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25X1 ~~ approved or elea's'e 2A4 '~,17 :?C:IA-REPRO-OOR1(lAn02400700004-3 CL.ASSIFICAIION....a Fist Germany COUNTRY KVP Post Spremberg 25X1 EVALUATION 25X1 DATE OF CONTENT REFERENCES- - REMARKS '" "?"' 25X1 1. Between 2?3 July and 3.0 August 1953, the KVP unit stationed in the .Panzer- Jaeger Kaserne in Spremberg was engaged in basic training activity and received instructions. Vehicular traffic at the installation included: Jeep about 250 officers and EM f the KVP in Spremberg . 3. On 31 July there was imiusually intensive traffic at the registration office in Spremberg0 Several KTP soldiers with blue service color brought young men between 17 and 19 years of age from the barracks instal ation to.the office, Some of the civilians were not accompanied by soldiers0 were said to nave en discharged o M,a j or Brandin (fnu), . commanding officer of the tank battalion, Major Petschke (fnu) and Captain Winter (fnu) were mentioned in this connection. The KVP units were alerted on 1 Auguste Patrols of 2 to 3 soldiers with rifles and headed by an officer ordered all soldiers in town to return CLASSIFICATION SECS', Approved For Release 2006/10/17: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002400700004-3 Approved For Release 2006/10/17: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002400700004-3 SECRET, .to the barracks installation. Soviet patrols of 1 officer and 2 men each with submachine gun and red arm bands wwre also seen in the afternoon. The reason for the alert was not known. 25X1 IL ... L[gor ent. The tank training of the TV "is stationed in Spremberg. 25X1 The discharge of Major Brandis (fnu), the former commanding officer., may be in connection with the fact that he refused to carry out orders between 17 and 19 June 1953 As 25X1 the strength of the regiment in m une 1.953 can be. carried a ut 1,500 r.-en, the number of 250 dischargees corresponds to the.quota of 15 to 20 percent previously mentioned. oment. The civilians are believed to have been dischargees 361 -jGommentjj The reason for the alert did not became known. It shove howeverp that there is still the fear of now disturbances. SECRET, Approved For Release 2006/10/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002400700004-3