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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002500700001-9 T 1,: OFI;; ? - in and aroE:rad Fa 4tEer..it, DATE CF CONTE DATE OBTAINED. R WFEZENCESa._.. PAGES _.___ENCLOSUt ES JZE I toi`'S _R. '50X1-HUM On 14 August 1953, the former billets of the VP Air Force in Berlin- Johann .stha:u were occupied by a new K VI, unit of about f?t) men and 20 to 5 offlcers,. The latter included two lieutenant colonels wearing black and/or red collar patches. aud. two maior8 -wearing r6ld and/or green collar pdtchesI 2., On 17 August '.953;, Herr`'Koenig, chief of. tine rdr:inistra.- tive c1ep rtnent of the R ilway :in stry, had only riven his consent to the50X1-HUM occuration of the i?anquet ha;.). at 311. Voss Strasse by 200 KVP, although the :VP had ,ninted several rooms in this tui1dingOn 3? tugust, the hall was still moccup .Ed, he billets were scheduled to :.e partitioned from the offices of the J'aiiwa r Ministry,, 50X1 HUM - 3 Fr w' 8 to 17 l,ugusty the KVP billets on Kupfergraben near u* ed to ca thu Friedrich Strasse station of t Ge city cit~fq ti, MPs wearin pink service color, 4. 2`:oto! r at the hVi' billets at Y+Ja erviehhof. included truck s Fro-,. 114 to 17 August -1953, the KVP tent camp in the 'southern section of the Schlossperk at Friedrichsfelde was occupied to capacity, About 50 large tents were seen there. ffotor vehicles observed at the installation included trucks sedan 0 ca.r`rying Soviets; and sedan cerrying Soviet officers, 50X1-HUM 6., On i8 August 195.3, I the KVP camp at Koenigsheide had been enlarged a1,out three fold, Since the whole area was closely guarded and trees obstructed the viewnno details were identified. About ten trucks were observed in the camp 'area,, 50X1-HUM CLASSIFICATION SRCRFT Shtemnier -1953 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002500700001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002500700001-9 SEC ' ?" T, of the VP wearing red service col.oro 50X1-HUM Or. 19 August 1953, the }MVP centonrient east of the Stadtpark at lies- dorf seeped to quarter a higher headquarters or a su}9'13 .po:.nt~ Heavy rotcr traffic was observed at the entrance to the instal3l.atiofl otor vehicles identified included s . ~?;it! s. four osf .cer ;50X1-HUM wearing red service col r with 20 r::en wearing red service color-, trucks whicl_ were driven by soldiers :wearing blue uniforms; and seen with one Soviet officer wearing red-t ordered birch eraulets and four of: icers z On the s .nme ;lay, there was no change in the status of the KITE camp in the Sc osspar k, a. Friedirich sfeldc" The about 300 tents quartered shout 3'000 infantrymen, At least 50 trucks were parked in the southern portion of the park., Motor vehicle Didenti.f'ied50X1-HUM included sedan which was driver. bT- a soldier wearing green service color, and, trucks the latter of which carried Soviet soldiers wearing black-bordered red epaulets_ 50X1-HUM 9, in the afternoon o' 25 August 1953, the 1'a. gerviehhof was heavily ?;" rd50X1-HUM 'oy KVPs, Each of the four watchtowers was occupied by two "Men armed with sutm~achirie gins. luring the tire of observations, deep in which four officers ,?.ere ridings and three trucks; each of w"~ is carried about 20' men, entered the cenapo The trucks had side boards On the sane day, 50X1-HUM- 50X1-HUM heav=y motor traffic involving Soviet and VP rotor vehicles on Stalin Al ee near ' L' htenl?.ber railroad station. The VP rotor vehicles included trucks wh.ieh travelled in the direction o e ri pram a ris a .en 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM l1; On 19 August 2053, the previous VP camps in the area of the r.;rivate garden allotment s, e.'ou 150 meters west of the city-rails-7-y underpass, on fleldekarr:psweg and on Kief?hclz Strasse, about 100 meters50X1-HUM northwest of Darlmyeg, had teal torn clown and vacated, while the. outguand on K1.enolz Stra.sse, about 100 meters northwest of 1-uder Strasse, had been enlarged and included ten 10-rnan tents and one medical tento 50X1-HUM l2., On 25 August 1953 a ',out :300 tents and 2?500 per 50X1-HUM sonnet at the carp in the Schlosspark F riedrichsfelde 0 rotor vehicle parked at the entrance south of the Pichel2i f settlement included truck vehicle proceed in from the camp toward Pie sdorf in- cluded carrier Las az so seen, . b tor ve tleJ es proce . rg from the dir&ctior; 500 men ?any KVPs were seen entering and leaving the camp. Truck was identified at the installation,,. 5 In the evening hours of 25 `ugust 2.9539 the personnel stationed at the cantonment east of the i esdorf Stadtrark a-c 1F,O00 to 1.>.~. On 27 August 1053, the :MVP outguard which had been 50X1-HUM previously observed on }:e . e_>ampsweg near 'M~ ohlgeruuth Strasser, had been vacated. On 18 August 1953,. this V ,_~ was r .nned Icy about 50 men0 who wore red service color, had allegedly Leen assembled frog various camps on the sector border and wore schodr5led to be discharged by late August. 0X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002500700001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002500700001-9 *11 50X1-HUM l5,, Fr on 18 to 27 fugust l953________________ y the Alexaudrins n 50X1-HUM Kaserne was occupied by about .600 men, including KVI s wearing red service color and the golden letter K on their epau-50X1-HUM lets, general Volkspolizel and a traffic control unit. The troops were sem receiving individual trainin . Voter vehicle nl-g erved at the installation included vehicle .observed at the installation included vehicle tered about 350 KVPs, who wore red service color l.otor vehicles During the tine of observatIonfl the Friedrich earl Kaserne quarr50X1-HUM From 24 to 27 August 1953,I the Schlosspark at M3iedrichsfelde was occupied by about 2,000, KVPs wearing red ser- vice color, The men were seen receiving training at sauad love Vnfnr vinbir-1pq included vehicle Ljzn~nentm See previous reports on the con itrent of KVP a i' .s in 1 st Perlin,, It appears that there was no r-hanize in the strength Ferlin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/03: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002500700001-9