zirconium dioxide for the production of the ceramic. The head of the department for the t production of these tdbes? Heinz Ruhnke? said that workers had been transferred to other departments and that the only in progress was the completion of some LD 11 and LD 12 tubes. c. (1) 200 kg Zr02 were obtained from an unknown sources:and some molybdenum was also procured, SO that the work could restart. Almost at the same time - late April - however, the Russian acceptance official for these tubes informed OSW that he had had tele- graphic instructions to reduce the Dinnber of tubes accepted and shortly to cease to accept. This was a great blow to OSW after all their troubles with these tubes, (2) (3) The Russians then accepted no more LD 7 and LD 9 tubes and only the LD 11 and LD 12 then in the production line. Tube specialists in OSW who had worked in the USSR presumed that this meant that the USSR was now in a position to produce its own metal ceramic tubes in sufficient numbers. Such specialists suggested Novosibirsk as the possible seat of this production, .d OSW has decided to continue with the production of these tubes only until current Sachsenwerk Radeberg orders have been fulfilled. As far as is now :InoWni it ase. Departmental head Heinz Ruhnketigt been trans- ferred to (General Technical Control), Franz Belke, his deputy, has gone o ra o tube prodUction department. . 50X1-HUM 3. (1) In the latter half of May 1953, there was a conference in OSW attended by / Dr, ignatz Ladurner ., fnu HeidbOrn: OSW Thu Brinkmann Dr. Herbert Daene Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam, The meeting was called to discuss the development of a metal ceramic triode to be used as an amplifier at wavelengths of 8 to. 12 OMB. This task is a Russian one, set before the beginning Of 1953, It has never been put in writing, however, and there is still no type number or official designation for the tube. It may .not appear in the official development program, (2) The cathode of this tube is to be an indirectly heated power cathode. The distance cathode: grid will be 40 microns. The tube will have a radiator for radiation cooling. (3) The same tube will also be built in metal and glass, using Hover* The OSW works does not yet know who will supply the Mover, 2. OT type OSW 2109 OSW 2109 was a copy of the AEG type 5 FP 7 CRT) which could have military applications, OSW 2109 was built by OSW in 1946. It has not been produced since 1947. It is known that old stocks were given up a short time before early April 1953. A4 no further production is intended parts are now being used for other purposes. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 SECREI/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM 3, Large. transmitter tube roduction About 15 tubes per month of each of the typea RS-566 (100-kW) and RS 558 (40 15) Isierebe-ing made in April 1953 Production is supposed to be doubled now/ although it is dolibtful if that can really be done. -There are not enough pumps./ for one. thing. Production of thee types is also to be started in the Erfurt tube factory. 4. Miniature tube a. ECU 81 has been in production since Christmas 1952, At least 10,000 a month are being made. Another production line was expected/ in May 19531 to be installed/ so that production could be still further increased. At the beginning of May 1953, EABC 80 and EF 85 were also released to series production. An output of 9,000 tubes of each type was planned for May. 600/000 of each are plRnned for the whole of 1953,and 1.5 million for 1954. 5. Measuring .instrumeELIDe BF 2500 This is a field strength meter for wavelengths or 8-12 CMS 6, Discharge lamps. a. The discharge lamp section of OSW1headed by one Ihin (fnu),moved to. the Berliner Gluehlampenwerk, Berlin 0,17, Warschauer Platz, its old home, in April 1953. b. the dischar e lamps/ cold, of 2 atmospheres filling. \are at a pressure and warm/ 4 atmospheres. Xenon is the normal c. Of all the discharge lamps which could be made, in OSW at thebbeginning of the year) the following were described in etli in the normal OSW catalogue: 05W-Number NAE 24 2526 ODE 14 2527 ZNE 16 2529 Hu 50 2528 NEE 4? 2533 KAE 18 2530 BBE 14 2531 CS K 12 2532 HBO 2000 2524 HBO 107 2521 HBO 200 2522 HBO 500 2523 Neon fluorescent tubes (Neon-Leuchtroehre) 2499 BBO 510 2452 1LE 10 2534 HBO 2011 2525 HJE 50 3201 Neon fuses (Glimmzuender) 2609 Rearrangement of sections The space formerly occupied by the discharge lamp section has keen taken over by an extension to the picture tube production seCtionkenew department for super iOonoscopes. Tranamitter tubes a. 1 kW transmitter tube type BF 2730 is being produced in Werk ItH111 and the pace is being considerably forced, 5 tubes were made in April and 10 SEUROT/CONTROL U.S. OFFECIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 SECRET ,ONTML - TY.B. -OFT7CIAIS T3NLY -8-.. 50X1 -HUM in May 1953. Production is to be increased to 30 tubes per month. 10 tubes have been supplied to VEB Funkwerk Koepenick, Werk "HF" has heard that production of this tube is to start in Hungary. b, A 10 kW transmitter tube, BY 2780, is also being produced by Wert "BF". Funkwerk Koepenick has asked for it to be produced with water instead of its normal air-cooling. 4 water-cooled and 4 air-cooled tubes of this type are to be made by 1 September 1953 9. "Statistical cards". On Friday 22 May 1953, a member of the personnel section appeared in a design section of OSW and ordered the members of that section to fill in a long form headed "Statistical card". This form asked 43 questions on everything from social origins to where a man had been a war prisoner. This long form caused some disquiet in the works, as the deportations of 1946 were preceded by similar "statistical" enquiries.1 C., German s ecialists re atriated from the USSR and now em.l. ed in the Werk "HF" (a) Surname -(b) First name (c) Title (d) USSR. area from which they are believed to have returned (e) Position in Werk "BF". G=Gorki L;leningrad M=Moscow- (a) (b) Bauer Herbert Bausener Arno Belke Franz Eichhorn Max Fisher Ganswind Rudi Grove Albert Jaesche H. Stinker Herbert Kettenbach Walter Kiang Helmut Koenner Krueger Erich Mauer HUgo MyraCh Neidhardt Peter Oertel Vehbock Eckehard Richter Kurt S=Schelkovo-Fryazino Kst=Kostenstelle. (c) Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.phil SECRET/CONTROL (e) Head of the oscillating quartz section; Kat E28-135 Technician in the CW transmitter laboratory; Kat P26b-l10 Deputy chief of metal ceramic tube production; Kst M'L-400 Glassblower; chief Of glassworks; Kst EW3-124 Tebhnician in, the tube research division; Kat E2-l25 Technician in the large transmitter tube laboratory; Kst E21d-120 Chief of the metallurgical laboratory; Kst MLB-350 TechniOan in the getter laboratory; Kat GLB-350 Chief of the power supply labOratory; Kst E260-110 Expert for development and reconstruction management; Kat 027 Chief of 'tithe research section; Kst; RV-355 Machine construction; Kst 601 Chief of radio tubeproduction; Kst RFL-400 , Chief of photoelectric special tube laboratory; Kat E22b-130 Chief of tool construction; Kat WBL-580 Scientific office; Kat WS-I00 Chief of the CW transmitter laboratory; Kat E26b-110 Chief of the HF measuring equipment and oscillographic section and deputy chief of research; Kst E27-150 Branch chief of laboratory management and deputy technical directory; - Kat BLN-350 U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 (a) Rohde (b) Walter Rothenburg Paul Schadow Schiller Schoen Alfred Paul SchOenfelder Otto Thurley Wende Wiedemann Zander Zimmerman Albert Heinz Walter Hans SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY (c) Dr? Dr. - 9 - (e) Chief of detector section; Lst E29-135 50X1 -HUN Chief of tube production and deputy. thief of tube production chiefs; Kst VFL-400 Technician in transmitter tube laboratory Kst E21d-120 Technical director:4 Kst TD-050 Chief of the special tube construction sections; Kat 411 Foreman (Meister) in large transmitter tithe construction; Kst EW2-125 Chief of HI' engineering. III laboratory; Kst E27t-150 Chief engineer; Kst H4-860 Chief of the Woe construction section; Kst Group leader in equipment construction; Kst KBE-104 Glassblower; Kst EW3-124 50X1-HUM SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 50X1 -HUM *OAP ????? CLASSIFICATION 617V 1TRCL - U.6. t:F1ICI1 U11,7 1:TFCRI,ATI0N _REPORT NO.?J ..ierriany Soviet Supply Installations in Fuerstsnealde. Ketschendorf, Bad Saarow . IALLIATION _ UE OF CONTENT 1.1.E OBTAINED__ EFERENCES. - GFS 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) EMAR KS ...1...???????????????????? ??????????.... nATF PREPARED 21 September 1953 ????????????????Imella???????41.1. ? _50X1 -HUM 411??????????????? ????????11?1????????..S.11. 50X1 -HUM 1. In April and May 1953, a Soviet gun repair shop headed by Colonel.Koslov (fnu) was housed in the former cable plant, next to the Deka tire plant in Fueretenwalee. A large hard chrome plating installation arrived for the work shop in early April.' . 2. 50X1 -HUM an underground ammunition depot of the engineer equipment park in Ketschendorf, south of the Spree River, was located in a triangle north of the Spree River, formed by the Koenigsgestell, the drill grounds ane Berksnbruecker Chaussee. The ammunition depot is detached from the other part of the engineer park, the large area between Berkanbruecker Chaussee and the Spree Rieer.2 A total of about 500 men were employed at the depots of the engineer park. ?! supply depot, detached from the quarters of the soldiers by a high board fence, wes located on Lhe extension of Lindenstrasse, opposite the drill erounes. Three concreLe warehouses provided with a spur track were located on the other side of the Spree River. Erip4./ ammunition boxes, 60 x 60 x 120 em, were seen between earth bunkers in frent of the werehouses. The installation included three low temporary barracks buildings and, throe two-family houses, for the personnel and sheds for horsed, horse-drawn vehicles end motor vehicles. Four small houses for officer dependqnts were located outaide the deli:et. The installation was occulded by abou 300 men. 4. Straw and potatoes for the Soviet troops were stored in warehouses and grain elevators on the premises of the former starch factory at 91 and 92 Linden Strasee. 50X1 -HUM Ammunition was stored in some of the barracks buildings of the damaged barracks Installation at the Fliegerhorst, south of the Fuerstenwalde-Steinhoefel road. The centrel medical depot of the Red Army was housed in the former officers, quarters. The barracks installation on the north side of the Fuerstenwalde-Steinhoefel road were about 50 percent thmaged. Two halls and the buildint: of the former Deft- aufsicht (air observation) were occupied by the Soviets.4 6. The tank training site of u-:it "Garten Strasse" was located about 40e meters east of the old firing range of the Fliegerhorst opposite the railroad station of ? Neuenderf-iM-Sande, west of the road to Buchholz. The training area was: bounded by CLASSIFICATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7 S':3RET 2 Goelsdorfer Strasse and Buchholzer Straeee. 7. The former high school and prime mover workshop were still occupied by about 200 men in mid-May 1953. About 25 prime movers with a new coat of paint and about 18 prime movers presumably still to be overhauled veee parked in en open shed on the parking lot or the repair shop...5 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 0. In May 1953, the central signal aeuipment depot waslocated west of the railroad line betVeen Pioskow and Bad Saarow and was provided with e spur track from .the Pieskaw railroad station. The depot was operated by aoout 250 troops who wore billeted in Schloss Pieskow?near Scharmuetzel Lake. Signal equipment stored in the depot included Terge quantities of material for the construction of telephone lines) telephone sets and teletype sets.. No radio. sets have so far been observed.? 9. The air force sanatorium at Bad Saarow was housed in tvo hotels on See Straese, Kirch Strasse and Karl Marx ?Strasse. About 80 air force officers were eaen there in mid-May 1953. The sanatorium was operated by about 50 women and ren. 10. The quarters in the area of the former German eperrersetzabteilling of the Luft- waffe was strictly guarded and therefore difficult to approach. In :lid-hay, about 150 soldier; wearing red-bordered black epaealets were stationed there. The unit was supplied from the rionier Kaserne in Faerstenwaide. The two units were inter- connected by two direct telephone lines. A spur track led from the Bad Saarow railroad station to the Sperrersal,zabteilung. 7 11. A hospital for KVP was constructed east of Scharmuetzel Lake, west of 'he Bad Saarow-Pieskow railroad? line. Three buildings were completed and partly occupied in 'id-Nay 1953. Physicians named Eitner (fnu) and Bildeorand (fnu) and administratLv official Piper (fnu) were billeted in the administrative building of the hospital. 50X1-HUM 1. ,Comment.J reported for the first time. \Colonel Koulow (fnu) is 50X1-HUM Comaent . The depot is subordinate directly to the GOFU\ It is regula. ly supplied by the USSR. 7 Comment. A supply depot of .the 7th Gds Nees Div. SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500770006-7