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Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A00230050AM :::;LASSIRCATI "'1"..)C1tEL 4ien3r ,, t.a.di Ai r ? d _,J-LACE OBTA N ED? CF CONTENT_ t? 25 jlals 1'15:4 aree)U,...,Ni01 25 (.7)BTAIN ED I I.. . DATE PREPARED.....:._ 25X1A _ 25X1 cNe !LSD R (:C. TYPE) One eice Len 012 dits;C' 25X1A L AUGUST 1(451 _25X1,A1 25X1 25X1 khe following aircraft !Jere 25X1 observed at Wiener Heystadt airfield; 49 MiG-:.L5s, including 32 north of the eastern AA eun emplacement along?Badener Arasse, 3 southeast of the ea& earn ,1A gun empiacement, 4 east or the north-eastern corner of the weeds, 4 eaet of the depres3ion, 5 in the depeession and 1 near the flight . e control statI or ; 1:: Pe-2s n.lar the -assumed fuel dump, east of the mountain spe lap water elepP1:i, fhd 4 singlt-engine planes with radial engileee 1 Up Lo r::30 aem? there was ligat fog and a 10/10 evercast. After 10 a,m., the eeateer clearec ap, the devee of cloudiness changed between 4/10 nnd 7/10, the ceiling wae betlreen 1,020 and-].200 meter e, and visibility wts limited to euout '1 km. The uouneains in the vicinity nostly were covered with fog or cLeuds- The folJ eueng mcf,or vehicles were parked between the iG-15s alc!cBadener itraeee and tie 3 MiG-15s southeast of the aforementioned el a ee 01 20 tanl. truf,ks- 3 Moskovich-type van-like trucks 25 true ke J vell-Pike trucks, Lembulaace, 1 track-layirm vehicle, and 3 rollers. Zou r 1 of these motc.: icis were 3 radio trucks with rod antenrae and a bus trailer painter in a bl lek and white checker board pattern, k,orthwest et' caese vehicles wire anotaer radio truck with a rod antanna ane a van- -)J kl truck with tIe same black and white pateern. From the arrangement of cne ve al clee, inf arred that a large ;cale exercise was probably tie1c at the fic1 1entries armed with submachine guns were postFd at poi ets along ti e reed erouni the field and at the field which was previously eneucupied, AL noor office es with blue service colors and women had lunch a t able a cove-rad eeth white tablecloths. 2. The CoUo',7in 1r b,:tivity :as observed At the field on 18 June 40.:e) Air a cti eity stated by MiG-2 5s individually tuck off t eruls oi -50 ,o 90 se 3onds. Twelve CO 15 planes were employed cireled the t eeid once or twice0 After the take-off, the planes Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 SECRET/ - 2 - turned to the east and north just south of Wiener Neustadt-Bad Fischau road and came in for landing between radio installations No 17 and 18, flying in a southwesterly direction, It appeared that individual planes were unable to come intOelerei suchnarrou curves and therefore, the planes climbed again to circle another time. All aircraft used brakes and split flaps. They retracted their landing gears after the'take-off over the field and extended them before the larding just north of radio installation No 17. After the landing of the last AiG-15, air activity was discontinued for about 15 minutes and then resumed in the described : -H manner. 11:30 qua,. Two MiG-15s took off at an interval of about two wing spans and a distance of about two aircraft lengths, heading southwest. After a short time, the planes approached the field from the southwest at an altitude of about 1,000 meters and, at an angle of about 15 degrees? dived don to about 100 meters above the aircraft parked along Dadener Strasse. Subsequently, 1 they climbed again and repeated the dive. The two ,lanes landed individually at about noon. Air activity was then discontinued. About 2:20 popn Two 11,48s or Idi1-28s approacnee lor eanaing, coleele, eheee the east. 25X1A 25X1 Of the seven searchlights of the northern row of lights, four were dismantled before air activity started, The AA gun emplacements in the southern and eastern sections of the field apparently were not occupied by AA guns, but individual soldiers were observed there. Two trucks and a two-wheel trailer were narked at the eastern garage installatieei INC) changes were observed in the ground radio installations or in the southern row of searchlightso At 10 a. m., two railroad tank cars were towed by a steam locomotive from the raileoad stop at the pyrotechnic plant to the assumed fuel dump northeast of the pyrotechnic plant. The houses north of the pyrotechnic plant were apparently exclusively occupied by Austrian civilians. 'not determine whethee the - long-wire antenna observed there was operated by Seviots or Austrians. 4. The following observations were made at Wiener Neuetadt military eost: Vehicular traffic observed there apparently was somewhat more intensive than on the preceding days of observation. Th. Artillerie Kaserne wau eearded.and frequented by soldiers wearine black-bordered blue eoau1stsJ The following radio installations were observed in the area of the installation a. A vanelike truck with a rod antenna parked in a shed, with a second rod antenna on the roof of the shed; b. A rod antenna on the roof of the western barracks installation; co A rod antenna on the roof of the southern section of the middle barracks Wilding; SE CHF, Ti Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 25X1, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1X Approted For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 SECPS2, ?3 el, Antenna mast with small cone-shapeC antenna under a disk en the . center of the roof of the middle Imaracks building. The installation resembled the installation in the garden near the school in Deutsch Wagram (P 49/S 50). 4 5. The former officer candidate school in Bad Fischau was guarded by sentries wearing black-bordered blue epaulets and frequented by officers and EM with blue service color or black-bordered blue epaulets awl individual personnel with red-bordered black epaulets. 25X1A 60 On 17 and 18 and 25 Jure, a Li-2 plane was parked in front of the hangar in Theresienfeld. On 17 Jane, the tail of a M1G-15 and the power plant of another MiG-15 were observed at the gate of the hangar. On 18 June, 14 gray crates, each about 2.5 x 1.5 x 2 meters were stored in front of the hangar. On 25 June, two I1-28spin front of the hangar, one of them pro- bably a U-1L-28, with &isassembled rudder assemblies. The engine of one 11-28 was running at a low speed. Later, the two planes were covered with tarpaulins, 7. Between noon and 1 p.m. on 20 June, a twin-jet plane with glassed cabin was towed by a caterpillar tractor on a field path from Wiener Neustadt airfield to the Theresienfeld repair hangar across the Suedbahn track over which planks were laid. The field path was blocked19 numerous sentries. The towed plane had no number on its rudder assembly. 25X1B 8. 25X1X go Between 11 a.m. and noon on 27 June, the airfield was occupied by about 43 MiG-15s, including 24 parked near the flight control station, 9 along Badener Strasse, 10 to 12 in the depression near the pyrotechnic plant, 12 Pe-20 northeast of the pyrotechnic plant, 1 biplane near the flight control station, and 1 single-engine plane with a radial engine at Badener Strasae. There was a 5/10 overcast, a northeasterly wind of 10 to 15 km/h, visibility of about 8 km, and ceiling at about 2,000 meters, About noco4, a biplane landed at the field and taxied to the flight control station. SECRET/ Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A0023005000074 :41:',GRET/ ?- - 10, The eastern AA gun emplacement was not occupied by AA guns or gaarded. The long-wire antenna and one temporary building were dismantled, Two :1-28t with disassembled rudder assemblies were observed in front of the hangar in. Therosienfeld and 2_141G-1" er which maintenance work was being done were parked in the hangar. F0117' grey agates, eaeh about 1,'J x 1.5 x 2 meters, were stored near one 11,-28 plane. Signal- troops with black-bordered blue epaulets worked on the overhead telephone lines along Theresienfeld- Oellenau (0 48/X 34) read, 11. Between. 8 a.m. and 3 pm, on 29 June, the following aircraft were obeerved at the airfield2 43 MiG-158, including 24 near the flight control station, .),2 in the depression near the pyrotechnic plant 6 went of Badener Strasse and 1 about 100 meters southeast of the aircraft group along Dadener Strasse; 12 Pes2s northeast of the pyrotechnic plant; 2 biplanes near the flight control ;station; and 1 single-engine plane with radial. engine near the NiG45 which was 100 meters southeast of Badener Strasse, There was a 3/10 overcast at an altitude of about 3,000 meters a northeasterly wind. of about 8 km/h and visibility of 15 km, No air activity was observed? Near the 141G-158 along Badener Strasse were 7 trucks and 3 tank trucks, the drivers of which and 8 other men were sjeting around. Next to these vehicles was a tank-shaped container, 2 x 1 x 05 meters, which was On blocks about 3 meters high, 12. The eastern AA gun emplacement was not occupied. The southern AA gun emplace- ment was provided with a long-wire antenna, as was previously -observed at the eastern Al gun emplacement, from where the wire still extended .to the Artillerie Kaserne. The flight control station was guarded by sentries wearing -black-bordered blue epaulets. In the area of the flight- control station were two masts between which a sleeve target was strung. The eastern garages were - occupied by 5 trucks, 1- Moskovich-type van-like truck and 2 trucks with mounted searchliehtsj 44 25X1A 13, The Artillerie Keeerne at Wiener Neustadt military post was guarded by - sentries wearing black-bordered blue epaulets The radio installations w 25X1A 25X1A 2. unchanged,/ The Nachrichten Kaserne was guarded by soldiers wearing black-bordered .blue epaulets, Three trucks, 2 van-like trucks and 1 tank truck were parked in the _bvracks yard, Comment,, Wiener Neustadt airfield is occupied by a Soviet fighter division -headquarters and two fighter regimentsL Lgsgmentt It is unknown whether the activity observed on 17 and 18 June is connected with the disturbances in East Germany or whether an exercise was actually held, =REV( Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/02/13 CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 =ROT, 25X1A 4I IComsent, For sketch of rev, antenna shape. see Annex, The type , and purpose of the antenna are knowno eoqment, Bad Fischau is occupied by a motor vehicle driving sellool and a portion of tho 734th Signal Bn of the Fifty-Ninth Air Army. _Comment The reports indicate that an aircraft repair sh)p for jet planes is located at Theresienfeld airfield. SECRET_ Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4 SECRET/ Annex to 25X1A New Antenna Observed at Wiener Neusadt Popt ? Side View 1?. a60r a 0 Top View: circular(Q) d%sk Top View va< 60411,11 41, Ooli AgERO For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300500007-4