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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1953
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ee' Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300390g44) CLASSIFICATION SECURITY INFMMATION Eaet, :;ermany . CUIWRY REPORT NO. Military Information from Scheerin 25X1A TOPIC see below OBTAINED_ 25X1A DATE OF CONTENT DATEOBTAINED REFERENCES____- PAGES ENCLOSURES REMARKS_.. SOURCE 25X1X 25X1B 25X1X 25X1X 25X1X ? 25X1A 18 August 3_95:3 DATE PREPARED____ (No. & TYPE.)__ 25X1X 1. On 26 July 1953, the Moltke 1Caserne, Schwerin* was occupied about 65 percent by about 600 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with.tank and artillery insignia. On 21 July, an undetermined number of - troops engaged in service of the piece drill on four SP guns in the barracks yard and in maintenance work on four T-34/85 tanks in front. of the garages. At about 8430 p.m. on 24 July, tour SP guns entered the inetallation* coming from the direction of Buchholz. Between 19 and 26 July* motor vehicles seen en route to and from the installation 25X1 B 2. On 26 July, the Krueger Kaserne was occupied by about 150 to 200 troops, On 23 July, about, 80 troops engaged in record-firing with carbines at the -25X1X firing range near the installation, not observe any -motor ,vahicles . during the period under review6 the belief .hat, on 31 July* all barracks installations in Schwerin were occupied to caeacity. Ninety percent of their windows were lighted after nightfall. On 30 July, 13 T-34/85 tanks were seen in the Moltke Kaserne; fled troops, who practiced aiming on 4 heavy AA guns and 3 x 37-mm AA guns, were seen in the Adolf Hitler Kaserne. ilDn 23 July, all barracks installations in Schwerin were occupied to capacity. Ninety percent of their windows were -lighted after nightfall. At about 4:15 p.m. on. 19 July, a train of 7 boxcars and 36 flatcars, carrying 25 trucks, 11 pontoons and 1 motorboat, was seen 25X1 in Schwerin, proceeding toward Ludwigslust. 2 At about 4;30 p.m.. on 19 five trucks occupied by 75 troops wearing black-bordered crimson_epaulets 25X1X 3 on 19 July,1 major elements of troops wearing black- ? bordered crimson, red-borderd black and black-bordered black epaulets and .2 equipped with tanks and AA. guns assembled in the wooded area around Hagenowe .!'',e'eee?-ee.rereeefeSECHEI.- Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300390010-3 Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300390010-3 acRET, 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 2. I inwlerr6 About 19 July, exercices of urits of theIX Ytz rifle Corps possibly were held in the Hagenow area-, They prestaably involved elements of the unidentified engineer battalion of the corps which probe,bly had stayed at the Posto 3ECRET/ Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002300390010-3