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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 20, 2005
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
September 25, 1953
Content Type: 
PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A002200290008-8.pdf87.31 KB
j%CE .COUIRED ATE OF CFO. SI'X'1P7Y n7C?Y.r21ION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT 4 !FOR ATION REPORT CD NO.. Approved For Release 2006/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002200290008-8 CLASSIFICATION SERrr/COITROL - U.S. OFFICIALS OILY East Gern Rail Freight Traffic via Guben 25X1 DATE DISTR 25 3t,,tember :1953 NO OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS . ILISTED SELJW? SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Wl'- DOCUMENT CONTAINS !NFORSAYlON ATFRCTING 711E NATION ILL OFFINSE .?' RE UNITED 4TATRi. WITHIN TN& MRALIKO OP TITLE 10, SECTIOEIL 790 'lET 784. OF THU 0. IL CODS. AS A61IRDED_ ITS TRANSSIS5IO4 OR REVEL ahipmenta pas.ied through Guben, 25X1 22 through Z7 July 1953: Gondola car B - r)xc&r the following rail freight in the directions indicated, from Date in Numbsr w Westbound Shi->>inents 23 48 1; 46 G hard coal It Katowice F uer=3 tenberg 27 3 grain empty ispodin 1 3 machinery Brest Litovsk G u 2 }3 sheep wool .3 I :L '3 fs copper nails toile soap cotton .1 . L D graphite anthracite 32 (< pig iron t I s emp y 13 copper sheep wool 3 machinery W.I.umIrum c,ttor. .v Ca_.SSI'-HCATION ST': te" rnnrmnl. it S O?FIr3Af a t1T1.T STATE $ (jh il' NS 1Et _4 UI IBUTIU~ ~? Approved For Release 2006/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002200290008-8 Approved For Release 2006/01/12 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002200290008-8 SECRET/CONTROL U eau' OYFICTAT.S ONLY I 1.0 G pig iron 1 0 ore Katoirice Fuersten1* r 24 B gain Tai., odin Cuban 28 B empty 1F6 G hard coal Katowice Fuerauenht rg 36 B grain 2aPr3dixt Guben 4 B empty 26 43 B T B grain empty 45 G hard coal Katowice Fuersteraht rig istboundS4 manta n 23 50 B empty Guben Kowel xi, G Et tt Ktato;,riCe 32G tt td tt 24 80 G It N K 5 50 B If Kowel 57 0 tt tP K$t t7cri, ~